MARIANA69 on-line sex chats for YOU!

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40 thoughts on “MARIANA69 on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. and we’ve even been considering having another kid.

    This is what’s up. She’s really feeling the difference between planning a pregnancy with you as a partner, and doing it in secret, and the guilt sounds like it was overwhelming. I think you can trust her in general, but, couples therapy to rebuild that trust bond and probably individual therapy for your wife, because it reads like she did it (and told you) out of fear of you leaving her.

  2. Being kind to a child who had absolutely no say about the situation she finds herself in is 100% the right thing to do. The poor little kid is living through a lot of disruption already, excluding her from the fun of Christmas gifts because of her parent's choices would be awful. Please trust your instincts and ignore the people who are telling you to do this.

  3. 70's… then your comment was disrespectful and you already knew that. My guess it isn't the first such comment made by you at which she has taken offense… She felt disrespected, by the one person she thought would never do that. Evaluate if you want to remain in the relationship. If she won't answer your calls, you're truly repentant, at least write her and apologize.

    You leave the ball in her court. No response? Move on.

  4. There will be a man that thinks you’re the most beautiful person on the planet. The way he speaks and his friendship with his ex doesn’t make for a meaningful relationship. I’d just leave lmaooo even if it is for a “trivial” reason.

  5. Tell her to try this. Walk away when she's uncomfortable and call you to sort it out so she can come back. There you go. I do it sometimes. Also, the answer to the question “isn't that a bit rude?” Is less than her shouting at you

  6. I masturbated the way she does way before I knew what sex or masturbation were. I really thought it was just some random feeling in my body nobody else experienced. I didn’t connect what I was doing with anything sexual until sex ed when I was 12. And I wasn’t raised religious at all! My mother has always talked very openly about sexual topics (after I reached an appropriate age). So I think it’s believable that she really didn’t know this is considered masturbation especially if she has grown up in an environment where nobody talks about this stuff openly.

    She now probably feels ashamed that she has done something she shouldn’t (from her religious perspective) and needs time to process this. I guess this was quite a shock for her.

    You’re basically right but I think you pushed it too much. This probably hurt her a lot. If the topic comes up again reassure her that’s it totally fine she’s been doing this her entire life and doesn’t need to feel ashamed about it. But don’t pressure her to admit she’s actually masturbating or something like that.

  7. Have you used your words? Say something like “while I appreciate you doing things for me, I don't want you to do things for me 100% of the time, and I sometimes want to be the person taking care of you.” See how he responds. If after asking him to do this and he isn't able to adjust, that just may be who he is. And then you'll have to decide if that's okay with you.

  8. most of it is him coming up to me and talking to me in person. blocking him doesnt prevent that. but I will definitely say something like that. thanks

  9. Your father is toxic. I know it's naked to let people you care about go, but this one might just have to go that way.

    I have had similar issues with my mother. I've been NC with her more often than I'm in contact with her. You cannot change your father and the sooner you come to that realization, the sooner you can move on. You can hope he gets better, but always prepare for the worst from toxic people. Leave it open, but if he keeps hurting you, let him go.

    Your friend is amazing. Cherish her forever.

  10. Just look at it this way, it's a good thing that your soon to be ex wife had shown you her true colours before you guys had any children. All the best to you OP.

  11. You basically told this good man that he was unwanted at this point. Good job OP! Lost someone who would probably treat you better than any of the random hookups you were looking for on a 3 day business trip. Women ☕

  12. Why don't you just… communicate with her?? Be reassure her, of course, but let her know that changes have to be made. That you still love her just as much, but you need your “you time”. Half of the less serious disputes on this sub would be solved if people were more willing to communicate honestly.

  13. Staying home and cooking for him because he worked naked in grad school? I'll have to tell my gf she's got to go out more and isn't allowed to cook then

  14. What exactly are you going to say that will make your friend feel better?


    You want to speak with him because it may help you deal with your horrible actions.

    In the end, this is still about your own feelings.

    This cannot be fixed.

    If you really care about him (which I doubt), leave him alone.

  15. He told me he was going to go to the store (couple miles away) but decided half way there the walk wasn't worth it and turned back. The going out was the first very weird out of character thing he did and it didn't set me off, until I realized he groomed and put on nice clothing, also very out of character, to supposedly walk 3 miles one way to a store he hates shopping at.

    There is no way he was going to a job interview, that would have required days of preparation and a brand new outfit.

    It doesn't matter because sometimes life sucks and people cheat. If he's cheating, then our relationship is over, and that will hurt and be crappy, but it happens. I just want to stop feeling like a paranoid crazy person. If I can't calm myself down and talk to him then I will burn down our relationship whether he's cheating or not.

  16. As you are starting to be truthful to yourself about what you want from life you should be as truthful with your boyfriend. Good luck

  17. They have too much time on their hands can you assign them more work?

    Have you/they forgotten that you are their boss? Why would you tell that dumb ass he made you uncomfortable? That’s what he’s shooting for. You’ve some how managed to come off as the person with no power.

    What is your company policy on sexual harassment? You need to meet individually (with HR in the room too) with the idiots that keep asking you out. But you need to talk to HR first. Tell HR you want to remind these idiots of what the policy is and that whatever it is you will not entertain any fraternization between you and a subordinate.

    Then there should be an email to all staff saying the same thing.

    And you need to start being a stern asshole. Enforcing all rules, timelines, and procedures. You can still be a good boss buying coffee, donuts, etc. and making sure the “good” assignments are fairly distributed for all staff, but yeah shoot for stern asshole.

  18. Adding someone to a deed seems like what happens on paper, in reality you are transferring a portion of your ownership. Not really the wisest decision if you aren't receiving something for the property you are giving away

  19. So there's like 4 out of context texts about driving kids to school.

    And a couple unsent messages in a row, without any reaction from her.

    Doesn't seem fishy to me

  20. I hate people who don’t care about being late, but if your dude didn’t understand that you had not slept in 24 hrs and pushed for you to go out and wanted you to drive, fuck him.

  21. OP

    she wants to on-line with him

    Don’t you understand !

    Respect yourself OP and move on. You will find a partner that share the same values as you

  22. There definitely are girls out there that are into it, personally speaking if you're willing you can always find someone who will like you for who you are and not for what they want to make out of you.

    But starting relationships is so difficult, I understand why we tend to accept the very first we can come across.

  23. 1) admitting to planning visa/green card fraud is illegal and generally not a good thing to just straight up say like that

    2) pretending you're pregnant is a sure fire way for your mom to look at you and say well you aren't mature enough to be an adult

    Your idea is terrible, you aren't a teenager so don't act like one.

  24. Maybe it would be easier for him to discuss issues over text rather than in person, maybe he needs to go be alone and breathe for 10 minutes and then come back, etc.

    I've suggested things like this to him but it's only been met with “no, everything's fine.” So I hit the wall there.

    I doubt this is going to go well, but you need to tell him that. That if he can't have real discussions with you, this or any relationship will not be able to work.

    Yeah, I think you're completely right. I need to sit down and be really blunt about this not working if he doesn't have a desire to fix this. I've asked him that before but he doesn't see a problem with it at the moment, so maybe if I approach it from “this is a serious problem for me” then it'll give a chance for him to try or not.

    (Question: Does he bring up issues that he has with you, or any “less-than-small-talk” about his feelings?)

    No ? as far as I can tell, he's just happy as a clam with the way things are. He's never brought up an issue to me and just doesn't talk about feelings unless directly asked about it.


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