NicoleRoberts19 live sex chats for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “NicoleRoberts19 live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Well, that's your choice. And honestly, what's a week to someone who has already waited three months? As long as you don't get your hopes up… But seriously, I think his behavior to this point says it all. I hope things go well for you, regardless of what happens.

  2. Aside from the age gap, and assuming this isn't a troll post, you don't say anything – at all – about being able, ready, and willing to step into the step-parent/partner role.

    Dating someone with children, especially at this age where they're still in the house (and will be for at least 5 more years) is not a “bug” of the relationship. It's a fucking feature.

    It demands things of partners that other relationships do not demand. It's another world, OP. Based on this post alone, you do not seem (1) aware of this and (2) prepared to do this.

    No shade – I wouldn't have been AT ALL prepared to engage in this kind of relationship at 23. When I became old enough to know that I could, I realized I didn't want to.

    But please ask yourself – are you looking for a dad? Because you've found one – his kids just don't want another sibling out of the blue.

  3. I'm quite a bit older than you and more direct, so personally, I would just say: “Hey, this is OP, the New Years party was really fun!” If he answered that, I would then say: “Want to lunch together and hangout for a bit?” In this case I would also flirt, but split the bill.

  4. He doesn’t need it, he has benefits. I think I will give it to someone else. It could be a test but he has no reason to.

  5. Ah, ok, the way she brought it up, is a bit manipulative. It’s like she knows it’s a problem but wants permission, but also doesn’t want to admit she wants to do it. So if you’re mad about it, she can lie and just say she was only asking.

    A better way to say it that would be more direct and less manipulative “hey, just fyi, I plan to flirt and guys might give me some numbers, but I see it as just good fun, I’m not trying to get with anyone, that cool with you?” She’s still asking but also owning she wants to do it and why.

    But that’s a benign reason for why, she also could have less savory reasons as well. Maybe tell her if she wasn’t going to do it, she wouldn’t ask, so she clearly is thinking about doing it, so she needs to own that and tell you why she wants to do it, before you give more of your opinion on it. And to be honest, how good are you at telling if someone is trustworthy, do you have ways to tell? As this gives off very iffy vibes and you might want to double check if she’s as trustworthy as you think she is.

  6. u/TheBlackCowboyHat77 Think of it this way. A baby is born only when the parents what it to be, & when the parents don't want it to be born, it's bc they can't take care of the kid. Then it isn't worth having the baby. See what i am getting at? She has issues, u have issues, u both have issues, both from heath & money perspective. So fix all those so that you can choose to bring a beautiful baby into this world full of love & care. But if you hurry up that process, your premature understanding of this might hinder baby's development. Regardless of how this goes, you have to take responsibility, not abt the pregnancy, but the baby, the baby isn't born by itself, right ?

    She's just 23, & you are 27. You guys still have a plenty of time to start thinking abt lasting ideas. My suggestion is, start saving/investing now, like $20 a month if you can or as much as you can. Keep it safe, when u are earning enough increase the risk you are willing to take & then when you are stable enough. You can, fix up all your health related problems .etc. Then in a few years you can actually choose with pride to bring a baby into this world.

  7. Honestly, I’d keep things casual until you’re ready for the next step (moving in together). Your job is needed for survival so personally, I wouldn’t risk that for any man but if I did, would at least wait to have my ducks in a roq

  8. I don’t think it’s weird to have location sharing on with family. You say they aren’t controlling him or anything, seems like they will just use it for emergencies.

  9. You're only 6 months in and he's made clear who he is as a person. Time to move on away from him. He's manipulative and selfish and quite obviously not in to monogamy.

    This is 100% his fault.

  10. I don’t know OPs SO and whether they have kids or not etc. But in my own case, I certainly feel guilty when my husband does more chores than I do.

    It’s my own issues: combination of living in a country/culture where it’s still very normal for a woman to not earn as much as husband does and to still be the house runner/cleaner and primary parent; I have nothing against this but my “very modern” husband is an extremely hands on father and very very good at picking up the slack with chores etc when I’m falling behind. I never have to ask, and I don’t even have to do anything if I don’t want to. He just does it.

    I appreciate it so much, but sometimes I feel guilty that I’m not a better home maker. Which is silly because I work very hard, long hours and I earn well.

  11. 38M here, seen some stuff. So, there’s a lot of things to keep in mind here: -A dude having tons of half hard women on social media? Typical. Now a dude in a relationship having that? Can become an issue, depending on the partner. -Some women don’t mind that their partner has that kind of social media, or that their partner enjoys porn, etc. They have the mindset of “it isn’t physical, so it is t a big deal”. Other women, are not like that, and it makes them uncomfortable. Is it insecurity? Maybe, but it doesn’t make you wrong, or your feeling invalid. Both mindsets here are “right” and valid, because everyone has different personal opinions based on their individuality. So it doesn’t matter if you are “insecure”. -The issue, is that you did the right thing, and communicated your discomfort I assume in a non-toxic way, to which he responded in a non-toxic and healthy way, which was to reassure you and offered to end this (by even his own admission) non-essential behavior that was bothering you. -He failed to uphold that. -This created an escalation, to which we are now seeing that instead of him being willing to remedy the situation and respect your boundaries, he is becoming increasingly hostile and unwilling to actually follow through, instead becoming defense and placating.

    My advice is: set out a list of boundaries with yourself, have that “mirror conversation” with yourself about what makes you uncomfortable, what you are willing to accept, not accept, and get a good sense of your boundaries. You don’t need anyone else’s input on your boundaries, this is for YOU to decide. Your next step, is to have a very serious talk with your BF about those boundaries, and explain that he has crossed them multiple times and that he has been disrespectful throughout this. If he, or anyone, doesn’t not immediately stop the behaviors that cross your boundaries, then that ultimately is simply not a relationship worth pursuing.


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