My friend (20f) decided to “test” my boyfriend (22m) and he fell for it. How do I handle this?

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I'm stuck in a fucked up situation, not sure what's worse. My friend trying to trap my boyfriend, or my dude taking the bait.

I told her there's no need to do some weird loyalty test, but she was stubborn as hell and hit him up anyway.

Turns out, she was… right. She texted him online asking if he was up for a chat or if he wanted some action. His reply? “Both.” To top it off, he asked her for a pic… of her down there.

I feel like hurling. I don't know if I should bring this up with him or just say fuck it and move on.

I mean, why the hell would he be making future plans with me, introducing me to his family if he's willing to do crap like this?

Tldr My friend messaged my boyfriend on-line and he took the bait. Asked her for a pic of her pussy.


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