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46 thoughts on “Molly Williams live sex cams for YOU!

  1. My opinion about this matter changed when I actually read your answer on what “jokes” you were saying, and honestly, I didn't feel like you had intent to hurt him. Poor taste? Maybe. But some people use humor when they are bothered by something. It sounds like you're not compatible sex wise and I would let the relationship go. I also don't like that he gets mad when you're crying since it doesn't sound like you're using it against him. I could understand if you were playing “the victim” but you said you were crying at work and then he got mad when he found out. He's done with the relationship and I would just let this one go. You'll both be happier finding more compatible partners elsewhere

  2. No. three – best hair (that is shown) and best facial features (most defined) in my opinion (left to right 1 2 3 4).

    That being said, the one I find least attractive? Could have the best personality out of the four and I'd leave the other three in the dust. I won't mention who I find the least attractive because if it is you, then you'll put that in your 'see? I'm right – my friends are so much better looking and better to date than I am' file (after all, you're here on reddit asking such things).

    Remember this – have you been out in the real world? There are billions of people on the planet and a good chunk of the population thinks differently about what is and what isn't attractive. I suspect that your confidence (or lack thereof) lends itself to not having such 'good luck' in dating.

    Comparison is the thief of joy.

  3. Seems controlling to me and born out of jealousy. But if that's an agreement that works for you both, it's your relationship and you guys can make your own boundaries.

    It seems though, that this boundary has led to this problem.

  4. Are you seriously comparing a 3 second call — that could have been a butt dial or a sloppy scroll— with kissing someone?! How old are you?

  5. the fact that he won’t tell you why they broke up isn’t even a red flag that’s a whole loud ass alarm????girl wake the hell up and leave this man.

  6. Perhaps take a day or so to cool down, and then either get over the fact that he feels that way and didn't lie to you about it, or have a long conversation about why exactly it was so messed up in your mind that he said that and either find common ground there, agree to disagree, or split up

  7. Stupid comment which was hopefully a bad joke and not a sign of dickishness.

    Also, my mom is your height, my dad is 6'4″ I'm also about the same height, my sister is 5'10.

    And I ignore the comments about the age difference. Either a 22 year old can make decisions about her life or she cant…if he's a good match for you other than his dumb comment and treats you well…go for it. If he's an ass or you feel like he's manipulating you then drop him…a 10 year difference doesn't magically mean he's a masterful manipulator and probably a pervert.

  8. At least one of his ex partners lied to him ?

    Statistically, the vast majority of women don’t finish from penetration alone. Your BF needs to up his game in other areas, and quit blaming you for how he feels about what he thinks you’re body is supposed to be doing. There’s other things he can do (toys, oral, etc) to help you finish, but if he’s not willing to try it, let him go. Your needs are just as valid as his.

  9. This is abuse. The PPD is now an excuse. She has admitted that she has anger issues, always had. This is a medically acceptable excuse for her to just be herself. You need to leave and file for custody.

  10. Because it means OP is leaving out an important detail.

    Either that this is her personality and they regularly have sex, or that they're not having sex at all and his constant rejections of her are making her feel like he doesn't want her and isn't interested in her anymore.

  11. Get one of her friends to do recon for you. She could start a conversation about them and pay attention to styles your girlfriend likes.

  12. Why would you put up with any of this? I have been with my husband for 23 year and we have never once called each other names in anger or screamed at each other in anger. You want to know why? It's because we respect each other. No matter how upset we get we still love and respect each other. You deserve better than this!

  13. She’s bringing you down. I guarantee losing the weight OF HER you’ll find a new energy in your life. People can have a huge negative impact on your life that results in the deterioration of your mental health and lifestyle. This relationship doesn’t work for you anymore. You get NOTHING out if it. She’s gets a sugar daddy.

  14. Respect her wish and move on. By contacting her even though she doesn't want you to do that, you're only pushing her away from you

  15. People change. People in early 20s, mid 20s and late 20s can go through some (significant) changes. There's many factors at play too. Maybe she noticed how you financially picked up the tab more the past 4 years. And maybe that got her thinking she can get a free ride off of you now she decided to do her masters. Who knows. But do not give in to her guilt trip shit about “you don't care about my masters”. Clear manipulation.

    Stand your ground, do not budge. I know how you feel. I “lived like a student” until I was 24, paying my rent, tuition fees, food etc… while being a fulltime student. It was shit. I could only work in holidays and summer break. Every saving went to the cheapest student dorm room I could find. I had to buy second hand clothing and cheap food for a few years. I'd never choose to go back to that state after I finally got out of that situation and started a career which finally allowed me to on-line comfortably and even with some luxury. I worked naked for it.

    I'd put the living together on hold for now until you're both on the same page. I rushed moving in with my ex, after he asked me to online in his country (neighbour country of mine). I had reservations over the financial aspect. He told me not to worry, he'd provide etc… Well he didn't. I used up 10k of my savings on only 8 months of living together. A choice I made and have to live! with. Now I have to work for 2 years just to make up for that loss of savings as I want to buy a place instead of renting. Think long and nude about this.

  16. It’s a bit childish that you have to ask. No offense but your POV should have been all you needed. He’s trying to make you doubt yourself.

  17. We only talked about it briefly. We were on vacation last week when he got the text from Sue, so it was just sort of set aside for the time being. He seemed to agree that it made him uncomfortable, but I want to have a more complete discussion with him and am just trying to think things through appropriately before addressing it again.

  18. I like girls who dress well but I dont have much success with them because im lazy with my own appearance lol go figure

  19. You and you wife need to have a constructive conversation. Ask her how she feels about it and then share how you feel (uncomfortable and whatever else). Tell her what you'd prefer to happen (i.e. you both distancing yourselves from this friend). If she disagrees, you'll have to respect her decision. What you do with that, though, is up to you. At the end of the day, are you okay with her keeping this friend in her life? If not, maybe some other changes need to happen.

  20. Op, it’s okay. Your sexual and romantic attraction is strictly to men.

    Your not bi, pan, or gay. So it’s why you do not feel sexually and romantically attracted anymore.

    It’s the risk for many who transition if they date or marry someone who is completely heterosexual and heteroromantic, because the connection can end and become platonic.

    But it’s wise that you are aware you want this human being to on-line their most authentic self.

    You two can definitely stay best friends, but not right off the bat as you both may need time after things end to fully move on emotionally in the romantic sense so you two can have a happy & healthy friendship.

    It’s going to be nude to have the discussion, but it’s needed so you two can both be happy.

    I wish you all the best and hope things turn out well from the conversation you both have❤️

  21. No, you're not a selfish AH. But you need to have a real conversation with your gf about this. That is, while you understand Jenna is going through a tough time,

    It should be completely valid for you to express that you were disappointed with how your romantic holiday was… not. Your feelings matter. Your relationship cannot exist without both of you putting effort into it instead of taking it for granted.

    Also, putting up a facade all the time is not always so helpful. If you just continue to bottle things up, people never know what's going on with you and feel blindsided when you let on what's going on. Don't force everyone to guess. I'm not suggesting you go around demanding everyone cater to your feelings all the time, but there is a point where you can express your feelings instead of bottling them up until you burst or 'slip'.

    I have no idea what your relationship is like in the day to day, but it's possible that if after 5 years, you aren't that happy with the dynamic, then maybe this isn't as great of a relationship as you think. At the very least, it seems like an opportunity for the two of you to have some authentic conversations about what is going on. But of course, if your gf won't even talk to you, then that won't happen.

    Do you just do whatever your gf wants until she stops being mad at you? If so, then this is a very unhealthy dynamic.

  22. Of course you have value as a human. You have survived on your own, and although what you did to survive is a “dark” chapter in your life, you have not done any atrocities.

    Keep your head high and proud, because you have made it this far. And stay strong not only for yourself, but also for your daughter.

    I wish you many blessings for you and your family.

  23. It's just me, I get it, just me.

    I am the biggest cynical asshole in the world.

    I wish everyone to have a wonderful life and I do not believe I have a hateful bone in my body towards people and who they are and what thew want to be but come on…

    Does no one else see the proliferation of these posts as agenda based? Not a single person who is in this kind of surprise genitals has any problem or issue with it at all and just wants to know how to bump uglies and be “kind”? No one questions how these amazing young adults who are so in touch with their feelings and emotions and are able to expertly navigate the otherwise harsh reality of young adulthood even with people who aren't lying to them?

    No one seems to care that every post has the same theme?

    Young, in love, didn't have sex, waited a year, op not concerned about deception in the slightest when they find out and instead sharing a low stress, not really a need to ask for advice on this sub post? Conveniently didn't want kids anyway… yadda yadda.

    Then the cascade of positive posts of people “so proud of you”??

    Just me right? Gotcha.

    That said, on the off case that this is true, which it isn't I think it's also important for people who go into this thinking everything is exactly the same with a transitioning person. it's not. This kind of fairy tale can lead someone down the wrong path and ultimately to a dark place. These threads are giving young people who are already dealing with a lot false hope that they can date someone, ask them to marry or whatever and then the day before the not is tied, the “deed” is planned spring it on their partner and they'll be totally ok with it. (and they are!) You know instead of the other 99 times out of 100 where it turns out badly?

    Also, just for the record, bottom surgery doesn't gain you a penis, nor a vagina that can pass for either, your partner will know and it's never a good idea to hide anything from anyone for any reason. it is NOT something you can just take lightly, at all. But here you all are, checking this stuff on and the only other person to say something not rose and positive is downvoted into oblivion.

    I fear for society in 20 years and it has nothing to do with anyone's identity… it's how we are sweeping things under the rug and spraying rose scents above it. it's almost as bad as the bullying.

    I'll slink away into my hateful hole now… I'll probably be dead of natural causes in 20 years anyway.

  24. It's just me, I get it, just me.

    I am the biggest cynical asshole in the world.

    I wish everyone to have a wonderful life and I do not believe I have a hateful bone in my body towards people and who they are and what thew want to be but come on…

    Does no one else see the proliferation of these posts as agenda based? Not a single person who is in this kind of surprise genitals has any problem or issue with it at all and just wants to know how to bump uglies and be “kind”? No one questions how these amazing young adults who are so in touch with their feelings and emotions and are able to expertly navigate the otherwise harsh reality of young adulthood even with people who aren't lying to them?

    No one seems to care that every post has the same theme?

    Young, in love, didn't have sex, waited a year, op not concerned about deception in the slightest when they find out and instead sharing a low stress, not really a need to ask for advice on this sub post? Conveniently didn't want kids anyway… yadda yadda.

    Then the cascade of positive posts of people “so proud of you”??

    Just me right? Gotcha.

    That said, on the off case that this is true, which it isn't I think it's also important for people who go into this thinking everything is exactly the same with a transitioning person. it's not. This kind of fairy tale can lead someone down the wrong path and ultimately to a dark place. These threads are giving young people who are already dealing with a lot false hope that they can date someone, ask them to marry or whatever and then the day before the not is tied, the “deed” is planned spring it on their partner and they'll be totally ok with it. (and they are!) You know instead of the other 99 times out of 100 where it turns out badly?

    Also, just for the record, bottom surgery doesn't gain you a penis, nor a vagina that can pass for either, your partner will know and it's never a good idea to hide anything from anyone for any reason. it is NOT something you can just take lightly, at all. But here you all are, checking this stuff on and the only other person to say something not rose and positive is downvoted into oblivion.

    I fear for society in 20 years and it has nothing to do with anyone's identity… it's how we are sweeping things under the rug and spraying rose scents above it. it's almost as bad as the bullying.

    I'll slink away into my hateful hole now… I'll probably be dead of natural causes in 20 years anyway.

  25. Don't share your location with people, get a restraining order, and cut her out of your life. She put you and your children in danger for no apparent reason.

  26. First reasonable comment I’ve read. I feel like our subconscious sometimes makes us say random shit. It’s totally off putting, but there are stories of people saying much worse during sex. Like calling their partner mommy – and not because they want their mother in bed. I have never personally made this kind of mistake in bed, but I’ve certainly said the wrong name just while talking to someone else. Everyone’s brains work differently – so we don’t know what the deal with OP’s gf really is. I agree he needs to get to the bottom of why. If there’s a sinister reason or if it was just a random slip because maybe he was on her mind throughout the day.

  27. You don't see it as a bad thing, but he clearly does. He used it as an insult, in an attempt to bring you down and shame you. And then, when you asked him if he wanted you to go back to the way you were, he basically said, “Sure, but only if you stay thin and very hot.”

    This man has no respect for you.

  28. Op is saying that not the husband. Husband is saying he doesn’t know if he’s ready, OP is applying pressure by saying “most men don’t know when they’re ready but they still do it”

  29. I’ll never understand people who say “I won’t let them…..” or “she won’t let me…..”.

    It’s almost as if it’s a way to avoid being accountable for one’s own actions?? I just can’t wrap my mind around that mentality.

  30. He was my best friend and such a big part of my life. I miss him tbh. Idk if I miss him in a romantic way but I want to meet him again

  31. This is a troll post. You want to make us believe she is masturbating with a dildo that’s about the size of a newborn’s head?

  32. Then you need to speak to your ur obgyn about different ways to not get pregnant or not engage in piv.

    I get you are super confused right now but you also told the dude he can come.inside of you cause you will not want a child which probably seemed to him like you would go abort. Be ready for him to maybe break up with you over this.

  33. Yes it definitely can, but it gets better easier when both people are comfortable with sex.. he has to deal with a lot of hang ups and shame, it’s an uphill battle… good luck tho

  34. So she gets to avoid pain by being awful to you? What about this is working for you that you think moving is right now is a good idea? This could be an absolute disaster. What happens if there is a family emergency and you have to leave for a couple of days but she can't join you? How will she handle that? Can she handle that? Or will you come back to all you stuff destroyed and she won't speak to you for exactly as long as you were gone?

  35. He already unmatched and moved on.

    To contact him again for critics may make things awkward. And it may mKe him think, OP is coming running after him.

    Don't contact him again.


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