Martinna-28 live sex chats for YOU!

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9 thoughts on “Martinna-28 live sex chats for YOU!

  1. i feel like the people downvoting this haven’t actually been in a situation where their life is in actual danger and/or haven’t taken a women’s self defence class to realise what a joke they actually are. i’ve been trained in some form of self defence or another since i was little but at the end of the day i’m still 5’3 and 100 lbs so the bottom line of everything i’ve learned was always that if i was ever in danger it’s kill or be killed. that said, concealed carry permits aren’t exactly easy to come by in most places especially major cities (my own included) so i carry a street legal knife, and if it hadn’t been for my useful but admittedly very abnormal upbringing, i likely wouldn’t have the confidence or composure to use it in a dangerous situation.

    someone who cries themself to sleep over day to day street harassment might also not be the most calm and composed shooter to ever exist so might be a good idea for OP’s gf to get one of those cute little keychains shaped like a cat with really pointy ears and big eyes for finger holes so that she can at least she can at least feel protected walking around, and if worst comes to worst she can get stabby.

  2. If you have the opportunity to move to a completely new environment, take that chance and don’t look back. When I was 19 I moved to the UK, not knowing anyone. I got a work visa and wanted to escape my shitty hometown. It’s absolutely terrifying and I’m typically a really shy person but putting yourself in that situation means you have to meet others.

    You’ll meet people there just like you did where you live now. Going out, getting a job, meeting people on-line, it’s just in another environment.

    Once you make yourself take that step you’ll look back on how much you’ve grown as a person even if you struggle through parts of it and it’s honestly so worth the initial fear.

  3. You are asking if you have the right to be angry. You should be asking yourself why you allow him to control and verbally and emotionally abuse you and put your daughter in danger. You both have a duty to protect her. A fever that high over multiple days is very dangerous at her age; he seems not to care. The question is: will you prioritize your daughter's health and safety over your need to keep the peace and while allowing him to gaslight and manipulate you?

    It is obvious your MIL doesn't care about the health of your infant. I certainly wouldn't allow her to watch her. I would rethink this relationship.

  4. Off to the gyn with you.

    There’s no reason anyone should be suffering from PMS these days. There’s a lot they can do to help.

  5. I thought maybe they could be just friends until he told you that he's not attracted to any of them. An 18 yo male is attracted to Jell-O molds.


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