Ramona the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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24 thoughts on “Ramona the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. u/Any-Appearance-1485, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. I think you just have to be open to the possibility of meeting someone new, and becoming friends first. Don’t rush or put pressure on anything. Become best friends, and go from there. It doesn’t have to be textbook dating/relationship, it just has to give you joy.

    I’m going to go watch The Notebook and cry into my pillow now.

  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels she left alot out of her story. No one is going to break up a two year relationship because of a meme.

  4. I’m 36. And obviously I can’t speak for every human being in the planet, but 22 year old me and 30 year old me were different people. Not in a bad way, but there is so much growth and change and maturing that happens in your twenties. 20-26 was a vastly different experience for me than 30-36 was. Very very few 22 year olds are in the same life space as 30 year olds. And that’s not me speaking down to you or calling you immature or anything, because I promise you I am not.

    I have folks your age working for and with me, and they are wonderful people and I genuinely enjoy being around them and talking to them, but I cannot wrap my head around having romantic involvement with anyone that age. And again, it has nothing to do with seeing folks that much younger than me as childish, because I don’t. But an age gap like that in those particular life spaces (early 20s and early 30s) often comes with a power imbalance.

    I would question -as I’m sure your mom is- why he is not dating someone his own age. As others have suggested, continue getting to know this man, and look at his dating history. Does he regularly seek out relationships with people much younger than himself? Does he have a dating history at all? What does his social circle look like? How does he behave in social settings? A month is a tiny snippet of time in the grand scheme of things. Take your time, don’t rush in, get to know him, and don’t assume the worst in your mother’s intentions with her concern.

  5. 2-3 times a day is not going to happen any time soon. If you still have the energy for that, it means you don't pull your weight as much as she does cause i don't know any new parents of a 10 month old that work and have enough energy for that.

    Imo, it is an issue not to teach your baby to be independent, but there is also a problem between your wife and you. You are demanding a lot and she is shutting you down like you can't possibly know as well as her because you cannot be her equal as a parent. So i'm wondering how much you parent your kid. You work during the day, but once your shift is over, you have to come home and start your parenting shift/ taking care of the house and chores that you have to do.

    You two are not communicating and both believe you are right and the other is wrong because you must be the one to know better

  6. This is beyond disgusting. You. The friend. All of it. You threw away your relationship to your son to get a quick fuck because what? You were lonely? Pathetic. It Doesn't matter if you're married or that you now have a daughter. What do you think is gonna happen when your body starts to fall apart? You think someone young enough to be your son is gonna stay?

    Nope. He'll cheat. You'll cry. He'll leave. Then you'll realize that you deserve it.

    You put this disgusting “Relationship” above your son.

    When your son meets up with you, don't bother trying to defend yourself if he gets angry. Because fucking his only friend was absolutely disgusting.

  7. The leading cause of death in pregnant women in The US is being murdered by their partner. Men attack, rape and kill women who don't bend to their will every single day and this is an irrefutable fact, die mad about it ?

  8. We like to pretend it's totally normal but in reality it almost never is just platonic. Just one side hasn't made their intentions clear. Not impossible but don't kid ourselves. For wvwey guy that's just a friend there's a few more that are *just friends*

  9. No lol I got one with my man of 5 years at the time our son was 3 and … 2 years later we are not together anymore and have new partners and both getting it covered up soon lol.

  10. You wronged him, you are not right for him. There's a reason you broke up!

    If he kills himself, that's on him not on you. You are not responsible for keeping him alive. You must not sacrifice your own happiness to keep him alive. Worst case scenario: you

    Have the authorities do a wellness check on him if he threatens suicide.

    Threatening suicide is often just manipulation, the people doing the wellness check will be able to determine just how serious the threat is, and take him into hospital if it is very serious.

  11. Gentle word of advice: telling someone in a shite situation that you would have left a lone time ago doesn’t help and really just adds to feelings of guilt and shame

  12. You made the break, now make it permanent. Statistics tell us that people regret what they DON'T do more than what they do.

  13. You may be harboring yeast that isn't symptomatic to you, but reinfects her. If that's the case, both of you need to abstain for six weeks. No alternate stimulation either. See what your doctor says about this.


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