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36 thoughts on “MyaAndDavidd on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Hmm, not sure your situation but as someone planning to get married soon and saving for a mortgage with my partner, even if he could afford an expensive ring it's better to go towards building our life right now, so we are going for a “temporary” $400 sapphire eventually going to a nicer lab-grown diamond one. It's not unheard of to have temporary engagement rings, in my field we even have people wearing plastic wedding rings because they work with equipment that may react with the metals. If it seems like something you might be able to afford in the future and you're in a pretty transitory stage in your life right now, it can make sense to have a temporary ring.

  2. exactly, why be with someone who doesn’t have the same wishes as you. If you were in something serious, he wouldn’t be doing something you clearly aren’t all for

  3. That is an extremely weird way to save something. I would not only break up with him, but be concerned about what he's done if you have sent him anything similar.

  4. When we had our kiddo, my husband started to sleep in the spare room because he had to drive a lot for work at that time, and the baby waking in the night was waking him and he's wasn't getting good rest. His safety on the road was more important that sharing a bed at that time. This is just a season – your baby won't be small forever.

  5. It sounds like she's upset with her injury situation, and is projecting it onto you a bit. Personally, I wouldn't mind if my spouse went out late with friends, as long as they weren't driving intoxicated or anything. People need “down” time, and sometimes that involves separate things.

  6. You ARE asking too much. Depression is a clinical condition that people go to years and years of education after the baccalaureate to know how to understand and treat. You blithely assumed that he could know how to deal with you, and just by alerting him you had depression, he was signing on to that responsibility.

    I don't think you're fit to be in a romantic relationship at the present time. You should make a major priority of getting therapy and if necessary, medication. If you are contemplating dying, then you should seek emergency help at an emergency department, and possibly hospitalization for a while.

    If you devote yourself to that work, you probably will be much more relationship-ready. I don't advise asking him to wait, though. There are other fish in the sea. This was a love affair that ran its course. Neither of you can be good for the other at the present time.

  7. That all sounds like depression. It’s not being managed, despite you thinking so.

    She needs to adjust her care plan. Her current meds and therapy aren’t cutting it.

    When you’re depressed, everything can feel like a mountain with a summit you couldn’t possibly climb, so why bother starting to try? This is really what your description sounds like to me.

  8. Not necessarily. Colleges that have counseling majors often have very reduced cost sessions. Some insurances cover behavioral/mental health (including couples and family!) pretty well. For example, I have no copay on therapy as long as i stay within network.

    While it is expensive for many, it isn't always.

  9. It's not a solution. It's the opener to finding a solution. It's important to communicate one's feelings to one another so you can work through problems you have with each other and discover what might be lacking. If one feels as though they're not being affirmed as much, than that's a shortcoming that needs improvement. How is discussing one's feelings not working towards an emotional solution? I'm also not entirely sure what you mean by an “emotional problem requires an emotional solution.” Could you explain?

  10. She is not sure about the relationship or they couldn't talk her out of it. I think you should ask for a 3 month break and BOTH date other people. You want her to be SURE before you commit ,not just stay because she's afraid of losing you but thinking she can do better.

    You have been together from a very young age, you have both probably changed a lot. In three months time meet up again and see if you still choose each other above everyone else.

  11. Has he ever been attracted to you? I’m confused as to why he would pursue with no attraction. Is this an arranged marriage?

  12. Yeah, thats my point of view too. There will be times where work is the priority. When I’m on a business trip (2-3 times a year) I have to work up to 16 hours a day for a week, it’s just part of the job. We both like our jobs so it’s not really a burden if it happens a couple times. But I just get tired of being left aside all times. I don’t need to be #1 priority all the time, but i want to have the feeling of being worth some of her time. If that makes sense.

  13. And now, he wants for this friend of his (29M) to move in with us soon. And whenever this friend of his asks him to do anything, he’ll do it without question where when I ask it’s always like pulling teeth.

    He's gay, closeted, and in love with his friend.

  14. Yup. All my traditional friends married in their culture or their parents want them to when they do. It’s frowned upon not to.

  15. This is the naked part of “in sickness and in health”. Stay strong, and get as much connection with her as possible.

  16. My ex freaked out when she accidentally bled through her pad one night. I woke up to her yelling at me about it. I just cleaned the sheets, put on new ones and tried to get her to calm down. I guess her mom told her that doesn't happen to grown women and embarrassed her one time when it happened.

  17. I dont get random notifications from uninstalled apps. Only from installed apps that you give authorization to get push notifications.

  18. If I wanted kids and my partner couldn’t give them to me, that’s a legitimate reason to break it off. Talk to him.

  19. No you’re not being a prude, if she wants to fuck other people while in a relationship then she needs to date poly men and not get into monogamous relationships

  20. Nah he dosent have adhd. I’m the one who has it actually. I k ow what you mean though gaming helped me when I was a teen but I’m a mom of 3 kids now so I don’t have time. I listen to music now. Having ADHD dosent effect my ability to know people don’t like when you are on a phone when you are talkin to them though.

  21. Ewwwww!!!

    First of all (I'm setting the serial killer vibes to the side for just a sec, stay with me), doing ANYTHING like that without you being fully informed (therefore properly consenting), is fucked. He can trust you, you can't trust him. You don't do this to someone after they were vulnerable and are in distress.

    Secondly, doing that to you with tape, and gagging you….that hurts your skin. It's not good for physical bondage unless you're a kidnapper or whatever. He can trust you, you can't trust him.

    Thirdly, this is SCREAMING serial killer vibes. He needed to restrain you without your knowledge or you fighting back just to trust you? YOU CAN'T TRUST HIM.


  22. So what if you did back pedal? You are allowed to change your mind. If you are uncomfortable with this, then don’t do it and don’t feel pressured . If it’s a dealbreaker to him that you won’t, let him go

  23. It could be gone SO FAST if they lived like she wants to. Housing alone is a huge expenditure these days, and cars. I guarantee one expensive vacation request would turn into multiple requests. It’s why most big lottery winners end up worse off than before their big win. He could live a more than comfortable life with 24m retired if he kept up a reasonable lifestyle, she doesn’t want a reasonable lifestyle, she wants celebrity lifestyle.

  24. This isn’t healthy behavior; he sounds controlling and manipulative. Take a naked look at the rest of your life together, and ask yourself if you notice anything else he’s doing that’s controlling and/or manipulative, like when he blew up on you for not being able to pick up his daughter.

  25. Sounds like you two are incompatible. For a lot of people, sex is just as important as other aspects of a relationship. He's not willing to find a solution, and your solutions aren't working. Based on the information you provided, this will likely only get worse in the future. It may even bleed into other aspects of your relationship. You can try couples counseling. If he's not willing to do that either, it may be best to separate while it's still early.

  26. Oh my god is your ex a stupid and insecure person. He wants to screw around because fomo and he will fail and probably come back.

    Do not wait. He is a loser and not worth your time.

  27. All there is is “me me me”.

    You are right. I'm inclined to describe my feelings. It may be from some misunderstandings, but they are not fake. I also want to examine where they come from and how to cope with them. But I'm so lack of knowledge and experience.

    You didn't mention the cost of the jacket you sent him, which I find pretty telling

    I want to make it clear that the screenshot has the price on it in the first place. And because we are in China, the prices of commodities are different in the US and EU. So I didn't mention it. FYR, the jacket is $33.28 at the exchange rate. He can eat an all-vegetarian meal at $1.16 to n abundant meal at $2.62. I was not sure if he could afford it. If he can't and let me know about it, I can accept it.

    “I felt it was meaningless because I didn't get a certain response.”

    I don't know if there is a misunderstanding of “certain response”.The way he tried to please me was by sharing the bad weather, the food for the dinner, and sending emojis and memes(not apology). So for the quoted sentece, I meant he was missing the point. I was not too self-centered to find he tried to please me. But he what he did couldn't work for our previous conflict. I didn't think he could only say Yes to my wish. “Please let me know what are you thinking, and gave me a reason. I just needed that form of problem-solving.” I thought in my head. Now I have told him how I want him to react in such situation and gave him choices on the gift. I also told him that he has the right to ask me to provide a solution directly.

    He decided to “cancel or postpone”. His decision became my turn to make a decision. I chose to cancel it. I said:” I also forgot your birthday, so I'd love to compensate or cancel mine together. Just let me know.” (He never mentioned his birthday for months. It was past on march 21st.) He said he didn't care birthday at all, and celebrating it was not a necessary form of love in his opinion, and it didn't have to be a picked occasion to give gifts. I sais:” Right. It didn't have to be a picked occasion. But I never have the experience to receive a 'I just think of you.' ” He said he rarely shopped, but it's possible to happen. I accepted.

  28. We originally thought we would be able to handle it.

    but your reply made me realize why people say long distance is naked. and I'm an idiot for not seeing it sooner. I don't think i can go on like this yea.

  29. She is testing the waters with the otger guy. If she likes him, she will break up with you. Beat her to the punch, dump her first, and warn the other guy as a parting gift.


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