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34 thoughts on “Oh-yess live sex cams for YOU!

  1. It's just literally not gay tho…I'm not sure you or OP knows what gay means. If receiving is gay, then isn't a woman who receives anal “gay”? You're logic is flawed and makes no sense lol. Yes it's his body and he can do what he wants but he (and you) should stop wrongfully labeling things as “gay”. It's borderline homophobia.

  2. I've dated a few women who were deep down insecure about themselves because they were constantly comparing themselves to other women. “Do you think she's pretty?” “I wish I had her body” “I wish my waist went in half an inch more like hers”. Almost to the level of “Why can't I literally be her :(“. They always needed CONSTANT reassurance and it becomes a massive drain after a while. The girls I dated were beautiful but couldn't stop comparing themselves to others and destroying their own self-esteem. It's insanity.

    Your boyfriend is with you because you check all of his boxes. It's like beating yourself up because you don't have blue eyes and ruining your relationship by distancing yourself and needing constant reassurance that your brown eyes are just fine. You might need therapy if you can't grow thicker skin.

  3. I mean possible and the initial obvious conclusion. But again the information is completely omitted and I don't know any guy or girl, that would care if their partners same sex, same sexual orientation saw them completely hard. Changing rooms and stuff exist. Even the swimming baths I was in in Germany a few months ago, all the women were completelt hot in the showers after because it was closed off and only for women. Men use the bathrooms side by side.

    Either he's completely insecure in a very bizarre way given hes probably used changing rooms since gym in school himself, or she's deliberately not mentioned her friends gender.

  4. She definitely is not in any state to sign things, just because you can hold a pen that doesn't mean you have control of your faculties and they your signature is valid. OP will need to go through a court process to get power of attorney. I've been through it with someone who was very sick before.

  5. So… why doesn’t he get a second job? If he’s unspecialised, he can work anywhere. Yes, it might not be skilled labour, but it would be money put towards your (his) debt.

    What is so important at home that he has to be there those three days per week?

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  7. You don’t need to be religious or want kids to get married though. Neither apply to me, but if I met someone I loved so much, I’d want to get married. It’s a celebration of love, no? Admittedly, OP’s boyfriend doesn’t seem to have much of that for her.

  8. If your family is “very conservative”, they should be able to remember the tradition of the bride’s family paying for the wedding. Right?

  9. That's HER problem to deal with. He's YOUR DAD. She can't use you as a pawn to retaliate against him just because she's hurt and bitter.

  10. While I agree most people would, and one should, I also totally understand that to some people it's just not a big deal, and they wouldn't even feel a need to bring it up.

  11. he can break up with her then. thats his decision to make as an adult, just like its her adult decision to drink despite the health risks.

  12. I feel kinda dumb next to him so I felt like I needed to prepare by asking for help (not that he does anything to me feel dumb, he’s just so good at everything and it’s a little intimidating).

    Maybe your right, maybe I should just relax and talk to him ?

  13. You don’t believe in living with someone before marriage and that being with someone in a capacity other than a legal binding document is a waste… so instead you’ll bulldoze them and bully them and whine and cry until he puts a ring on it to quiet you. Oh wooow, you are such a classy catch. I can’t believe he hasn’t locked that down. Enjoy always being the sad bridesmaid and never the bride! ??

    it’s also really telling that a military man doesn’t want to quickly marry you. That’s their whole brand. You really must be insufferable. ?‍♀️

  14. Tysm for the thorough response. All valid points, I’ve decided to leave her but do wish the best for her and hope she find happiness and gets therapy. It could be possible that she was abused and I hope she can one day share that with someone

  15. Btw she knew from the beginning that I hated cheaters and that it was the worst thing she could do to me as I just came out of a relationship that brought me to my mental edge almost unaliving myself multiple times

  16. He moved into your place and he’s making sweeping decisions about how the house is run? Absolutely not.

  17. Is it a win? Even after all these years, it sounds like the wife is still hung up on her real love and is trying to sound like she's not sad to be with her placeholder husband. She saw he felt insecure and reinforced his insecurity with this “confession”. Their entire relationship is based on her lies now dude has to try and figure out what was real and what she's just been tolerating while she pines endlessly for her perfect man.

  18. French tips with clear polish, very natural looking ones, but definitely professionally done.

  19. You were wrong, and you know it, instead of punishing be the best girlfriend you can be and show he is right to you. You made a mistake. Nobody is perfect

  20. Just say no. 'no, that won't be possible.'

    it seems doubly weird throwing my parents into the mix, especially since she’s already pissed them off (rightly so) a couple of times lately. Oh, and she’s only given me 5 days’ notice

    Definitely say no. Your GFs brother and his friends are most likely strangers to your parents?

  21. Yeah, you shouldn’t be offended, it’s not meant to be offensive nor has it ever been used offensively.

    I’d be worried why this guy is all the sudden changing it up. If he’s changing into something you’re not liking, let him know, see if you two can figure things out.

  22. Does he look at the pages or “like” them? If he just looks I don’t see a problem. But if he likes the girls it will only get worse. He’ll be DM’ing at some point.

  23. They have an emotionally incestuous relationship. They sound dangerously codependent. If he managed to get his finances together enough to live! with you, she'd definitely be the type to say, “You're taking my son away from me.” You're already resentful and grossed out. It's not going to get any better. They both would need to learn to be independent. If he were to move in with you, he'd expect you to treat him the same way she does now. Just break up and move on.

  24. Same for me. I rarely tell a longer story and only if I feel like it's really, really important. Maybe I should try your 'I'll just go about my day' approach and see what happens. Maybe he doesn't really need me to actively listen – but I don't want to make him feel bad.

  25. Still probably going to get deleted because you aren’t actually asking for advice here. We can’t read their minds and tell you why they acted the way they did.

  26. Well in this case, not voting. He’s been very anti voting anything from the beginning cause he doesn’t have the time (or doesn’t care to) do his research. That’s why when he originally said he voted for Trump I was like “okay so he did that to pls someone” cause he literally hasn’t voted since and there’s been local elections that I’ve participated in. I rly did he was worth it, but after he lied to me about losing his job for days. I think he’s just lost my trust

  27. You're not insecure.

    She keeps going back to the 1 place where she's guaranteed to see her ex affair partner.

    At this point it sounds like you're her back up plan and as soon as the AP wants her back, she'll be back in bed with him.

    You're only going to hurt yourself more in the long run.


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