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30 thoughts on “More & Liams the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. You don’t talk it out to someone who would rather use their hands on nth human. What she needs to do is run from that POS. He needs to get arrested.

  2. This itself is the biggest redflag, now he wants to shave, maybe in future he will hate almost everything about you. Don’t let him suck your soul.

  3. Even shaving every day doesn't make sense, like she'd be shaving nothing most days. Also, with waxing, I thought you weren't supposed to shave?

  4. You have a TERRIBLE social circle!!! He turned the conversation around from marriage and kids to shitting and peeing on you and then said you aren’t marriage material??? Who are these people you surround yourself with??? And his circle is ACTIVELY convincing him to pursue his brother’s wife’s sister because she is naive and impressionable??? Good Lord, you need to run so, so far away from everyone in this story. You’re surrounded by a bunch of crazies!!!

  5. He probably isn't the one for you if he isn't understanding of your situation.

    You don't ask for nudes right after apologizing for messing up already. That's well beyond insensitive. Add in the fact he couldn't put his game down long enough to properly apologize and talk with you about it, he is probably a bit immature and lacks empathy. If he was playign games with a friend, he might have been showing off for his buddy by asking for the pics.

    Either way, move on. You don't need a jerk, you need compassion.

  6. Lol what I meant by that statement you quoted is why be in a long-term relationship with someone who you won't live with pretty much ever lol

  7. There are some things you can't take back and you're going to have to live with the consequences of that. Your parents didn't disown you but you need to realize that your actions also had consequences for the people around you and they are hurt. They won't be able to regain that friendship. The only way your apology will be valid is your changed behavior and you continue down that path whether you are forgiven or not.

  8. 1- count your lucky stars all they did was kick y’all out. An ambulance and police would’ve arrived on scene should you have said something like that to me.

    2- quit the pity party. Actions have consequences. It appears you’ve learned this lesson too late in life.

    3- keep your mouth shut. In general, most people don’t even really care about your opinion to begin with. And why did you feel the need to gloat about how right you were in this particular moment (narcissist maybe)? Just shut the hell up sometimes. Stop trying to be the main character all the time.

    4- your parents man never forgive you. Accept that and deal with it therapy.

    5- don’t ever have children.

    6- do some good in the world. Hit the food bank, go on a mission trip or whatever but begin putting some good energy back into the world.

  9. I don't think this is a healthy relationship anymore. She doesn't trust you and she takes her insecurities about other people's issues out on you. She very much needs therapy. Her mental health issues have killed your relationship. I'm a woman who has been in an abusive relationship, and I think her behavior is WAY out of line.

  10. This seems to be a classic case of a mid-life (existential) crisis, your husband is all of a sudden unsure about life and his purpose. Instead of focusing inward (which is where the problem is at) he is determined to find the issue in his relationship and external situation.

    It's unlikely that he hid the idea of wanting children from you (but if so, it's probably breakup time). It's more likely he no longer knows what he wants, and you can simply respond to his ideas by kindly asking him to consider seeing a therapist or a “life coach “

  11. Hell of a situation . I don't think you were an escort as much as “older dude ” pimped you out . You are straight up , classic , “turned” . You were tricked and pimped out .

  12. Plying football DOES increase the likelihood of domestic violence, but I don’t see the connection between that fact and the fact that he made a joke in poor taste. It seems like a combination of him being extremely ignorant and him having a dark sense of humor. Even having a dark sense of humor has a time and place though—it doesn’t give you a pass to be a dick whenever you want. The “buyers remorse” thing would be enough for me to dump him though. My question is, why do you want to be with someone who doesn’t share your values?

  13. Hygiene may be suffering as a result of an issue with mental health. I'm not diagnosing him. I'm suggesting you sit down and have a conversation NOT ABOUT SEX but about how he's coping with his life in general, what is on his mind and how he is feeling.

  14. I know someone with “cyclical vomiting syndrome.” She vomits sometimes. Stress and other things does trigger it and it can't be stopped. Her best strategy is with avoiding triggers. Some medications have helped a little.

    Last year she vomited for days and her kidney starting shutting down. She was hospitalized and they kept her a long time because her kidney function was so low. From vomiting.

  15. I feel like something is being left out, you have no clue what could have triggered his change in behavior? You’re both VERY busy for parents. He’s gone 14 of the 16 waking hours of the day and you have 3 gigs going on besides new mom. If your side gig is raking in that much dough why don’t you quit your full time job and just do the side gig/volunteer? With what info you gave I can only imagine he has a problem with your income/jobs. As a stranger I think it’s too intense of a schedule to raise a child with and he may feel that way too since he also has a demanding schedule time wise at least. Maybe he thinks he has no choice but to do 14 hour days making an average income but you do have a choice since your side hustle blew up and took off and values his sleep/downtime more. Not saying I agree I’m just giving possible perspective of his actions

  16. He is not responsible for what happened to him as a child, but he is responsible for his own behavior now. I can't help you to understand him, but I do want you to know that you are also not responsible in any way for his words or actions. The only part you can control is your response when it affects you.

    It is up to you to choose whether this is something you are willing to live with for the rest of your life. If these tantrums are not something you are willing to deal with for the foreseeable future, then you need to tell him that either he gets real help to process what happened to him and find healthier ways to deal with his feelings (therapy, medication, learning better coping mechanisms), or you cannot stay and continue to allow him to continually hurt you because of his pain.

  17. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Super, super condensed, but there you have it. So, my wife hurt herself…I dunno, three or four years ago? She wasn't able to continue doing her job anymore, so she took a desk job. Things progressed to the point she couldn't do that anymore. Now, she spends her days laying in bed, sitting upnfor a little while, or in the tub. Because of her disability, I end up doing everything. I cook, I clean, I deal with trash, I take care of the pets, everything. She helps out every now and again, if she doesn't have to get up. For example, she'll chop veggies for food, but that's all she can do.

    Our son, my step son, will visit on the weekends but getting him to help me is harder than finding an honest politician. I'm so sick of doing everything, I just…I've started slacking, a lot, and I'm truly embarrassed by it, but I feel like there's so much to do I just…I'm alone in it. For example, the company that picks our trash, through a long bs story, ended up canceling our service. My in-laws said we can use their dumpster, an industrial dumpster, but I can only fill it at night. So I have to load up the trash, some of which is trash bags filled with pee and pine shavings (my wife sometimes can't make it to the toilet so she has a backup…), which I have to be very careful with because they leak. I will drive her car, which gets maybe 5mpg, a half mile to her parents place, unload, come back, and repeat until the trash is cleaned. Nobody helps me with this.

    This is just one of the many, many things that falls to me do. I need to replace the floors in our trailer, I need to redo the waterproof coating on our roof, I have a…rather large list of things I need to do. I also need to hold down a job, something made even more difficult with everything going on. Before I lost my last job, my average schedule was as follows: I worked from 6pm to 6am. I would come home, spend time with my wife until 10, sometimes I'd help clean, sometimes we'd just watch movies, but I always got her food. On Mondays, I'd take our son to school when I got home (I worked a 2-2-3), so I'd get home about 8. Sometimes he had to take the day off because I was so tired, I nearly ran off the road. This had to happen about six times before my wife understood how serious it was…Anyway, at 10, often times, I would have to prep to make sure she had food, she had access to her emergency supplies like the toilet, sometimes it would be staying up to do some cleaning I “almost snuck out of.” So, often times, I wouldn't sleep until 12-1:30. I would get up about 4. I would usually have to hurry, hurry, hurry to make food and prep food so she wouldn't go without during the 12 hours I was at work and so I could eat before I left. I managed to keep this up for about a year before I got the boot.

    I've left a lot out for the sake of saving time, but I've always been…a piece of work at times. My point, I've been in this position for so long, I've known my wife as, well, my patient for longer than I've known her as anything else. When she worked, she busted her butt, she was a hot worker, a dedicated worker and mother, but…now she can't do hardly anything because of…igh, so many medical problems it's naked to list them off. Her Co2, last they checked, was more than double what it normally is, she's torn ligaments in her knee, she's in constant pain, pretty much a full body cramp 24/7. I've cared for her so long, I don't feel like a husband, I feel like her nurse. Most of my time, I spend helping her.

    Just recently she went into physical rehab and…spending time away from her, I feel…better. and it makes me sick. She's supposed to be my world, everything is supposed to revolve around her. Without her, I'm supposed to be nothing, for better or worse, in sickness and in health…but we fight all the time, I don't like being around her, every single time she asks me something it makes me sick, no matter how small. I put on a smile for her, tell her I love her like I always have, but I'm just…so…miserable. I fantasize about going back to trucking, I love driving around town or being in a store by myself because…I'm alone.

    I'm not looking for sympathy, if anything she deserves it because she's stuck with this monster. I just want to scream out and beg for help, what do I do? I want to do stuff for her without feeling like I'm obligated to, I don't want being around her to feel like a chore. I want to feel like I love this woman rather than I'm stuck with this woman. I don't want to be miserable being around her, she hasn't done anything to me to deserve this.

    How do I change myself, how do I fix myself so that I can be the man she deserves instead of the monster she's stuck with?!

    Edit: So, to answer some questions, she is upwards of 400lbs. She has worn herself down and the only reason she's in rehab now is because the doctors have finally found something other than weight. She's a bit of a health nut, monitoring everything she eats, tracking carbs, sugar, she even totally cut out soft drinks. She'd also talking with her doctor about ways to lose weight, including having surgery I she continues to have difficulty owing the weight.

    Sadly, it took her getting COVID when it first came out to help figure out that she had more going on than just weight, but it also tanked her lungs which was when she went on oxygen 24/7.

  18. just the tip of the iceberg fr, calls me sensitive or dramatic for being upset because of the way he treats me. maybe im just not cut for relationships

  19. We know it’s not the 1950s anymore, that’s just how we prefer to live our lives, but he isn’t even upholding that part of the deal. Firm boundaries only lead to more guilt tripping from him. Open communication such as “I feel” statements make him upset and defensive. He told me I was nagging him. I don’t know, he makes me feel lately like he’s not ready for a real relationship if he thinks I’m “nagging” him. It really wasn’t like this in the beginning. I want to think that this is a rut, but this has been going on for months now. We were looking for apartments together and found one that we thought we could make it work. Tight budget. $1,700 one bedroom, still would have to pay some utilities. I looked at my finances again after application process, and realized I couldn’t afford it. I didn’t want to screw him over, so even after we were approved, I told him that I was nervous we wouldn’t make the rent each month and that I think it’d be a smart financial decision to pass up the deal. We were in love with the place, but it wasn’t financially feasible or realistic, and we would have only lived there for eights months because that would be the lease agreement length (they were planning on completely gut renovating the place after the eight months), so I didn’t think the money was worth it for such a short period of time. Ever since then he’s been upping the ante on guilt trip-like remarks. He got really angry with me, which I could understand. I should have been absolutely sure before applying with him, but I really did think I could make it work, until I realized I couldn’t. He thought I was backing out emotionally, but I told him that’s not what it was. I don’t know what to do anymore. I cried myself to sleep last night and didn’t wake up until he got home from work. I am exhausted. Sometimes I feel like I give too much of myself. I seriously considered leaving last night and going home to my parents for a couple days just to get some space.

  20. Avoid all these creepy crank adults and all members of their fan club like a super infectious varient of bubonic plague.

    Particularly when they are drunk or high at night. Hopefully none of them have access to guns.

  21. Wow! Your family sucks! Keep moving forward. Set boundaries with them. You love your life close the door and don’t waste anymore time on this db….. and don’t entertain these conversations. Just walk away from them.

  22. I operate under the assumption that people I care about and people I may care about in the future might stumble upon my social media accounts. That includes my wife, my boss, my coworkers, my kids, my parents, my sister, and my friends.

    I also conduct myself similarly with conversations I have with people. Always under the assumption that my words might be relayed or overheard by someone I care about.

    I don't say things that might hurt someone I care about, even in private or on a social media account that would be difficult to trace back to me.

    So, to your question, I already assume that folks that I care about might see tiktoks I hearted or things I say on reddit. I wouldn't be put off by someone saying as much. I think it would be foolish to expect that someone who I invited to friend me on Instagram wouldn't look at the people and posts that I've liked or comments I've written. It's social media, not a diary.

    If he is offended, then maybe that's a red flag? Besides the red flag of him liking posts of blonde girls 10 years his junior (but that's just my take).

    What I would be a little weirded out by, if I were him, is your “if I don't know about it then I'm ok with it”. I'd be like “doubt”. But.. either way, if it doesn't work out, then it didn't work out for the right reasons.

  23. I think you’d be doing her a huge favor by gently telling her the truth about her breath. It sucks to be the bearer of bad news and she might resent you for it, but if you’re not into her and live on opposite coasts you’ll probably never see her again anyway. She needs to know. Better to hear it from you and you become the villain in her mind than for her to keep going on unsuccessful dates.

    As for just having sex with her anyway, I dont want to shame you for having a casual attitude towards sex. Sex is in fact just sex. But if you don’t want it, you don’t want it and you need to be clear about that. You owe it to yourself to express what you’re thinking and tell her no. If that’s the advice women give other women, it’s the advice men should receive too. There’s nothing wrong with saying yes. There’s nothing wrong with saying no. Just mean what you say.


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