Queen big load CUM online sex chats for YOU!

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26 thoughts on “Queen big load CUM online sex chats for YOU!

  1. What are you getting out of this relationship? Do you not think you can find another partner?

    You are seriously getting taken advantage of and I think you believe that what she is willing to give you is all you are worth. Not true.

  2. Post was removed. I’m a dog guy so I’ll pretend it reads he kicked your dog down the stairs…. I know a good lawyer who can help get you out of jail for murder. Because that’s where I’d be atm.

  3. You can't really say yes if you also can't really say no. As soon as a woman feels entirely free to control the situation as a person, to fairly dictate what she wants to happen and doesn't want to happen, it is likely that she will engage way more … moodily.

    Because once she's free to explore, she will. But if she always thinks in the back of her mind, “if I get uncomfortable with this, will he stop?” not only will she not explore her own sexuality with you but she will probably not want to have sex with you at all.

    You can always find one person, one woman live! who will say, 'Never ask for a kiss, you'll kill the mood' because you can find anything online. But by and large, everyone finds things like consent and respect freeing and exciting, and the opposite limiting and scary.

  4. He never said how long she was married. What are you talking about, the fact that she was married for so long ?

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  6. Ewwww. Dude, everything about this is nasty. I wouldn't be able to touch her knowing all this. Not normal. Not clean. Gross.

  7. You guys need to let each other go. If you find one another again later on, great. If not, then it wasn’t meant to be anyway.

  8. At this point, she's stringing you along. You're her emotional support friend / confidant, and she treats you like a love interest when it suits her.

    That's messed up.

    You deserve to be happy. Don't try to fix something that is non-existent. Don't wait for someone to be “ready someday” to be with you. You might be waiting forever.

    You deserve better, and you deserve more. Don't waste time hoping she becomes that. It's ok to love someone who isn't good or right for you. It doesn't mean you should end up w them.

    Step back and think about why you are chasing someone who rejected you more than once. Regardless of the reasons, she made it very clear. You need to decide if you value yourself and your happiness enough to move forward without her.

  9. It is sad when you don't have the same goals in life, it is really very hot after years of being together to realise this. It sounds like he is aware on some level that your goals are not the same, but people often live! in denial rather than face their fears, or the fear of losing you is stronger.

    You are certainly not alone in finding it nearly impossible to walk away. ?

  10. I think counseling is going to change pretty much nothing, but I suppose you should try it just so that you can say you exhausted all options. He has such a strong pattern of never, ever keeping his promises to you regarding his emotional affair. The therapist can’t make him magically care. He intends to break his promises the moment he makes them. He just lies to you in order to temporarily make his life easier. There’s no easy cure for a person who has no integrity. The fact that he’s been doing this for years speaks to this.

    What would it take to make you feel okay with leaving him? Maybe you should explore that with a therapist. Your situation with your husband isn’t changing, so can you live! with it?

  11. Him asking your GF to lunch gives you every reason to not trust him. Not the fact that you have been cheated on previously. He sounds like a predator and anything. It a friend

  12. Not blocking her is only going to make shit worse for you. Gotta remove anything of her from your life so you can start to move on. You’re young, you’ll find someone else, but you gotta move on first and work on yourself

  13. He might be losing interest in you due to you guys being together 24/7. Do you guys live! together?

    I’d consider spending some time apart and then meeting up in a hotel for a very hot date to spice things up a little.

    If doing stuff like this doesn’t yield positive results I’d consider ending things. You’re too young to not get any.

  14. This sounds like a familiar story. Will always confuse me how my brain could fall for someone providing the bare minimum affection and effort, yet I genuinely did love the overgrown turd that was my ex – fortunately it only lasted 9 months (and I’m old enough to know better lmao so that’s a poor show by me).

    Current boyfriend, whilst it’s still early days, the difference is uncanny. All I wanted of my ex was for him to think of things for us to do, or steer a bloody conversation. Current partner thinks of things I’ll like, gets excited when I suggest silly things (literally wanted to play with goats over Easter, we found some goats) and it’s just.. like you said, is it potentially cheesy from the outside? Sure! But the level he gets me vs the dude I spent night upon night crying over.. what the actual heck is wrong with me for staying as long as I did.

  15. Why can’t we just go to the movies and end the night with a hug and kiss? Why does everything have to be sexual every single day? That hurt my feelings and made me feel like he just wanted a blowjob and that’s why he hung out with me today. I do satisfy his needs 95% of the time but sometimes I just want to chill and not do anything sexual. Am I wrong for this?

    Oh, you mean being treated like a fucking human being who deserves respect instead of being treated like a fucking object whose only purpose is satisfying his sexual needs?

    I'm sorry for the language, but his behaviour makes me angry.

    I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but people in a relationship do things for each other just because they want to make them happy. Not because they want something in exchange. This applies to friendships too. Not everything is a transaction.

    Maybe it's just me but it makes me happy to make the other happy.

  16. Uhhh… what. That's not normal. He's gonna use up all her fertile yrs and youth and waste her time . 12 yrs is nooooot normal at allll

  17. No matter what you are a whole ass boss queen! None of this is your fault, you fell in love with a great actor but you finally started reading the script and saw through the bs. From one mom to another you handled this amazing and the fact that you put yourself in the financial position where you have a backup plan shows you had a feeling deep inside and you saved yourself and your babies from this narcissist by setting up a backup plan and immediately setting nude boundaries when you were wronged. I have so much respect for you ??


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