Mariana-jm on-line sex chats for YOU!

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26 thoughts on “Mariana-jm on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. You want the baby. That’s clear. Don’t let him take it away from you because of his selfishness.

    You’ll find a way to raise it. Forget about the guy. The baby needs you. You’ll be happy to have it by your side.

  2. They were sending each other “I miss you”s,” sweet dreams”, and kissing/hugging emoji and stickers. I remember that there was this one depicting two bears in a bed cuddling and kissing. I remember there was also this day that my husband didn't text me at all and I got upset. He apologized and told me he was really busy this particular day. When I was scrolling through their text messages, I saw that on this particular day he didn't text me at all, he was texting her from morning to night.

  3. u/TchaikoskysTwin, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  4. Please tell me you watched it, what an insane match it was, probably one of the greatest matches in football history.

  5. u/Dianasurrealove, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  6. Are you sure you’re both 28 and 29? This sounds like something teens would argue about, not people almost in their 30s.

    And you’re both at fault.

  7. Anxiety is 100% a mental health issue. She's also heavily medicated for it? Throw in the fact that she's not dating anyone and is currently at home upset, I honestly think her anxiety pushed her to end things.

    Why end things when they're good? Anxiety makes you think it'll all go wrong and to cut ties now before you're in too deep. She probably has abandonment issues, and although she truly enjoyed herself with you, I can guarantee her anxiety spiked during those moments and fear filled her heart that you were 1) too good to be true, 2) going to leave her at some point, and that 3) it wasn't going to work out.

    Coming from someone who had to fight her anxiety REALLY VERY HOT when I first started dating my bf, there were many days I had thoughts that were utter self sabotage to my relationship. The only reason they didn't win out was because I kept telling myself that I was overreacting and it was my abandonment issues driving. So much self-talk got me through ?.

    So honestly? I'd try to reach out with a letter. Something not too invasive. However you choose to write it let her know you care, you hope she'll reconsider, but you'll give her space if she needs it. She has to be the one to come back without feeling forced to. If she doesn't, well, that's just unfortunate. Not just because you lose out on someone you really care about, but because I know that she must know how much she's messing/messed up, but her anxiety won't let her fix it.

  8. You both have issues beyond what redditt can help with. Seriously. Why even play his mind fuck games? Do you want to go crazy and end up in a psych ward?look up Sam vankin on YouTube. You will thank me later.

  9. I wouldn't bother. Your private life isn't anyone's concern unless you two are in each other's chain of command in any way.

  10. I just don't understand how this woman is lazy. You say that she doesn't have a lot of time because of things she needs to do because of your ADHD. Newsflash dude, I know you have trauma and diagnoses and maybe she doesn't (sure sounds like she does to put up with this) but she's still a person.

    Yep, I think you are right about not getting unconditional love from your parents and that having a huge impact on you. I think dealing with some thoughts like these is actually normal, given your circumstances. It also seems like this woman loves you unconditionally, and that in itself can be unattractive, because that is what parents are supposed to do. But I dunno, man. If you feel like you're settling, that's not fair to her. It's also probably good to do some perspective taking, because this is an abnormal situation and you are expecting normalcy from her. But if these thoughts are twice a year or so, maybe try to figure out what is causing them to happen. I also just need to be very clear on this one, yes smoking every day to that degree is fucking this up and I'm sure you need ADHD treated or whatever, but neither of those things are causing your problem behaviors. That's your childhood trauma. You could have perfectly managed ADHD and no weed or like just a little at night or something and your attitude is going to be the same because neither address your childhood wounds. If you can't heal those wounds in therapy, then I'd highly suggest therapy that's more in line with behavioral intervention than talking things out, so you at least treat her better. Hope this helps.

  11. Don't let her manipulate you. She may stage larger and larger crises, even claim to have been SA'd, may say she's wanting to self harm – if she does that call the police to have them check on her.

    This is why NC is so important. Any contact at all will be used to manipulate you.

    You'll look back and be so glad you dodged this situation! So so glad!

  12. You're just going to completely ignore all the instances where she crosses boundaries huh?

  13. You're just going to completely ignore all the instances where she crosses boundaries huh?

  14. Let me tell you something I wish I knew when I was your age:

    Your boyfriend's friends are who he really is. These are the people he has chosen to associate with. They have things in common and enjoy each other's company.

    The reality is he agrees with his friend. He's treating you as an exception, “one of the good ones.”

    Walk away.

  15. I have a spouse who is a tenured faculty member as well, and oh my god. We have degrees from the same institution, but I left academia. He thinks he has the recipe to mold the perfect kind and build the perfect application for colleges. Joke’s on him because who knows what the college landscape is even going to look like in over a decade.

    This is one of the biggest sticking points in my marriage. If you decide you’re ok with this (which I DO NOT encourage), you need to negotiate big now so you “fully control” things you thing are important like medical care.

  16. Nah, divorce is pretty much the only option for a cheater, which is by far the most likely explanation here.

    Pretending that she took the lingerie to secretly plan & pay for a fancy boudoir shoot for her husband’s eyes only is next level gaslighting.

    Occam’s razor wins this one.

  17. The only thing I can think of is maybe she’s doing a sexy photo shoot for you for some special occasion?

  18. No breaks. End this. He is a terrible boyfriend and completely untrustworthy.

    You are wasting your time on someone who is far too immature to be in any sort of relationship.

  19. It sounds more like you have a problem that he’s a boy, and that’s your own insecurity to deal with. Just remember, she isn’t hiding this from you. She is being transparent and open here, not deceptive


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