Miremooon on-line webcams for YOU!

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20 thoughts on “Miremooon on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. I can't believe this is the second post I've seen on here of men who don't fucking clean themselves! What is wrong with people??

  2. And honestly at this point I feel rather indifferent about her.

    First, I'm sorry you're going thru this. I grew up with 2 alcoholic parents, and also an alcoholic aunt. My mom died of bleeding esophageal varices the day before I was due to head back to college for my senior year. There's a reason they call this a family disease.

    On the quote, are you sure you feel indifferent? That would be very surprising, but I get why you'd say this. Is it possible you wish you could be indifferent, but you can't quite get there? You'd be happier and healthier if you could get to that point, but if you were truly there, you wouldn't have taken the time to write out this long question. Trust me, I get all of this!

    Have you ever been to an Alanon meeting? I know for fact you're probably thinking “not just no, but hell no”. I hope you consider it, though. If you're thinking this is such an odd or weird set of circumstances, it isn't. You can get so much support and knowledge from people who innately understand what you're going thru and have come out the other side.

    On your question, I don't think one person can answer this for another. I completely agree your own mental health comes first, but this is naked to implement when it's your own family.

    Finally, just a random fact on liver transplants. If you're in the US, and nobody in the fam can do a “directed donation”, your sister would have to go through UNOS and register for one. However, they are very strict when it comes to liver disease caused by alcoholism. She'd need to prove a year's sobriety through statements made by local AA people, or something similar. There's also a big risk that if she keeps drinking, she'll become physically unable to survive the transplant surgery.

  3. He is a child spending time with his parents? ?‍♀️ He still has other family.

    Of course, he should have friends. I don't think he needed to do go out weekly when his wife was lonely and wanted to spend time with him. That will cause her to resent him. The damage is probably already done, hence her going out now.

  4. … depression is not a jail free card, if her depression is bad to a point where she‘s unable to live! her own life and additionally influencing the people around her as well, and she‘s not able and hasn’t been able to work through it herself, she needs to get professional help.

    Being depressed or any mental illness for that fact is not an excuse to use other people and treat them like crap, without even as much as an effort to make it up to them or at least get to a place where they‘re able to do so.

  5. Maybe you should get those thoughts out in a journal or something. This seems legit an unhinged thing to fantasize about.

  6. Have you discussed this with him? Specifically, the fact that your sex drive has been higher. He won’t know that if you don’t tell him.

    Masturbation doesn’t have to be in competition with a couple’s sex life, although that can happen and can cause issues. But in this case it sounds like your partner may have gotten used to masturbating because you normally have a low sex drive.

  7. Update: I took into consideration what you guys said and had a conversation with him thinking it was going to be the end of things. Figured I might as well get shit out of the way.

    Wasn’t expecting this but now Instead we’re actually together and exclusive so… that’s that. 🙂

  8. I’ll agree to the majority claim but unfortunately there is too high a percentage (especially in shared homes) that let it slide to be ignored.

  9. That's what I'll try my best to bring to her attention. If she doesn't want to help or contribute to the family, I'll have to file for divorce. Thanks for the input.

  10. Absolutely! This triggers me and I’m sitting on my couch, fully invested.

    You already know in your gut it was something more.

    Given your husband doesn’t have anything seriously wrong with him, no logical person would BREAK a phone in half with their bare hands out of fear of finding out they were using a flashlight. (Unless you’re some evil witch)

    Maybe he was just getting off to porn. Did you notice an erection?

    Has he been showing any off signs ? Like staking out late? Going out more or coming to bed later?

    Have you checked your bank accounts to see if he’s possible spending more money ?

    Or even emails to see if he’s created any dating profiles or purchased anything from someone.

    Idk man that’s just so wild he’s trying to gaslight you into really believing it’s about a flashlight. Keep us updated and good luck❤️


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