PenelopaRawr live! sex chats for YOU!

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16 thoughts on “PenelopaRawr live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Sounds like a harmless comment and you’re the one looking for a way out. If you don’t want to be with the guy anymore just say that. You’re blowing it way out of proportion.

  2. It might not be the weight she’s defensive about, but the emotional eating or the drinking, or whatever’s causing it. Maybe tackle that instead of the weight itself? I think you two have to first decide how serious you are as a couple and how invested you are in defending your position.

  3. If she said she isn't ready for a relationship, why are you going to bring it up again? It doesn't sound like that's what she wants. You're going to have to accept that and remain her friend. If you can't, this friendship isn't for you.

  4. So you dont know if he was actually tough or just all talk. The loudest person in the room is usually the scariest

  5. He’s unfaithful, a liar, and you know that. You either break up or you will be in their mess forever. You’re too old to be involved in all of this drama.

  6. I thought that…the problem is that he wants to start over, so he’s moving this summer (7 hours away)

  7. I asked my fiancee if he would still be with his ex if she never cheated and he said yes


    Tbh, that was such a silly question. If he thought it was a good relationship up until the cheating, then obviously the answer is yes. That isn't a comment on your relationship now – if she hadn't cheated, they wouldn't have broken up & therefore he would've never been single to start dating you.

    Having said that though, it's very clear you were looking f9r reassurance and a 32yo should be mature enough to recognise that. My question is this – why are you marrying someone who can't go more than a few days without mentioning his ex when they broke up more than 3 years ago?? That's a serious hang-up.

    I'm not saying break up or never get married, but personally I wouldn't be walking down the aisle until he agrees to go talk to a counsellor about how to move past this anger. It's not fair to be constantly dumping that on you or healthy for him to expend so much mental energy living in/being angry about the past.

  8. Stop being flirty with her and just fucking pull the trigger.

    “Girl I really like you and want a relationship with you, I don’t meet you to commit now but just know what my intentions are. You are the only one who doesn’t think you are beautiful everyone else sees you for how amazing and gorgeous you are. We can move at your pace and I hope you see me the same way I see you”

    You don’t have to say all that but that’s a good summary of just pulling the trigger. Goood luck and don’t miss out. Fortune favors the bold

  9. I would suggest talking to your partner about it privately and keeping this to yourself for now, find out from his mouth is is true or not true, never base your facts off a message from another person it could just be bullshit or jealous behavior or even sinycal to cause a breakup.

    I personally think that maybe your boyfriend just made a huge mistake and then realized after he fucked up that he actually loves you enough that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, sometimes Men will cheat out of nowhere when they are scared about the decision to marry as we are thrown off physiologically and it can really rock our heads when trying to decide to propose, some guys will even send a really big stag boys weekend with strippers and what not or have a random 1 night smash as they're blowing off the last hoorah before a life long commitment to 1 women for the rest of their lives…. you need to get the facts straight with him and I do recommend having a big talk with him to find out where he's at, 1 it could be false accused amd never happened or 2 it did happen and you should open a line of respect and trust to be able to have that discussion with your partner, honestly if it was just a 1 night drunken mistake ask him what made him do it and see how he responds if his attitude is remorseful and he's full of regret about it I'd say just forgive the guy and maybe just have a really big Hens night with your girls and also please keep the private matter to yourself telling your freinds and family about what he did will be disrespectful as and harmful to the relationship if you do want to save it, the matter is between you and him so keep it that way, maybe if your really struggling tell your mum for advice. ending a 6 year relationship can be very tough, think about your life single and without him and make a decision for yourself what you want, I believe in second chances so if it was his first mistake in 6 years cut the guy a break and do what makes you happy. he wants to marry you so you already know how he feels. get the facts straight tell him you want honesty that's important if your getting married so if you guys can trust each other and he opens up2 you then maybe look at going to some couples therapy. Sorry to hear about your mum but your probably gonna want his support if she does pass so think about that too, just do what makes you happy too like if you don't Wana marry yet just say let's put the breaks on for a year or 2 to regain trust.


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