MimmiMinni on-line webcams for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “MimmiMinni on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. That's a lot of info. Personally, I've only jerked it if I hadn't had it in a minute just so it wouldn't be a wham bam thank you ma'am BUT I went right back into battle!!! If he's pulling his goalie and taking the team off the ice….that's not cool! You deserve to be happy also. Good luck, I sincerely hope you get past this.

  2. Appreciate it. I have apologized..maybe it was too soon..she told me to burn in hell and never contact her again..

    Was absolutely gutted and I deserved that.

    I have unfortunately called again because I felt I had nothing left to lose. She just explained that she thought she said no contact and I just apologized again and she said ok and hung up.

    Made it worse again. This was some time ago but the holidays coming up make it kinda difficult for me.

  3. It's OK to feel blindsided by this turn of events. Your bf is suffering and needs you to be there to support him at this time. Help him get to a better place and then reassess the situation. He may feel differently about the future once this crisis has passed.

    That said, you are under no obligation to stay in a town where you have no one else, or in a relationship where your goals do not align anymore. It's a fine balance between abandoning him in a time of real need and getting what you want from life in the future.

    Don't make any hasty decisions, and be true to yourself. I hope with the help that he is getting he becomes less burnt out and is on a healing path.

  4. How old are you? May need to see a doc and or sex therapist. Or just get some generic viagra. That will at least give you the confidence. Can you get a boner and cum if she gives you a blowjob?

    Try getting hard, then have her suck you until you’re good and very hot, like almost ready to come, then quickly get it inside her and finish nutting in her pussy.

  5. Hello /u/SlipperyCactus11,

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  6. I think I would start the conversation with, “I'd like to date other people and not be exclusive anymore. What do you think?” It will be interesting to see what kind of person you're dealing with here. Is he agreeable to the idea? Or does he tell you he doesn't want to do that while secretly hiding this woman? Then tell him you know and you will be seeing other people…just not him.

  7. When am I going to get it into my head that no matter how much I think I can’t read anything worse than a previous horror of a post, there is always something worse lurking around the corner!

  8. This is a very important lesson that you (hopefully) learned the hard way. Maybe she breaks up with you, maybe she doesn’t, but you can’t fix every situation, because she is her own person. And by trying to constantly fix this situation, you may have ruined this relationship. Sometimes you argue and then you talk about it and you resolve things and at the point you have to move forward. Constantly trying to go back and talk about it for hours and then showing up at her room, even with breakfast, is really going to kill any goodwill you established in the previous talk. Especially as she has a roommate who also had to sit through the drama of those talks and that can be very embarrassing for your gf. You really gotta get a hold of your insecurity and let things play out. If they work, great, if not, keep it moving. Trying to control every little thing and have things your way is not good.

  9. Dating is a test run and the standard is high. Your looking for the best possible life partner and role model for your future kids.

    It's not appropriate to hold is hand or be supportive (you aren't married).

    Dump him and find your equal. Stop wasting time with him. It's clearly not him.

  10. I almost ended a relationship when my partner bailed on our at home date night for a raid. I was the breadwinner at the time and just wanted to snuggle and watch Netflix with my honey after a 10 day stretch at work. I see this downplayed on Reddit all the time.


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