RenataMorris on-line sex cams for YOU!

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Squirt war ? [Goal Race]

14 thoughts on “RenataMorris on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Yeah I’ve already tried that and he’s got his mind made up. honestly I’m also kind of embarrassed to even have anyone over my house if they smell the odor. He’s trying his best to control it but the moment I smell it I’m going to lose my shit

  2. She screwed you over my guy. She lied to you about her relationship with her best friend. Instead of being honest w you so you could make the decision yourself, she lied so she could have things the way she wants them. Though this may seem somewhat trivial, it points to a shitty character. What else will she lie to you about in the future just so she can have what she wants?

  3. Those who don't learn from past mistakes are doomed to repeat them. Break the cycle OP. She has ruined your trust and proved it by hiding this guys name as a different name on her phone. This shows intent to deceive yet again. Sporadic or not, this was intent to hide it from you.

  4. Trauma bonds are real. When you’re treated poorly in the beginning and you are just looking to get back the guy you fell in love with, the trauma in your brain from the fluctuation between poor treatment/spurts of good treatment affects you cognitively. Then you begin to live in fight/flight mode for long periods of time. It does an absolutely number on your overall well-being. This increases stress and adrenaline chemicals in your system with no outlet.

    Have you journaled? It is a good way to release cortisol.

  5. You can't help her.

    Sorry but being sexual over a screen is just not possible for everyone. You seem to have an easy time of it, but to others it's cold and ridiculous.

  6. That's when you just shrug, tell her you'd love to stay, but you're done being Eskimo brothers with the mystery man she wouldn't disprove and just side-step dance your way out to head for your car.

  7. I let my husband’s job take priority over mine 2 years into our marriage, worst mistake I ever made, I have been under-employed most of my life. Please put yourself first, possibly deferring the wedding. He sounds really unstable in his work life. I say go 17 hours away and have your career.


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