Nathashaefron live! sex chats for YOU!

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30 thoughts on “Nathashaefron live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Well, it seems you already know. It seems he did something wrong. I'm not sure I'd call touching on the thigh assault unless you're using legal terminology but in layman's terms I'd definitely call it inappropriate. Not to mention that no guy that old should be touching a young woman without her consent. He should know better. Clearly he's been looking at you and he's probably fantasised and took the opportunity to cop a feel.

    I'm pretty sure you know he did it on purpose, so in a situation like this where only you and him were present it's up to you to decide whether or not you think it was assault or not.

    Just ask yourself some questions

    Did he touch your thigh on purpose? Do you consider a thigh touch assault?

    If the answer to these is yes, then you have your answer. He did assault you. After that you have to decide the degree of the assault. Brush it off? Stop being his friend? Tell everyone? Tell the police. Only you can decide these things. Not randos from the internet who weren't there.

    I'd also keep open like 15 percent chance that maybe you were just drunk and it actually was unintentional. I've seen people accuse others of things like this when 5 other people saw that it's not what happened.

    In my opinion the dude is a creep who waited til you were drunk you cop a feel. Saying nothing happened without further elaboration just makes him sound guilty, but I don'nt know and neither does anyone else. No ones elses opinion matters but yours.

  2. Your brain is not fully developed. You will not be the same person when you are 26. In fact, most likely you will be a completely different person.

    You are setting yourself up for being unhappy in your early twenties, when that is supposed to be the time of your life.

    You do not want to get married while in college. College is enough stress. You don't want a marriage which can also be stressful.

    I'm not going talk about the age difference. Everyone else has addressed it. Nine months isn't long but my parents got engaged after nine months, but they were in their twenties. They're divorced now because my dad, who wanted to lock my mom down, was a narcissist. If she's trying to lock you down, I would bet she is too… and wait till you get married, the narcissism is much, much worse.

    Your personality is still developing and still changing. You will not be the same person when you are her age. She may grow to dislike you, you may grow to resent her. In fact, I'm certain you will start to resent her when your friends are having the times of their lives in their early twenties and she doesn't let you.

    And there is no rush. You really think someone else will marry her by the time she's 25? Unless she has a line of suitors, which would be a red flag in itself, she's just putting the pressure because she wants a wedding.

    You're still a teenager my dude. You may think you are mature, but I can guarantee that you are not, no matter what she tells you. The fact you're considering this shows that you're not mature already.

  3. OP said the popcorn was thrown. I can't see how throw equates to angrily placing it in their lap. And either way, it feels off to ask OP if they're remembering wrong because of how they have been treated in the past. Almost gaslighting, imo.

  4. You are extremely young to be thinking of making lifetime commitments to each other. You’re barely adults yet and will change a lot over the next few years. It does sound like while you love her your gut is telling you that she isn’t the one. Maybe it’s time to end the relationship and be single. Work out what you want from life rather than have it dictated to you.

  5. Exactly. Guy really described his girlfriend as “the most amazing, beautiful and kindest girl I've ever met with great personality to tie it all together” and yet this issue might be worth breaking up with her over. That speaks way more to his insecurities to anything wrong that she did.

  6. Hello /u/Human_Arugula_3798,

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  7. Do you call her mom?

    Tell her to stop treating you like a child, could have been cute at some point but now it's plain insufferable. She has to change or move.

  8. Are you conservative on sex or are you a bit jealous and freaked our at the idea you don't have as mich sexual experience?

    Ask yourself the right question and make the real conclusions. Even if they hurt. And then go forth with it. If you got a girl with 11 dudes and 5 ONS it means you must have become something quite nice to have sex with either.

    I don't know if I am making myself clear to you?

    I am probably going to get downvoted for this comment but as an ex heavily overweight bullied person in his teens, I recognize the situation your in.

  9. I don't really want to catch her in the act or really embarrass her too bad, I don't think that would do anything but stew a really bad relationship between us edited to say: i know she's doing it, it isn't about catching her because she admits it sometimes, it's just about getting her to stop

  10. Best advice I can give is keep your head down till you can get out.

    Mom has been through a lot but she hasn't processed it yet. Its still raw and eating at her. She needs professional help. Help that you can not provide. You can suggest that ii might help her to get a professional to listen and guide her in her living arrangements.

    The one thing to do is tell mom you will not lie for her and don't. Apparently you are dependent on grandpa and not her.

    As an aside I am not sure everything she is telling you about grandpa is not embellished

  11. Ultimately, she chose based on what others were telling her over what she says she felt. Thats bs. She had feelings of some sort being validated by her coworkers and proceeded to act on them. Sad situation, but you're dodging a bullet.

  12. There's a lot of ways you can do this. First and foremost, do not feel bad or sorry for him. He made the decision to cheat, and now he gets to on-line with the consequences! It's understandable you feel used, I think most people in your situation would.

    You could gather your esswntial things and go stay with family while he's gone today. You can plan what your next step is once you're out (bring the dog). Keep in mind that you do not actually have to confront him in person if you don't feel safe or comfortable doing so. You can also bring someone with you for support if you do confront him in person.

    You can also wait a bit to tell him you know while making an exit plan. Get your important items out of your home and with someone you trust. Tell someone when you plan on telling him or have someone with you in case he reacts poorly. Have a plan in place in case you need to leave your home for a couple of days.

    Overall, make sure when you decide to tell him you know, you're doing it in a way where you feel safe. Don't let him gaslight you or try to blame his cheating on you.

  13. I hope you are getting therapy from someone who specializes in trauma and rape.

    This is not your fault. I hope you have help in dealing with your shame, trauma, and fears.

  14. You hate it enough to post on Reddit so you need to talk to her. In my marriage I find communication is the most important tool, you can solve anything if you communicate with each other.

    There are literally thousands of cute pet names she could call you – I’m sure she can think of another one. I think it’s pretty sweet though – she’s obviously happy and proud you are her husband.

  15. Too many people on Reddit say “dump him/her” immediately. I think you need to try communicating to him that name calling in a relationship is unacceptable and will become a deal breaker if he can not stop. That he is invalidating you and your feelings and disrespecting you. Love=respect. Name calling is disrespect. Invalidating your feelings is disrespect.

    From what you describe he is not very good at communicating, or understanding that in a conflict between two people who love and respect each other, it always has to be you two against the problem even if it is about one of your feelings. If you are feeling upset about something and he isn't, it's still the two of you against the problem.

    If he can not understand this after multiple attempts to show him this way of communicating, then dump him. Hugs.

  16. My advice is to not get married as you’re barely adults and getting married is clearly premature and a huge mistake. This keeps coming up because you’re not ready and it ridiculous to try to convince this 18 years old that marrying you NOW is a good idea. It would be your first very big adult fuck up.

  17. Ouch.

    I get that you thought what you was doubg, was a good thing, but remember that for some People, family isn't the best. I've also cut contact with my mon after psychical abuse and violent. That is why it always is a good idea to listen to your fiance, and let it be up to him…there simply is some areaes that you should never touch. Now after you broke his border….I think you should apologize, and try to talk with him and explain why you did what you did and that you understand his reaction and give him time to think in private. There's nothing more you can do.

  18. At this point…. I really don't know what else to do. Just let him go and clean house while he's gone getting all my things together. I wanted to see his kids tomorrow, but this is too much, especially with previous issues.

  19. Fuck that’s actually kinda sweet. It just seems like that intense connection and sense of security causes a positive reaction. I wouldn’t say it’s a fetish and I don’t see anything wrong with it.


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