Nichole lights the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Nichole lights, 28 y.o.


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14 thoughts on “Nichole lights the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. She's manipulating you. Nude to accept but that sounds to me like guilt tripping. Instead of recognizing that both of you do have a problem, she immediately shuts down and starts to guilt trip you until you have to reassure her. Sorry, but it's not healthy at all. “This shouldn't be the one issue stopping us” well, it SHOULD be, because how tf can you marry someone you're not compatible with? If it's important to you, then it's important! Your feelings and desires are totally valid! (But apparently your gf thinks that the only valid feelings are hers) I'm sorry OP, but if you don't end this relationship and get engaged and even get married etc, everything will stay the same because she doesn't want to improve. I get the mental health thing, but you've talked a lot about this, there are self-help books, there are some websites where psychological help is free or at least cheap, there are support groups etc) she doesn't need to wait for therapy, she can start to want to get better by herself (talking from experience…)

    Also, all this is from someone who actually waited until marriage. My husband and I DECIDED to do it that way and also almost failed hundreds of times because we actually demonstrate each other we felt sexual desire for each other.

  2. Oh no I wouldn't dream of it. But it's a different story for my dad, he's quick to anger and can be very aggressive at times. If some random woman came to his house screaming for her son he would not take too kindly to it. I'm more scared of my dad's reaction than her coming to my house ?

  3. I like this idea. Funny that you mention keeping food separate. I definitely don't eat a whole lot and have wondered why I pay for half the food when I eat maaaaybe a third of it. (In all relationships, not just this one.)

    I wouldn't get my own room. What percentage of rent should I offer to pay when we are sharing a bedroom?

  4. He’s not a piece of shit father. As upset as I am at him I know he takes care of the kids in his own way and is affectionate and loving to them. He just can’t manage them alone which is frustrating and he goes about it the wrong way and we’ve discussed it. I also recognize two is enough and had my tubes tied. Our eldest has need that require more than the average 2 year old and so we tag team it. If we had a third it would be chaos.

  5. My bet is somehow she seemed to be the reason of the suicide in the note OR the only one who could have saved him, and they want to punish her by not giving her closure. They didn't had any with him, so to them she shouldn't have it either when she could have saved him.

  6. This is so incredibly false, every major pregnancy test brand says their results are 99.99999% accurate on the day of a missed period. The 3+ weeks on the test is not referring to the time since the date of conception, or the date of implantation. It’s referring to the date of the start of your last menstrual period.

    If the girl had a fairly typical 28 day cycle, had sex on day 14, ovulated sometime around then, then she could have a positive test result as early as day 24ish. Even let’s say she waits till after her period was due, (at the point of the 99.9999% accuracy) that would be day 28. Two weeks after sex with OP. OP said she told him three weeks after they had sex. The times absolutely could match up.

  7. No dude, just no. You have kids, imagine what you would tell them if someone disrespected them like that.

    I’ve been in your shoes, although my kids were a few years younger. Respect yourself and end it now. Staying for the kids won’t fix it. You can be an amazing dad without staying with her.

  8. No I do not know it, how she feels, I did not asked her personal questions yet. I guess it was not correctly explained, my English is not so well I think. It is about the feeling I had when we came together with her not the feelings I have now. That

  9. Nope. The trust is gone. He is avoidant personality. After hurting you like that – don’t let him back in. That’s a pathetic excuse and I don’t believe it for a second. A text takes a moment to write. Don’t let someone treat you like this.

  10. Sis – lets flip this. You are reluctant to burst his bubble but the fact is your husband is actively manipulating you and your housemate into doing something you have specifically said you do not want to do.

    His behavior is INCREDIBLY disrespectful of you, your marriage vows and his friend. His behavior is incredibly selfish and potentially dangerous to you.

    I'm sorry Sis, but him pressuring you and trying to orchestrate this whole liason behind the scenes when you have explicitly said no, that is WRONG on every level. Like, in my book, divorce grounds.

    Please value yourself enough to put a NUDE stop to this and leave while you figure out if you want to stay with a man who is this manipulative and disrespectful to your boundaries and feelings.

    Sis, let me put it this way – it could be something as simple as oral sex. If a partner says NO, it means NO. It doesn't mean brow beat them into it and then try to manipulate them into a situation where they can't say no. If a partner says no, it means no.

    Your busband is bad news.

  11. Dude, you were never part of this woman's life and will absolutely never be part of that baby's life other than being a sucker. You really bought into this whole Thailand life, huh?

  12. The best would be couples therapy but I think he will refuse that, so I would say go to individual therapy, and the therapist will probably have some ideas what's going on with him and hopefully some ideas how to handle it. It seems obvious that he has some rather serious issues, but based on the amount of info you gave it's impossible to tell what it could be.

  13. I think tomorrow, I’m going to sit him down and talk to him about how we shouldn’t hook up anymore. I know where he works as well so it’s not like I don’t have dirt on him but I wouldn’t do anything to hurt him like that. Depending on his response and how he acts when I tell him, I’ll decide to completely cut ties with him. These are human relationships we’re dealing with, some stuff needs to be done slowly or else overthinking will happen which may result in even worse outcomes than if we were to continue messing around.


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