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My name is Alice! glad to see you here! , ♥ live! sex chat

42 thoughts on “My name is Alice! glad to see you here! , ♥ the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Treat others how you would like to be treated yourself. Also, if you know you're being a prick, try stopping.

  2. On the second date, he apologized for it on his own. I just said that its rude imo. If he's in the bathroom, wants to show me something on the web, or there's an emergency, I understand. Otherwise, I don't. He admitted to having a problem with it and is grateful when people point it out to him.

    Tell him he either needs to greatly improve or it's a deal breaker.

    It's ok in relationships to tell your partner a small behavior like this bother's you. Especially since he's already acknowledged it's a problematic behavior he needs to fix.

  3. that is great advice but why stop at woman, this is universal. I have seen plenty of my male friends bending over backwards trying to stay in relationships that are unhealthy.

  4. Well, thats a first:)

    It's your money, and she is not your wife, unless your two have a 'sugar daddy' agreement, you are not even obligated to give any allowance, that's not a thing, and since it's your money you have every right to ask what it is for…

    So from here, it feels like she is with you for your money.

    And it's ok to not know all these things, I give you props to even admit it… But today we are with no excuse, because there are many commentaries and talk about this on YouTube and forums. You can get an idea what makes sense.

    Here, this does not make sense when she says the money you give her is none of your business what she does with it… In what reality?

  5. He used the verb “to be”…. so he is calling you one. If he used the verb “to act”, then it would be different.

  6. You asking herr?.. of coirse she will say everything is fine and dandy now!

    Just wait when she is older a bit and does your children know??


  7. I’d say messy right off the bat is probably not worth it relationship wise. Sure relationships take work but you’re young, from the same friend group and he just go out of something. I’ve seen this happen again and again, and even tho people say friend groups won’t change because of a break up, 9/10 they do and you end up losing friends. If you really like him and think it’s worth it then definitely try, maybe just take it slow.

  8. As someone who found out they were bi 6 years into a long term monogamous relationship, me discovering I’m bi didn’t change that I’m a completely monogamous person. I don’t want to explore others while I have a man who loves me exactly as I am. It’s been over 4 years and I’ve never even once had the true desire to sleep with anyone other than my partner, male or female.

    If you want monogamy and she doesn’t, the relationship will not work. Either you will be forced to be ok with sharing her, or she will feel stifled and grow to resent you, or even worse, she may choose to explore others behind your back.

  9. …She's FORTY and relies on the pullout method?

    Sounds like she's trying to get pregnant, honestly.

  10. He’s a fucking loser. Why are you with him? You can do better, dump him and watch your life improve

  11. my biggest concern is her safety.

    Keep simping for a liar that doesn't respect you if you want

    Or you can actually focus on yourself FOR yourself, not as a roundabout way to make her love you.

  12. Agreed, C accepting her partner’s Nazi bs and spouting it to other people is terrible. She’s complicit. I think it’s worth seeing the difference between C and N though. C would not be into this were it not for N so she may be easier to influence.

    Yes, bravery can come in different forms.

    What I think is bad would be people shaming OP for trying, as if staying in touch with the cousin makes OP complicit too.

  13. Yes it is.

    600 years ago catholics and protestants hated each other, kind of died down the last 100 years or so.

    If you plan on being a catholic or raising kids catholic it will cause a problem

  14. Without there being any prior conversations about her going out/hanging out with an ex, much less something intimate like dancing, I can’t help but think this is anything other than cheating. I can’t even imagine her reaction if I even brought up doing something like that with an ex.

    She got upset that I wanted to play games with my friends instead of playing games with her, despite us literally spending the weekend together, and having plans to hang out both Tuesday and Wednesday (this happened on a Monday afternoon).

    We were texting and she asked, I said I was planning on playing with friends but would be happy to play with her tues/we’d. she got all mad over text then ignored me. Immediately after my last text to her, which she ignored, is when she reached out to her ex asking how he was and what he was up to etc etc. That part of the convo fizzled after they agreed to meet up irl or over FaceTime “sometime”. Then she texted again a few hours later asking him to go dancing. He was busy so they couldn’t, so it died there.

    A few hours later she came back to me basically asking why I was okay with not talking to her and if I even cared about her.

  15. Edit: She says she got it resolved for now, it seems her new office colleague has helped her. I said no, I am of no help, I don’t have the money except the savings. She said it’s alright with a smiley face and responded back with thanking me for my time… it’s weirdly formal of her to say like that.

  16. What? You actually want to remain friends with someone who has been cheating on your friends for years? What is wrong with you?

  17. It has been mentioned about last parties in other conversations but not specifically for this one. And I feel like I can’t bring it up.

  18. You sound miserable about this relationship, and I don't blame you one bit. But your engagement should be a happy, positive time of looking forward to being with your partner. If you don't feel that happiness, take about 99 steps back to consider breaking up.

  19. I agree, or she could have checked out on the relationship the first time because it was too stable and not exciting, and now that she's been treated badly, she can appreciate the difference.

    Either way, this isn't on the up and up.

  20. More than worth it, for the both of you.

    Sex & attraction are HUGE aspects of successful relationships. You will end up breaking up with her eventually, it's more a matter of when it will happen rather than “if”.

    You owe it to yourself and to her as well. You deserve to be with somebody you feel attracted to, and she deserves to be with somebody who is attracted to her.

  21. So, your ex-boyfriend stole £40 and you’re asking whether or not you should press charges? Did I get that right?

  22. Yeah, this time I attempted to be a little more forward since most if not all of the previous acquaintances that I met this past while was less so, seemingly from my nature to be more indirect and not too pushy/frequent. This led to a difficult time maintaining my relationships, even if they were just platonic. So for this time, how would you suggest I got about this?

  23. One more vote for “dump his ass,” but you can also contact that company with your card info and to let them know this was an unauthorized use of your card. They can refund you and in the process will probably also shut down his account.

    Most reputable companies aren’t gonna wanna do business with someone who used a stolen credit card. And that’s what this is. He has stolen £40 from you.

  24. Speaking as someone who has a mother that's very similar to what you've described, never give this woman an inch of control over you. She's already outted herself to you by pointing out that she doesn't like how independent you are, it's not insulting to be labeled as independent. She's also made it clear that she takes things personally & will expect you to constantly provide her with validation by calling your very reasonable rationale “rejection”.

    If you have children with this man especially, this spineless man who never stands up to his mother, they will make your life a living nightmare together & spin you on your head. It'll take you years to unpack what they'd put you through, no man is worth that & you don't need to waste the emotional currency this insane dynamic.

    Best wishes to you, I really hope you know that you're worth more than this. Someday, when I have daughter in law's from my two sons, I will welcome them with warm hearts & never expect them to bend to my whims. I promise you, what they have is not normal & it's not beyond your comprehension because you aren't a mother.

  25. She’ll bring up the topic, asking what we did over our “weekend” aka Thursday through Saturday/Sunday and how we are. It’s when I actually answer that she clams up and gets awkward. I’ve known this girl for 11 years, 12 in September, I know when something is up. I’m lost on what to do. We are great at communicating, we’ve never had boys or dating even make a dent in our friendship. I’m a pretty self-aware person so I know I’m not being delusional when I say I’m not being the girl whose relationship becomes their entire personality. We talk wayyy more about MCR and horoscopes and mental health than we do my relationship. I just don’t know how to go forward without “making it an issue” seeing as based on her words it’s fine and I should act like normal. I want to confide in my friend about deciding when I want children or to get married or move out. These questions and future choices are based on my own wants and needs and in terms of my discussions with my friends, and not so much my bf. When I want to discuss my bf’s feelings about and place in those decisions, I’ll talk about it with him. I just want to talk to my best friend without feeling like I’m being some boy crazy teen girl. I know it’s my first relationship but we’re a year in and all that shiney novelty has worn off. I’m just happy, in love, and giving myself an appropriate amount of focus and care.

  26. Sorry if I posted this to the wrong sub, I’m not super great with Reddit as a whole. If anyone knows where I should post this instead, please let me know

  27. if after 6 months in he sees no problems behaving as if you where together for 15 years there is a huge problem.

    You guys are suppose to still be in that wonderful phase where everything is new and wonderful, where you can hardly keep your hands off each other. hell I remember at that age getting woken up in the night, and waking my partner in the night, for a 3 am quicky (Now at 37 I would drop kick the guy out of bed for waking me up at 3 am to have sex but back then? bring it!).

    something deeper is going on here and it is not the lack of alone time. You guys are not a match, after 6 months this is a huge problem and either he comes clean or you need to either accept that this is how it is or leave. he could have a medical or psychological issue with sex and evading the issue. either way it is not up to you to fix him, expecially if he won't help himself. Nothing wrong with saying you both want different things in the bedroom and it makes you both incompatible mates.

  28. Thank you. It was exhausting constantly being accused of cheating when you know you aren’t doing anything wrong. My ex would come home from work and swear he saw my co-worker driving down the hill from our house. He was never at our house so.

  29. break up with her and block her on everything. she can't force you to be in a relationship with you. cut contact, this doesn't sound healthy.

  30. Yikes from top to bottom…

    No more making big decisions together, such as buying trucks. That is just digging yourself deeper into the complications.

    I don't see a feasible solution that won't result in a messy break up… I think it's something you need to take a deep breathe and go through with it.

    My only recommendations, maybe you can have a family member stay with you during the process to keep an eye on things. Have replacement locks ready to go. Bring other people into the loop so they know whats going on.

    The other commenter offered some great advice that is worth following.

  31. You’re young. It sucks but 8 years is nothing. You got together young and married really young and it’s possible she’s projecting because she doesn’t want to be in the relationship anymore. Go to couples counseling and both should go to therapy or cut your losses and leave.

  32. I will probably confront him… I'm not gonna take his money if we get divorced so I don't need to alter the prenup… it's just that each of us keeps what we have, and I'm fine with that

    I don't need all this men in the palm of my hand… I'm not that type of girl… I just wanted a happy relationship with him, but now every time a guy even talks to me, I will doubt his intentions

    So yeah he changed me in some way…

    But I'm not gonna start sleeping around just because he did this to me


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