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19 thoughts on “purple_gang the nude on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. You’re lucky, if my partner “confessed” to cheating to elicit a confession from me, then backflipped and said they lied to see if they could make me confess to something I didn’t do ……. I’d have likely ended things or at the very least distance myself from them. That’s a real trust killer, you’ve admitted you don’t trust him and got it wrong while proving you will lie to him.

    Suggest some personal introspection is necessary, if he’s cool with what happened and got on with life without any repercussions you are frankly, very lucky.

  2. Sure. Although, people can have whatever deal breakers they want, whether the deal breakers are reasonable or not is a different matter. Different people have different views on this.

    With healthy communication a lot of issues can be solved without being controlling.

  3. He has been independent for a big part of his life, the custody battle with his ex is just so he can see his kids and i, a person who grew up with a flaky father, fully support him wanting to be there for his kids. Now the mother doesn't like that and that's another problem. But he's not in any way hung up on her- he is just asking for visitation rights, which he has but the mother never allows him to enforce those…

  4. Going no conctat is totally possible for her. Her friends should be able to understand the situation, or they aren't that close as you are saying.

    It's not nude at all to arrange separate meetings, and if this end up breaking the friends group, that sucks, but that's life for you. Maybe she shouldn't have acted like a moron and go cheating.

    If it's really so nude to arrange, guess the easiest option is for you to don't hang around her anymore.

  5. She just wants the natural progression of a relationship where she is fully included in your life and vice versa and not the requirement for formal dates. I would find it odd too if only dates were on the table. I mean the word “date” also implies more formality and as relationships progress some people find just spending quality time together doing whatever everyone has to do as more intimate than going on ‘dates’ with each other. Have you included her in other parts of your life?

  6. My and my partner started off as LDR for 2,5 years and met after 6-7 months and honestly after he left I cried like a baby cause I missed him ( and I don’t miss or cry just for anyone). So my advise is. Regardless if its LDR or IRL if you are having doubts then it ain’t meant to be. When you are with someone you need to be 1000000% sure. If you are not sure if she is the right person for you then imho she isn’t.

    Don’t waste yours and more important don’t waste her time any longer. Talk to her about this and really decide if you wanna continue this relationship.

  7. It was her actual birthday to be honest. We even asked her if it was okay to have the wedding on that day.

    She was my husbands best woman initially. That's what hurt him the most. He really thought he found a new best friend in her after his best friend killed himself a few years prior.

    In the end everything worked out very well. My sisters then boyfriend (now husband) stepped in as best man an my husband returned the favour after his original best man had some psychological issues and couldn't do it.

  8. Love is not enough of a reason to stay in a situation that is causing you pain. You deserve more than that.

    I know there's a romantic notion in western culture about your first love, and highschool sweethearts, and you and me against the world… But it's all bullshit.

    Break up with her. Call the police after you do so. Tell your parents what's going on. Then go to post secondary and go online your life!!

  9. Not a healthy amount of communication going on here. Just let this sink in. You have to lie to your husband about being on birth control because you are worried he will get mad. Crazy relationship here.

  10. Honestly I think he just made a bad joke. He clearly doesn't think you're fat if he weighs 155 and thinks you weigh less. I also weigh more than my boyfriend, I was definitely insecure about it at first but over time I got more comfortable with it, he never cared at all lol

  11. I love her more than I can put into words

    No, you actually don't. You are an addict who cycles through the same behavior over and over. You aren't recovered, you've just substituted some of the alcohol abuse for other types of substances (emotional and verbal abuse, cheating, etc.). You are only sorry and scared now because your comfy life without taking ownership for anything is coming to an end.

    Make your plan and move out asap. You've done enough damage here. Maybe one of your online, more 'attractive' gfs will offer you a new place to stay.

  12. Because the next step beyond sharing porn pics with your buddies is illegally distributing nudes of your GF.

    This is your brain on reddit.

  13. Stop watching stupid tik tok videos. Using tik tok to apply to your life is silliness. Stop bugging him to talk about her. He told you he doesn't want to focus on her, he wants to focus on you. Grow up. This whole true love thing is nonsense and simply a way for immature females to drive themselves nuts over nothing. In life, there can be multiple true loves. One in the teens, or another one in adult years and such. Who the fuck cares about who was first? What matters far more than that is the quality of YOUR relationship. Stop with the what ifs? What if you got hit by a train, what if you decide he's not right for you, what if he moves to another county. What if what if what if. Don't ruminate on the past or present, focus on making right now a valuable time, other wise you will waste away time and sabotage things harping on the million what ifs out there.

  14. To me, this sounds like you have your answer. That she wants to wait till marriage to have sex. And you said yourself you will accept that

  15. Nah, I would still chalk it up to weaponized incompetence and he's good at playing it off. 'Electrocuted' while changing a light bulb? Why are you changing it while it's on? Socks in the washer before a load? Look before you put stuff in the washer (who is preloading the washer and not communicating that with their partnet?) Read ended 4 times?? Is he an aggressive driver or not paying attention or braking too late or suddenly? Nah, I would have no patience for the Amelia Bedelia ass man.

  16. Your boyfriend AND your friend are fucking disgusting. “What’s wrong with a little forced attention from a victim of sex trafficking? A man has NEEDS.”

    Dump them both, get an STD screening and move on with your life

  17. It's actually the best way to get evidence for a divorce case. Having proof of infidelity puts him in a much better position in a divorce. It seems like movie level drama to get a pi to follow her around, but that evidence could really save his bacon in court or in mediation.


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