Paula-vegga on-line sex cams for YOU!

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13 thoughts on “Paula-vegga on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. I don't know if it's cheating or not, but it's disrespectful to say the least. He would've cheated if he had the chance to meet her in person.

  2. Do what you think she will be comfortable with , she may not be comfortable in front of everyone. I'm wishing you both many happy years together full of love, happiness and laughter.

  3. “She then says she is done with me, blocks me and says never to contact her again.”

    She gave you the best advice you could get in this situation.

    As nude as it may be to feel you're letting go of 5 years, there's noting but more unnecessary and unwarranted turmoil in your future if you don't.

    Maybe you made a mistake? You absolutely didn't, being good to an old friend is not a mistake and if she can't understand this in her mid 30s she never will.

    TLDR; I'ts not you, it's her. Also; She did you a favor by cutting your losses.

  4. This OP, look up low cost therapy in your area, it’s usually provided by institutes that allow counseling students to finish the required hours before being licensed. They’ll offer fees on a sliding scale of how much you can afford.

  5. That was a semi-crazy assumption he made, but not correcting it was a lie of omission. Anytime you deliberately withhold information you know the other person would want to know, or if their opinion or stance would change if they knew, is a lie of omission. 'You never told me you hate Campbell's soup' is not a lie, because that's not something a person could be expected to have strong feelings about. 'You never told me you were married before' is a lie.

    Lies of omission get worse the longer they go on. Every time the opportunity arises to correct it, and you don't, it's like you lied about it again, and his sense of betrayal will be worse. Lies of omission to protect yourself are generally OK, but this isn't that. You don't seem to fear he would beat you if he found out.

    But yes, it does seem like he's fetishizing a bit.

  6. Sweetheart you don’t need to accept anything. You guys are not compatible. He has lied and disrespected you repeatedly. Now this. The relationship is over. Do not waste your time chasing someone who doesn’t want to be with you

  7. You’re a terrible mother and should be ashamed. This needs to keep you up at night.

    You drove your daughter away, and maybe she might bury the hatchet in the future. But if you seek legal retaliation, you will absolutely be dead to her and won’t see her again till your funeral.

    Pull you head out of your ass and get your daughter back, if you can.

  8. In my personal experience as an adult with BPD1, it makes me think that she may be dealing with the same illness. You did not betray her. You were protecting her. My behaviors were nearly identical to hers and ultimately led to disaster because my (now ex) just couldn't make herself deal with it anymore. I was diagnosed and prescribed medication. The symptoms have improved substantially but never completely. I sincerely hope she eventually agrees to professional diagnosis and medication. I equally hope you have the patience to ride it out.


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