PeggyPlusBruce the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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PeggyPlusBruce, 19 y.o.


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PeggyPlusBruce on-line sex chat

28 thoughts on “PeggyPlusBruce the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. For future: I'll show you my veevee if you show me yours. Make a deal before paying up.

    For now, 1. Apologies for getting physical 2. If she is interested in relationship, ask for phone. If not, ask for explanation. It's her choice to maintain her privacy. It was yours to waive yours. There is some degree of unequal treatment but not necessarily a deal breaker. May be she has dairy of her daily sexual fantasies on her phone that she is not comfortable sharing? You'll have to decide given entirety of your relationship.

  2. yeah? i have like, a TON of nudes i've never sent. i do send nudes occasionally to my husband but he can't always receive them, like when he's at his desk at work lmfao, so i will show him later. if i like them enough, i'll throw them on reddit or my very very casual OF (NEITHER OF WHICH ARE ON THIS ACCT!).

    in other news, i like seeing how my nude body looks over time. i've both lost and gained weight, gone through pregnancy, had different tattoos or cute clothes. i enjoy my body and like looking back at it. when i'm 75, i still wanna look back on all my naked nudity lmao, why tf not? for people who think that's dumb or narcissisti, you're free to not do it haha, no skin off my back ?

  3. Check your phone bill. See if there is a number you don't recognized that is on there a lot. Has all the hallmarks.

  4. I’m a woman and I had no idea either. I knew it would be nude, but “hard” has a new standard for me now. I don’t think there’s a way to explain how naked it is, you have to experience it. And then somehow we also seem to forget after the first child and then we have another one and it’s like “holy shit, how is it this very hot?” There’s really nothing similar enough to having a newborn for people to have any concept of the pressure, sleep deprivation, stress, doubt, etc.

  5. This made me pretty uncomfortable to read as a guy.

    I can understand the curiosity and horniness of a teenage boy because I used to be one but I would have never done this to one of my platonic friends out of nowhere.

    This dude needs to know that what he did is not okay. He violated your friendship, your trust, your body, and your other friends that were present. He needs to decide if he is going to learn from this and get really good at asking for consent or decide if he is going to seek sexual gratification from his sleeping friends.

    I would take a break from this friendship because he clearly doesn't value your safety or feelings with his actions.

    Things you can say here, especially if people try to minimize or gaslight you:

    “He needs to learn about consent” “He touched my body while I slept” “His actions need to demonstrate respect”

    “I am not a fleshlight or a porn object to be jerked off onto”

    “I DECIDE who touches me and when and how they do it, no one else”

    Sorry this happened to you. I consider myself pretty resilient but I would feel hurt by this if I were in your shoes.

  6. Then yeah, you're basically how she strokes her ego/feels desirable when she isn't in a relationship. Why do you put up with it?

  7. Thanks for the comment, yes the consensus seems to be that I was in the wrong first so the push was warranted, and I guess that makes sense, just nude to see the situation yourself sometimes.

  8. You have eyes, and you looked at someone, they decided it was inappropriate.

    It is as silly as it gets, lol.

  9. I have a dog and I love him to bits. When I see dogs being mistreated like that it makes me so mad, especially because the dog has been bred to be faithful.

    Dogs are humankind's greatest “invention” and we do not deserve them.

  10. The only person comparing you to other guys is yourself. If you are going to be salty about someone’s body count don’t ask. Plus one of the sub rules talks about body counts advice.

    Usually the people who don’t say they need therapy are the ones that need it the most.

  11. Sure, she's the villain. Of course bcos he cried for a minute without any communication and then told her he was fine until she left him alone. Yes… That is healthy communication and she's a vile witch. Mhmm good job, with reasoning like that you could be a cop in the USA. Mhm /s

  12. He literally started crying in front of her. The only reason he “shut off his emotions” after that was because she looked at him disgusted. I wouldn’t exactly continue opening up after that either.

    OP just said his (now ex) girlfriend broke up with him via text message, so I think you’re backing the wrong horse here. OP definitely isn’t the one in the wrong…he began to open up and this is what he got in return. His ex is heartless.

  13. I’m a woman who bought and rehabbed a home before I met my now husband. You’ve gotten a lot of great advice by now, but in case this anecdotal gender swap version of your question is useful I wanted to chime in.

    My now husband moved in with me when we were dating and we worked out a fair amount for him to contribute to monthly expenses, given our respective incomes.

    At that point in the relationship he had no legal claim to the house and I had no legal obligation to do right by him and help him disentangle from this residence if we broke up. He never asked for such a thing and I never thought to offer it.

    Once we decided to get married we got a prenup. The prenup protects my ownership of the house and it protects his family’s assets that he potentially could benefit from.

    We are very happy together and fully intend to be married forever, but we both wanted a show of good faith on the front end that we weren’t getting married because of any potential financial upside (besides those sweet sweet tax breaks).

    We’re married now and he’s still not on the deed to the house, but the prenup included language about spousal support and division of other assets. So, in a worst case scenario, he would have the startup capital he needed to be ok and move forward and I would keep the house and enough money to also move forward and be ok.

    Buying and rehabbing this home was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done and I’ll be goddamned if someone I’m just dating thinks they’re gonna get a cut of it. I don’t care where they on-line.

    Honestly if a boyfriend or girlfriend tried to get added to the deed on my house I would reflexively dump them, like yanking my hand away from a naked stove.

    But that’s me and I’m not saying that my reaction is the only right reaction. But that would 100% be my reaction. Fuck no, get your shit and gtf out we’re done. No negotiations.

    Now that my husband and I are married it’s obviously a completely different equation, but we have still made every effort to ensure that — again, in a worst case scenario — he feels sure that he would get a fair deal and I feel sure that I would keep the home I worked so very hot to create.

    Also, I’m neither a lawyer nor a realtor, but another married couple I know had only one spouse on their initial home because that meant that the other spouse could qualify as a first time homebuyer if they purchased a new house and made that spouse the lead applicant on the mortgage.

    Check with qualified people to verify if that’s true in your jurisdiction but if it is then that’s pretty cool…

  14. All that I see in this post is He, He, He, He, He, He, He.

    You are a fully functioning adult, you made alllllllll of these decisions. You don't like it? Leave. And please do not give the “oh with the kid, I couldn't do that'. Really? After:

    He wanted the same things I wanted – mostly a family

    the reality of having a baby is sinking in

    Ya'll thought having a baby/kid/teen/adult was just some gd weekend thing that you'd squeeze in after rock climbing or something?

    You need to take a seat with yourself and think through what the best case scenario is for your child.

  15. After reading that the trio lives 8 hours away, I think it’s pretty safe to say that gf really didn’t think she’d see them again. Even if that weren’t the case, I don’t agree that not mentioning it is a red flag or deal breaker. Sometimes you hear someone is interested in you, but it doesn’t matter to you or register really because you’re unavailable/uninterested and you laugh it off. I’d give gf the benefit of the doubt and assume she just brushed it off and didn’t really think much about it and that’s why she didn’t say anything to OP. Doesn’t sound like she’s ever given OP a reason not to trust her so while it’s something OP wanted to know, it’s understandable that she didn’t bring it up imo. I think it’s pretty unreasonable to expect the bride to “punish” the trio or the friend. It would be nice if she’d said something, but I think that’s an unfair expectation to have of someone who is in the middle of their own wedding. Anyway, I don’t think gf had any bad intentions but sounds like they’ve talked it out so I wish OP and gf well!

  16. i know my relationship with my father is really great and i really love him and know that he wouldnt ever touch me and my siblings in a sexual manner, and even if that memory or thought really happened im sure he got carried away because i remember my father always used to bring the laptop with him and browse on it so im sure he got carried away

  17. Thing is a part of me does believe that no one is ever too busy to send a quick “I love you” text.

    I’m just sad to think this could be it. I’ve known this person for so many years as a friend before we decided to become partners.

    But maybe you’re right. Maybe he really only liked me as a friend, if he even does.

  18. Why haven’t you told your BF that the kid is a little asshole and doing all this to you??

    I was a single mother before meeting my SO and we made it very clear that they are to respect him like they respect me.

    I would be upset if my kids did any of that to my SO.

  19. If she cared about you more than herself playing the victim, she'd be stopping people from angrily contacting you. I'm not stranger to making bad decisions, but thats life and you have to on-line with them. That's something she has to learn right now. You going and seeing her won't benefit you. Hearing excuses or apologies won't make things better. Maybe if she wants to apologize a couple months from now, meet up if you want to. That's it though. Hear an apology and peace out. You're both young, find someone better.

  20. My husband is very much the same way. The best thing for you to do is to accept that he's replying to you probably more than he's even talking to other people. His personal preference on this subject is not a reflection of his feelings for you, it's his personal preference. I can understand the anxiety that comes with not getting a response, however you must realize that the world is very active and no matter if its 1 missed response or 100 missed responses, he might want to do something besides be on the phone. Personally, I like to read books. I will ignore people for several days because I don't want my concentration broken. Take what he says at face value, especially if he's willing to move you in.


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