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20 thoughts on “PatriciaSyde live sex cams for YOU!

  1. It pisses me off when people pull crap like that “oh you must not trust me” blah blah blah. Some people have trust issues I wouldn't have a problem sharing my phone if that were the case. Good riddance to her.

  2. I’m really sorry that your gf is so insensitive of you. I’m in a one year relationship with my bf and we are both sexually active and likes to do it a lot. For some of my health issue we couldn’t do anything for a month, but he never pressured me in any form. He had a medial issue too after a while and we couldn’t do sex for 2 months but that wasn’t a problem for me. We did other stuff if you know what I mean hahaha an even if we couldn’t that doesn’t matter to me. If you truly love some one it’s awesome making love with them but it’s not all that matters.I care about him and his well-being and if something like that happened to me with my bf I’ll try more than 2 time before deciding to throw away a special person like him. She is aware of your condition? If the answer is yes she is not the right girl for you. She lacks the right empathy and sensitivity; I think this kinda of things need to be handled delicately because they are sensitive topics. By putting an ultimatum like that, she has shown herself to be as delicate as an elephant in a glassware. You better off without her.

  3. As someone who has trauma with physical contact, it can be nude on our part. But it's not impossible to work through. Progress is a process. And you are not obligated to sit through her process. If she turned and looked at you, there's not much of a reason for her to elbow you.

    I had to talk to my ex about implementing a “It's me,” before he leaned in or touched me when I don't expect it. I never had a violent reaction though, I was more jumpy and “I gotta get away” but I'd always calm down as soon as I registered that I was safe.

    But like I said, you are NOT obligated to stick around if you're feeling unhappy in the relationship. Honestly, and it's nude to admit to yourself, but if she's acting that way, she's probably not ready to be in a relationship. That's something she has to admit to herself and work through.

    I hope that the both of you find peace, her with her anxiety and trauma and you with another partner who either doesn't have anxiety and trauma or can handle themselves healthily.

  4. That’s awful! And also not gross at all. Every mammal has a foreskin. Hand jobs and masturbation are significantly more difficult without one.

    It’s crazy to me that American’s so commonly circumcise babies for non-religious/medical reasons.

  5. Why

    of course he’s not neutered

    This is very irresponsible and can partly explain his behavior.

    You online there! Make an appointment to get the dog neutered! Take the dog yourself, the end! It's very difficult to walk a dog that's not neutered and it's also irresponsible!

    You have to make decisions! I understand being unable to get their help, but getting a dog neutered is something you don't need any help. You pick up the phone, make an appointment, and take him.

  6. He respected himself by leaving you. I understand you regret your decision but it is your fault. You cant just talk about how you have bad mental health or trauma and that you don’t know how you had sex with someone else.

    If you truly loved him you’d never do that. Learn from your mistakes. If you truly love him you’ll let him go because guess what I don’t think a guy will ever be able to get over what you did.

    It’s not the end of the world for you both. Just learn from the experience you had with him. It’s gonna be painful and sure you’re gonna feel regret but it’ll be so nude for him to forgive you it’s not worth it unless you both really talk about it.

    Idk how you cheat and can’t take full accountability for it and say you don’t know how it happened. One thing doesn’t just lead to another.

    I get you’re upset about it but if you really want it to work you have to speak to him about it a lot so he forgives you because honestly I know id never forgive a cheater because I have respect for myself.

  7. He will be over his sadness in a few short weeks while you'll be dealing with pregnancy, delivery, childcare and motherhood for the rest of your life. These two things are not equal. You aren't ready. Keep your plan and try when timing is better for you.

  8. No, it's weird, he's never jealous or controlling. Something has just really struck a nerve about this situation.

  9. He’s counting on you not to make a scene. If you talk calmly and non threatening he won’t know what to say. It will make you look good, not cause an atmosphere

  10. I only like rappers when they don't rap about bitches and hoes. Sounds disrespectful and cringy. Respect yourself and wrap up your stuff and move.

  11. Thank you for your comment. I am actually worried about retaliation – which is probably a good reason to separate him from my life too. The fear of retailiation is exactly why I want to secure another living space before I end things. That way I can have a safe place to online as soon as I need it.

  12. It is but you don’t want to online this rest of your life with how much she disrespected you. Get tested for STD’s and speak to an attorney immediately. Get copies of your evidence and hire a PI to follow her on her work trip.

  13. He's emotionally cheating and he knows he's wrong. Sounds like he wants the attention of women, just not you. His lies are constructed to either avoid an argument or make it so he can emotionally cheat and get away with it on technicality. Sounds like you both need to sit down and have a conversation about what you both see as cheating and establish your boundaries.

  14. Pretty sure OP could prove that the cat was personal property in most states. She doesn't have to call the police, though. She can file a suit of conversion in small claims court, against the coworker who considers themself a lawful owner now. She can also threaten to sue and see how that goes over with the current illegal holder of the animal.

  15. Not only foes it end this relationship, it makes you a fucking cautionary tale for every woman put there. Do the world a favor, never date again.

  16. It sounds pretty odd to me, and very unfair to push someone like that.

    will often make comments that I look/dress gay

    What does this even mean? Just makes me think of those old homophobic jokes about lesbians wearing 'sensible shoes'. All kinds of people dress all kinds of ways, it's really not fair to make assumptions about someone based on what they look like.

  17. We were doing a lot together and then he stopped allowing me to get involved in his applications.

    Then ask him to answer this honestly: Does he believe that you're helping or micro-managing?

  18. I understand the vagueness, but does he have reasonable cause to fear for his safety by being around you? If the answer if yes, then I don't blame him one bit for not wanting to put his life at risk, even if unlikely, over a brand new relationship.

    It sounds harsh, but can you really blame him for not wanting to put himself in a situation where he could catch a bullet over someone he doesn't even know that well?


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