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16 thoughts on “MiaGarciia online sex cams for YOU!

  1. I think this entirely depends on how forgiving you are. Some people can move on and trust.

    I cannot. I'd have hit the road immediately. I know myself and know that I'd bring it up over and over and over again.

  2. I don't know why he'd think I don't mean what I say. But thanks, I'll try and communicate properly.

  3. I believe in most states you can still get the marriage annulled even a year later or an at-fault divorce because of her previous past sexuality. But that being said if she has denied you any of the things that she did in them videos that's grounds for a divorce as well.

  4. I don't think that's true. Think about it. According to OP, she's been confused and depressed and irritable for years and her husband has had to experience that along with her for over a decade without even knowing why. Sure, he could have done better. But he's human too. His feelings are not invalid because he couldn't maintain perfect rationality when discovering such a tremendous secret. He may have been blaming himself secretly for her unhappiness. I don't think this is a case where anyone acted maliciously. OP and her husband definitely need therapy, but I wouldn't vilify him.

  5. Decent plan, except AirTags tell you when they’re near you. And they beep if they’re away from their known locations. So, he would get a pop up on his phone (if it’s Apple) saying there’s an AirTag with him.

  6. She really needs to start helping out. Who pays bills? Even if she paid ALL the bills, she should still be helping. You shouldn't have to do all that by yourself.

  7. As I said bro. Thoughts aren’t really harmful but her sharing with me saying that she is allowed to fuck other man is harmful. In a long term loving relationship #that is harmful# even if it’s between concerning adult Being allowed to fuck around changes the structure of relationship. Poly isn’t what i want.

    I don’t belive that she thinks that she isn’t good enough for me. Every guys in our class would accept her. Her reason to love me was completely sex appeal. Now I think of it, She has only complimented on my body till now, which is weird. That’s only thing that matters to her..

    Porn consumption has changed society. Mental health has been f’ed. People are more interested in pleasure seeking over their goal. Children seeing these things are not focusing on art,creativity.. every from of art is sexualized, humor, music, literature everything. Obsession with sex or any pleasurus activity that provides no value to society but just pleasure, isn’t a respectful thing. it’s taking away one’s ability to focus and study and we’re being slave to the system. Yes, through out the history things were more fucked but that doesn’t mean we cannot change things!

  8. She doesn’t sound like a very good mom, but I will also point out that you’re unemployed and only 6 weeks sober. Depression is real and your partner may need mental health support before anything else. Also looking into your post history I’m not sure I would want you raising a daughter on your own. From a post titled “Does anyone else get fucking tired of seeing sexual assault scenes in shows?” Your reply (deleted by the mods) was: ”A higher percentage of women fantasize about being sexually assaulted than those who have been SA'd so maybe thats why.”

    So maybe your sister should have full custody.

  9. Baby leave him. I’m never a “leave him” on Reddit person. This isn’t my boyfriend wears cargo shorts and it’s a problem. This is I don’t love you for who you are. Get out. The minute you cow to this by bleaching you hair he will know he can control you this way.

  10. Put a new password to every account.

    Pin + Password.

    Chose the most unlikely thing as a password, that he would never get it guessed.

    Example: If you don't like lobster… you chose “lobstercreamsoup” and so on.

    Get info about your own credit score to see, if he opened a credit card in your name.

  11. There is no problem with him being single at his age. There is a problem with him pursuing people 12 years younger than him at his age.


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