50 thoughts on “Mollyren live! sex chats for YOU!”
I have some tips you could try; 1. Keep reminding yourself that the only person you are in control of is yourself.
And don't just say it, practice it. For example, next time your boyfriend doesn't follow through with what he tells you, don't say anything to him about it. Remind yourself that he is free to make his own decisions about how he spends his time.
I think sometimes we end up trying to control our partners because we are overvaluing the relationship. We hold on too tight because we are terrified the whole thing will capsize otherwise.
For you to be able to take a step back from control, you need to be able to say “If we ever break up one day, I'm going to be ok.” You have to accept that that's an outcome that could happen and that it wouldn't be the end of your world.
Your behaviour is not happening in a vacuum. It must be frustrating to think you're on the same page, or you're in the loop about something and then have him turn around and do something else.
It's probably causing you some anxiety, because this kind of behaviour makes you wonder. Is he the kind of guy who can commit to things? Does he take anything seriously? Maybe he isn't really interested in the gym, but then why can't he just say so? Is he hiding some parts of himself from me?
These are all valid questions, don't brush them aside by trying to push him to follow through or meet his goals, etc. Let things flow naturally so you can see the real him, and make the best decision for yourself about how much you're investing in the relationship.
Your boyfriend is also playing a part in this dynamic. Don't carry all the blame/responsibility on your back! Forgive yourself.
Red flag: it's a reasonable and understandable reaction to be upset about such a request. The fact that he immediately goes to attack and offend you and minimalize your NORMAL feelings is a huge red flag.
Just as big as wanting the cat removed.
You are a little girl to LOVING AN ANIMAL? Bc it's “just an animal”? That's alarming! Sounds like he has no respect for you – no one has the right to speak like this to you and it's bad he goes to ridicule and insults the moment you protest – and he lacks empathy (just an animal? yikes! animals are living, feeling creatures! this is gross that he would view them like that).
OP totally understand why you are uncomfortable with the situation. I can also tell you that kids get up at the oddest time on Christmas morning because they are excited about the presents. It is a fun activity for them and IMHO having to call your ex to come over would take away from their experience. In the end, this situation is one of trust. Do you trust him or not.
Have you been introduced to the kids? If so, since you online so close, perhaps he would be okay with you joining them in the morning instead of waiting for him to come back mid-afternoon.
Absolutely appalled with the responses. Breaking up after an argument if you don’t mean it is extremely immature. If she wants to get back together you need to seriously consider this. I get that she has a lot of hormones going through her but Jesus not a simple critique on her part and everyone telling you to be a man.
On the other end, you can’t make someone want to be with you. I doubt this just happened randomly because wanting nothing to do with you probably just doesn’t happen randomly. If it did, you’re better off away from that.
With my oldest, I sobbed uncontrollably because I looked at my puppy and thought he was cute and I felt guilty I didn't want him at first because his litter mate was cuter. It was absurd. Tonight I'm irrationally angry because my husband is taking a friend to the airport and forgot to communicate it with me. Logically I know I'm being irrational, but I'm angry. Idk… pregnancy is crazy.
Well put. Not having a mother figure in your life is tough, but it's always going to be better than having someone play that role when they feel like it and then pull a disappearing act whenever they don't.
I know it’s really saddening to think about. Some friends are over right now, do you think I should wait until it calms down and they leave or cut everything short now?
You reflect very well around this problem. Its good that you realize you should appreciate that she likes you for you. That also means she's less likely to lose attraction to you long term for whatever reason.
Different doesn't mean less attractive. We can be attracted to people who look very different.
I also understand that you want her to be attracted to you for your looks, because you have placed your own self confidence on that fact. I could tell you to place more self worth on other things than looks, but let's be realistic – it is very very hot to not care at all what you look like and whether other people like it.
I feel like this is less about you two and more about you. That you need her to find you attractive because then you feel like others do too, and feel better about yourself. So it's not that you're afraid she'll not love you or want you because she doesn't find you attractive. Did I understand correctly?
Oh, man. Your mother's beefs with your beau are just ridiculous (he's from Essex? really?) so one has to conclude that she's just loony on this subject. Do not make your life decisions based on what she is okay with, that's a recipe for disaster.
If I'm with someone who has social media and doesn't post me, I don't post them. I don't care about their reasons, but I won't be “marking their territory” for them. I'm all for parity, and meeting people half way. Do you think this could be her reasoning? I also refuse to post anyone I'm not incredibly serious about. I don't think I've ever changed my relationship status or posted a boyfriend after my marriage dissolved. It's not necessarily a red flag on its own, but maybe a pink one? One to keep an eye on, but don't let it consume you
OP, are there homeless shelters nearby? They're not ideal, but they could work as a shelter just until you have enough saved to get your own place. They will often have people who can help you find cheap living accommodations too.
It's actually scary how accurate the escalation is. Just builds and builds and builds. Sometimes so slowly it doesn't feel like it's escalating.
I feel for OP but can't give any advice to them because I'm in a very similar situation and it's so fucking nude to leave. He actually hit me (in the arm not in the face thank god) for the first time this past year after it being 'only the wall'. There's a hole in the wall I walk by every day reminding me how he gets. He also punches himself and smashed his face and gave himself a black eye one time. Punctured his hand punching a fence pole that had staples in it and other stuff along that line.
If you're consistently getting so horny to the point of having uncomfortable blue balls every single time you make out, then masturbate before seeing her. You quite likely will still get excited, which is a good thing, but you shouldn't be excited to the point of being physically uncomfortable where you “need” a release, because you'd have just gotten one.
Don't open yourself up to more hateful comments from him. He will figure it out when you aren't asking him for child support. I am sorry for your loss. Block him and get on with your life.
Jealousy is not the same as a trauma trigger, but of course the word “trigger” has lost any meaning to where for some people it basically means “any sort of mild discomfort or unpleasant feelings.”
Stop feeling guilty or hiding basic facets of your life because she can't manage her feelings. That's her responsibility, not yours.
I want a partner I can build a life with. Someone who can hold their own like I can and together we can be a great team.
Life is going to have its ups and downs. There are going to be times when disasters pile up and drain your resources. There will be times of weakness. Times when you get knocked off your feet and need a helping hand to get back up.
If you dunk on your partner when they hit one of these moments, that’s not teamwork.
Your partner is the one preying on younger people. You were 19!! when you started dating. Talk about projecting. Dump him before he starts gaslighting you for god knows what else.
He’s young and therefore a fool. Let’s hope he grows out of it. He’s technically right, of course because brown eyes are common. But he’s a fool to insist. What he ought to do is write a poem about how your dark eyes are deep pools in which he would like to drown; he should talk about how they hold flecks of sunlight; about their depth and intensity.
There is no reason to keep it up. The relationship ended, why none of their business. I would suggest actively working on dropping the habit of being verbally abusive. Get out of this relationship but work one the habit so it doesn't spread to your next one.
Don't gaslight yourself or pressure yourself, he should NOT be pressuring this subject and you might end up doing it just to please him and that will cause you trauma in the long run, this is very concerning OP I hope your okay, do you have a supportive community around you or are you isolated to your husband?
I guess my people pleasing tendencies make me afraid of asking other to compromise for me. Thank you for your reply. It’s very hot to not feel like an alien for not being touchy feely lol
You have to ask him, do you want to prioritize your friendship or our marriage? Because he doesn’t want to be without her even if it’s hurting you all this time You guys have to understand that they were having emotional affair, all this time his being spending time with her it was less tine spent with you… You need to go to couple therapy, he needs to cut her off, because what does he expect to get with her? He cab be attracted, but his word of not wanting anything serious don’t have any value because all this tine you showed him what was happening and he made you look crazy..
Listen, as an outside observer I am not seeing much difference between your fiance and your father. Neither care about what you want, both trample all over your boundaries and give you orders…are you sure you want to marry a guy who threw “involve your abusive father in our relationship or I'll dump you” at you as part of his engagement proposal? Please think long and very hot about spending the rest of your life with someone like this.
Insisting on going alone has huge “I don’t want people to see what I’m doing because I’m going to cheat” vibes.
No, it doesn't. You're the one putting those vibes on it. It's a 5 day trip that she informed him of weeks ago and he even gave his “okay” for it and said it sounded like a good idea, and now for whatever reason he's upset about it.
The notion that it's suspicious to travel solo really just needs to die. Now, if this were, “I decided to book a trip to Las Vegas with all my single girls who all have a history of cheating and encouraging me to do the same,” that would be a different story. But that isn't the story we are reading here today.
Honestly, he’s in the wrong for how he handled the situation, but I can see why he felt he was right. You had made it pretty obvious that you didn’t want it to be a thing from the start and he kept giving you options for you but after everything he probably felt it would be a more enjoyable experience without you around. He probably didn’t want the trip tainted by your feelings, but he should’ve communicated that even if it meant having an uncomfortable conversation. You guys probably need to sit down and have a serious conversation. You guys have only been together for a short time.
I don’t think you’re an ahole for trying to insert yourself here. If you can try and talk to him in private and see what he wants to get out of his future. Does he want to leave her? Is he afraid of finances? If you really want to help him and he wants out maybe offer to take him in until he’s on his feet. Do they have kids?
I have some tips you could try; 1. Keep reminding yourself that the only person you are in control of is yourself.
And don't just say it, practice it. For example, next time your boyfriend doesn't follow through with what he tells you, don't say anything to him about it. Remind yourself that he is free to make his own decisions about how he spends his time.
I think sometimes we end up trying to control our partners because we are overvaluing the relationship. We hold on too tight because we are terrified the whole thing will capsize otherwise.
For you to be able to take a step back from control, you need to be able to say “If we ever break up one day, I'm going to be ok.” You have to accept that that's an outcome that could happen and that it wouldn't be the end of your world.
Your behaviour is not happening in a vacuum. It must be frustrating to think you're on the same page, or you're in the loop about something and then have him turn around and do something else.
It's probably causing you some anxiety, because this kind of behaviour makes you wonder. Is he the kind of guy who can commit to things? Does he take anything seriously? Maybe he isn't really interested in the gym, but then why can't he just say so? Is he hiding some parts of himself from me?
These are all valid questions, don't brush them aside by trying to push him to follow through or meet his goals, etc. Let things flow naturally so you can see the real him, and make the best decision for yourself about how much you're investing in the relationship.
Your boyfriend is also playing a part in this dynamic. Don't carry all the blame/responsibility on your back! Forgive yourself.
Red flag: it's a reasonable and understandable reaction to be upset about such a request. The fact that he immediately goes to attack and offend you and minimalize your NORMAL feelings is a huge red flag.
Just as big as wanting the cat removed.
You are a little girl to LOVING AN ANIMAL? Bc it's “just an animal”? That's alarming! Sounds like he has no respect for you – no one has the right to speak like this to you and it's bad he goes to ridicule and insults the moment you protest – and he lacks empathy (just an animal? yikes! animals are living, feeling creatures! this is gross that he would view them like that).
OP totally understand why you are uncomfortable with the situation. I can also tell you that kids get up at the oddest time on Christmas morning because they are excited about the presents. It is a fun activity for them and IMHO having to call your ex to come over would take away from their experience. In the end, this situation is one of trust. Do you trust him or not.
Have you been introduced to the kids? If so, since you online so close, perhaps he would be okay with you joining them in the morning instead of waiting for him to come back mid-afternoon.
I’m sure you’re wrong.
Absolutely appalled with the responses. Breaking up after an argument if you don’t mean it is extremely immature. If she wants to get back together you need to seriously consider this. I get that she has a lot of hormones going through her but Jesus not a simple critique on her part and everyone telling you to be a man.
On the other end, you can’t make someone want to be with you. I doubt this just happened randomly because wanting nothing to do with you probably just doesn’t happen randomly. If it did, you’re better off away from that.
He is justifying his future cheating!
With my oldest, I sobbed uncontrollably because I looked at my puppy and thought he was cute and I felt guilty I didn't want him at first because his litter mate was cuter. It was absurd. Tonight I'm irrationally angry because my husband is taking a friend to the airport and forgot to communicate it with me. Logically I know I'm being irrational, but I'm angry. Idk… pregnancy is crazy.
Well put. Not having a mother figure in your life is tough, but it's always going to be better than having someone play that role when they feel like it and then pull a disappearing act whenever they don't.
No, this isn’t any different from the silent treatment. It’s unhealthy (lack) of communication instead of expressed boundaries, and it’s not okay.
Oh yes, because playing games always works and is certainly the mature thing to do… NOT.
I know it’s really saddening to think about. Some friends are over right now, do you think I should wait until it calms down and they leave or cut everything short now?
You reflect very well around this problem. Its good that you realize you should appreciate that she likes you for you. That also means she's less likely to lose attraction to you long term for whatever reason.
Different doesn't mean less attractive. We can be attracted to people who look very different.
I also understand that you want her to be attracted to you for your looks, because you have placed your own self confidence on that fact. I could tell you to place more self worth on other things than looks, but let's be realistic – it is very very hot to not care at all what you look like and whether other people like it.
I feel like this is less about you two and more about you. That you need her to find you attractive because then you feel like others do too, and feel better about yourself. So it's not that you're afraid she'll not love you or want you because she doesn't find you attractive. Did I understand correctly?
How did you two meet?
Tell her there’s scavenger hunt clues in there
Oh, man. Your mother's beefs with your beau are just ridiculous (he's from Essex? really?) so one has to conclude that she's just loony on this subject. Do not make your life decisions based on what she is okay with, that's a recipe for disaster.
In your position, I'd try saying something like “Have you considered the possibility that math and science are pushed harder towards boys than girls?”
His answer will show you how baked in this is.
Well perhaps but morally I think there's a big difference between narcing on a cannabis dealer than a meth dealer for example.
If I'm with someone who has social media and doesn't post me, I don't post them. I don't care about their reasons, but I won't be “marking their territory” for them. I'm all for parity, and meeting people half way. Do you think this could be her reasoning? I also refuse to post anyone I'm not incredibly serious about. I don't think I've ever changed my relationship status or posted a boyfriend after my marriage dissolved. It's not necessarily a red flag on its own, but maybe a pink one? One to keep an eye on, but don't let it consume you
How is he asking?
How are you getting defensive?
Unless you sleep with her she won't bring in any diseases – at least not for you.
If she's bringing in drugs, good for you. Maybe you can get a good Deal as a Neighbor.
Violence – If she's into that, let her be.
In all seriousness, tho: If you're that concerned, Go confront her.
There is a time & a place for jokes in the workplace. If you want the promotion learn to not joke around during meetings
OP, are there homeless shelters nearby? They're not ideal, but they could work as a shelter just until you have enough saved to get your own place. They will often have people who can help you find cheap living accommodations too.
We've been together 4 years. Her uni is an hour away
It's actually scary how accurate the escalation is. Just builds and builds and builds. Sometimes so slowly it doesn't feel like it's escalating.
I feel for OP but can't give any advice to them because I'm in a very similar situation and it's so fucking nude to leave. He actually hit me (in the arm not in the face thank god) for the first time this past year after it being 'only the wall'. There's a hole in the wall I walk by every day reminding me how he gets. He also punches himself and smashed his face and gave himself a black eye one time. Punctured his hand punching a fence pole that had staples in it and other stuff along that line.
He’s not perfect if he’s screaming, hitting and threatening you.
And that’s a flaw in YOU. Not her
Tell him to get a job.
If you're consistently getting so horny to the point of having uncomfortable blue balls every single time you make out, then masturbate before seeing her. You quite likely will still get excited, which is a good thing, but you shouldn't be excited to the point of being physically uncomfortable where you “need” a release, because you'd have just gotten one.
Hollywood really needs to hire ChatGPT, it was a very engaging story.
After immigrating to Canada…
Don't open yourself up to more hateful comments from him. He will figure it out when you aren't asking him for child support. I am sorry for your loss. Block him and get on with your life.
How/why did you put up with this for 8 years?
Jealousy is not the same as a trauma trigger, but of course the word “trigger” has lost any meaning to where for some people it basically means “any sort of mild discomfort or unpleasant feelings.”
Stop feeling guilty or hiding basic facets of your life because she can't manage her feelings. That's her responsibility, not yours.
Some people are “complainers”. She might be asking for advice but it sounds like she doesn't actually want it, she just wants to complain.
I want a partner I can build a life with. Someone who can hold their own like I can and together we can be a great team.
Life is going to have its ups and downs. There are going to be times when disasters pile up and drain your resources. There will be times of weakness. Times when you get knocked off your feet and need a helping hand to get back up.
If you dunk on your partner when they hit one of these moments, that’s not teamwork.
Your partner is the one preying on younger people. You were 19!! when you started dating. Talk about projecting. Dump him before he starts gaslighting you for god knows what else.
He’s young and therefore a fool. Let’s hope he grows out of it. He’s technically right, of course because brown eyes are common. But he’s a fool to insist. What he ought to do is write a poem about how your dark eyes are deep pools in which he would like to drown; he should talk about how they hold flecks of sunlight; about their depth and intensity.
And she won't if you keep giving in.
There is no reason to keep it up. The relationship ended, why none of their business. I would suggest actively working on dropping the habit of being verbally abusive. Get out of this relationship but work one the habit so it doesn't spread to your next one.
Don't gaslight yourself or pressure yourself, he should NOT be pressuring this subject and you might end up doing it just to please him and that will cause you trauma in the long run, this is very concerning OP I hope your okay, do you have a supportive community around you or are you isolated to your husband?
I guess my people pleasing tendencies make me afraid of asking other to compromise for me. Thank you for your reply. It’s very hot to not feel like an alien for not being touchy feely lol
You're in another abusive relationship and it will escalate once the baby arrives. Create an exit plan and get out, consider therapy for yourself.
You have to ask him, do you want to prioritize your friendship or our marriage? Because he doesn’t want to be without her even if it’s hurting you all this time You guys have to understand that they were having emotional affair, all this time his being spending time with her it was less tine spent with you… You need to go to couple therapy, he needs to cut her off, because what does he expect to get with her? He cab be attracted, but his word of not wanting anything serious don’t have any value because all this tine you showed him what was happening and he made you look crazy..
No. You absolutely do not have to try. You have to move on.
Listen, as an outside observer I am not seeing much difference between your fiance and your father. Neither care about what you want, both trample all over your boundaries and give you orders…are you sure you want to marry a guy who threw “involve your abusive father in our relationship or I'll dump you” at you as part of his engagement proposal? Please think long and very hot about spending the rest of your life with someone like this.
Insisting on going alone has huge “I don’t want people to see what I’m doing because I’m going to cheat” vibes.
No, it doesn't. You're the one putting those vibes on it. It's a 5 day trip that she informed him of weeks ago and he even gave his “okay” for it and said it sounded like a good idea, and now for whatever reason he's upset about it.
The notion that it's suspicious to travel solo really just needs to die. Now, if this were, “I decided to book a trip to Las Vegas with all my single girls who all have a history of cheating and encouraging me to do the same,” that would be a different story. But that isn't the story we are reading here today.
Honestly, he’s in the wrong for how he handled the situation, but I can see why he felt he was right. You had made it pretty obvious that you didn’t want it to be a thing from the start and he kept giving you options for you but after everything he probably felt it would be a more enjoyable experience without you around. He probably didn’t want the trip tainted by your feelings, but he should’ve communicated that even if it meant having an uncomfortable conversation. You guys probably need to sit down and have a serious conversation. You guys have only been together for a short time.
I don’t think you’re an ahole for trying to insert yourself here. If you can try and talk to him in private and see what he wants to get out of his future. Does he want to leave her? Is he afraid of finances? If you really want to help him and he wants out maybe offer to take him in until he’s on his feet. Do they have kids?
At what point did everyone clap? My god man you really sat down and wrote this whole thing about yourself?
lmao no way this is real
“Bruh, you either learn the material or learn to cheat properly. you can't pass without at least one of these skills”