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16 thoughts on “Mia-joones live sex cams for YOU!

  1. If you still want to do something nice for him despite his lack of effort, then keep it fairly simple. Give him a card, write something nice about how much he means to you, and include a “coupon” for something special, like a special night out (or in). The most meaningful gifts are not always the most expensive. You will also be modeling for him how you would like to be treated. Hopefully, he wakes up and gets the hint before he spoils the relationship with his thoughtlessness.

  2. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My daughter has always felt self-conscious about me being perceived as a beautiful woman by society. As a child she was the warmest most kindest child and she was my whole world. Her resentment of me started when she got older, and people’s cruel comments made things worse. I could only shield her from some of it but I couldn’t protect her from the world. I hoped that our love for her would be enough, it backfired because now she was accusing me of pitying her.

    Her late teens were especially brutal. My baby was hurting and I felt helpless. We tried everything like therapy, changing scenery etc but nothing got better. I’ve always loved fashion and looking nice but I stopped wearing makeup or beautiful clothes because I hated seeing her being devastated every time I got compliments.

    Before moving to another city for college she told me that she hated me. She thought I was a disgusting gold digger who married an ugly man for his money, not thinking how her children would turn out to be. I met my husband when I was 18 and he was 35 at a bar. I never saw him as ugly. He swept me off my feet with his sense of humor and kindness and his beautiful eyes. He is the most handsome man I know and I still light up whenever I see his face. He is very a rich yes and I loved that too, life is so much easier if you’re happy and you have the means to make the rest easy.

    Her words hurt me. I know that people say this about us but I never cared because nobody knew us and the love we have for each other but she did. She grew up seeing her parents being each others worlds. It broke my heart that she thought so little of us.

    College was a better period in my daughter’s life. It is sad that it was because I was out of the picture. She didn’t have to live! “in my shadow” as people who noticed how happier she was said. I was happy for her, that she finally started seeing how beautiful and amazing she is. And I was satisfied to only see her on holidays if that meant that she was content and at peace.

    I met her fiancés family this Christmas. Amazing people. Very warm and welcoming. The future mother in law suggested a skiing trip just for the girls to get to know each other better since she has a condo in Austria. We came back the day before NYE. My daughter didn’t talk to me throughout the trip or since we got home. She didn’t answer my happy new year text. Because guys kept trying to talk to me and buying us drinks on the trip which was met with laughter from the other girls but my daughter.

    Now my daughter texted me that she didn’t want me at her wedding in july. Her father is invited since he is gonna be the one to walkher but I wasn’t welcome. I have cried ever since but I don’t know what to do. My husband is pissed and he wants to tell her that he wasn’t attending either. He said he was tired of her hurting me and sick of just standing there doing nothing while she’s tortured me for a decade. I don’t know, the last thing i want is to add more to her suffering. She adores her father and it would devastate her not to have him on her big day but he is pissed and I don’t know how to make him change his mind. I asked him to give me time, he agreed but he said he will need to tell her his decision eventually. I need help on how to move on with this

  3. Tell your friends it's making you uncomfortable and you don't want to be included in activities or events that she will be attending. Tell them you made it clear to her that you wouldn't be comfortable with her joining the friend group and should have been more honest with the rest of them with how much it bothered you. Be direct and lay out your boundaries for everyone and then take a step back and invest in exploring new hobbies, join some clubs, volunteer and work on meeting some new people with common interests.

  4. Keeping bags of pet fur is not any more macabre than keeping the ashes of pets and family that have passed, which is widely accepted.

    Keeping the fur for sentimental value is already a valid reason, but if you want to easily explain this off to people, you can say you're keeping the fur in case pet cloning becomes mainstream in the future. Fun fact: pet cloning is already a growing industry in China.

  5. Yeah I think they’ll be fine if they treat everyone with equal respect. I’m pretty sure if your husband went there they’d find a way to “ get him back” so yeah. This is a hella burnt bridge my guy. If I was your dad I’d never look at your husband again whether it be out of shame or embarrassment from getting beat so bad.

  6. He's disabled, he can't read the room

    Your boss knows this man is unable to understand normal social cues, and so does everyone else.

    I think that makes it acceptable to speak to him differently than you do to other employees.

    You don't have to speak harshly, but you do have to overcome your social awareness that it is usually unacceptable to give an adult “orders.”

    Look. This employee is making things horribly “awkward” because of his social and intellectual limitations. Stop feeling like YOU need to “keep things from being awkward” by refraining from putting restrictions on his interactions with you.

    His disability is not a reason for you to tolerate his annoying behavior.

  7. Perhaps you can use it as an opportunity to discuss that. Even if the thought is absolutely repulsive to you, I'd bring it up respectfully and ask if she's wanting more. I'm not saying to lead her on or mislead her, but I'd be sure not to make her feel like you're not shaming or judging. Also, if you approach it negatively, she's going to be more likely to deny it.

    If she's desiring more than you're comfortable with, hiding it or pretending it's not happening isn't going to be good for the relationship. Maybe there are things that you can do, like role-playing or an interest she hasn't spoken about to spice it up without doing something you're uncomfortable with. There's also a chance that you're not sexually compatible where neither is “wrong”. I think I'd use this to open the conversation. Unfortunately it could result in finding that you're not compatible, but a different result could be improving your intimacy. Either way, you have these questions about where she's at and you could hopefully resolve them.

  8. Of course they don't care, but it's still disrespectful to the life that was lost and thrown in the garbage

  9. Depends really, did you know him ? Did you actually like the guy ?

    Also just ask her if she wants you to be there.

    I went at an ex’s parent funerals twice because we were in good terms and they needed the support. Just talk to her man.

    Worst case scenario: card and/or flowers.

  10. I mean luckily I was asleep for the whole thing. I just woke up and someone said the time and it was noon and I was expecting to be done by 10 and was just like wait what? My Gyno was really snotty about the whole thing bragging that she made my colonoscopy the next week easier because she detached it… and I’m like okay that’s great and all, but why was it attached and not discussed in the first place? It just sorta reaffirmed that doctors don’t generally know what they’re doing and you have to stay on top of your own treatment and care


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