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32 thoughts on “ROBYNxkiss live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Tell him he can say NO all he wants but he needs to get the duck out your life because you are done it’s over! You don’t want him! He’s not taking no for an answer, it’s time to be firm and kick his butt to the curb. If he says I can fix you I’d say no you can’t all you do is drive me nuts! I’m done it’s over get out of my life!

    It’s time to hate him! He has no right saying no. It’s over and done!

  2. Life isn’t all about relationships. Trust me. Everyone on this forum including me has put way too much emphasis on romantic relationships.

  3. u/hiitsmerainbow__girl, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  4. People are bashing him for saying something disgusting, don't pretend it was a matter of integrity or that he was trying to be kind. He went out of his way to bash bisexual women AND lesbians. What he said wasn't about honesty, it was about being mean.

  5. What is it you’re asking for, a relationship break, or like a day away from the baby or something? Your post isn’t very clear

  6. Still no answer on where it says your moral views are the right ones and everyone who disagrees with you is wrong.

    You keep proving my point.

    Also notice I was not there forcing you to reply , nor did I write a essay, but you did

  7. Do you know how much insecurity it gives if you end up with a partner that can't accept your female friends? You'll always be walking on your toes, trying to dodge the landmines she put in your relationship. Hiding conversations you have with your friends because you're afraid she'll get jealous and attack you.

    And finally when she spots a single text of your friend on your phone she'll get angry and then you start hiding your phone or turn off your notifications or text them in secret because you don't want her to see it.

    This is not a healthy relationship my friend.

  8. Some people just aren’t comfortable with having a best friend of the opposite sex ??‍♀️ if you see you a future with her, then you have a decision to make. Why is Amy determined it’s just the 2 of you.

  9. I agree. My parents are very wealthy now but became “rich” in their 30s. Sadly their etiquette is still quite poor. Even with our coaching of social norms.

    Not sure they would mix a bowl of random things together like your partner… but my mother once took a weight watchers meal to an expensive restaurant to eat. The company initially refused to let her eat it. At her insistence they gave up and just plated it for her on a fancy plate. So completely embarrassing. I seriously had no words. I would have just left at that point.

  10. You almost certainly have a problem. He is having his head turned and don’t even think he is not. For even a minute.

    Need to assess where he is on this deal and how much time they spend together. Etc

    Do NOT take this lightly

  11. Wow you keep believing his playing dumb act? “I DiDnT tHiNk AbOuT iT”

    Anyone who believes that is a ???

  12. If you report your husband to the police for what he is doing to you, they would tell you he is raping you and would arrest him.

    How then is he a great man? Because he makes up by buying you gifts and does a few chores?

  13. To me, that doesn't seem very different than the initial sharing of location (which would have been a major red flag to me already, but since that was agreed upon I don't see much of a difference).

    But are you really okay with sharing your whereabouts all the time? That's nothing that builds trust. Instead it shows lack of trust.

  14. She take my money when I'm in need Yeah, she's a triflin' friend indeed Oh, she's a gold digger way over town That digs on me (uh) Now I ain't sayin' she a gold digger But she ain't messin' with no broke nias Now I ain't sayin' she a gold digger But she ain't messin' with no broke nias Get down girl, go'n 'head get down Get down girl, go'n 'head get down Get down girl, go'n 'head get down Get down girl, go'n 'head

  15. Yes I know what's what's making me find it odd. He said he doesn't want to get home late so he'd leave by 5. But in the same time he said he wants to spend time with me but he has to go home b4 6 cause “it's too late”

  16. This isn’t about your in-laws, it’s about your husband breaking your boundaries.

    Did he specifically mention gender or use the pronoun? The latter could be an honest mistake in the excitement of the moment.

    Otherwise I don’t understand why he’s so casually trampling over your boundaries and agreements. You need to have a serious conversation and talk over each and every boundary you both have and get explicit agreement on them.

    A new addition to the wider family should be wonderful but it can also make fractured and difficult relationships significantly worse. You both need to agree with each other on how you’re going to handle things in the future.

  17. You break up with her in a public space. Tell her you can’t have a long conversation about this because your decision has been taken. She won’t die without you. You can also contact a domestic violence help line, explain the situation and ask them how to proceed

  18. I had a one year relationship that took me over a year to fully get over it. Love takes time you can’t rush things. Be honest with those around you tho. Wanting to be in love and stuff is great, but you can’t just snap your fingers and be in love.

  19. Yeah but why I absolutely need to tell her ? Ngl what I want to do is to keep being friend with her but if things became more romantic on her side I'll tell her. Like I said I really love her company, yeah it's egoistic and I know it.

  20. The bad news is that it will take a bit to heal from this. The good news, you never have to deal with him ever again, you have a freed from him and his manipulation. Now you can find the right one for you. Go and online your life away from these toxic people.

  21. Did you miss the part where the fiance beat up the guy and he was pretty hurt? It seems clear that after that, the fiance grabbed the books and left. The situation got chaotic after the “friend” told the fiance that now that he knew they could maybe share the girl.

  22. I feel this!

    If you want to keep exploring this, would it be possible to slow things down, and spend a few days/wk apart? I understand when the vibe is good, it can be easy to spend every day together, but that makes it naked to get accurate information about how someone acts around others and how they fit into your life. It also makes losing them scarier and harder if things turn up that you don’t like.

    I see the flags you mentioned as yellow, except for the STD (pink, if not red). I don’t think that was intentional harm and I’m guessing he didn’t know about your understandably difficult experience with chlamydia, but it shows immaturity and poor communication that he didn’t get tested before having unprotected sex with you.

    I’d look for how he treats you and how he changes his behavior- (would he tell cheaterdude that cheating is disrespect? Does he take responsibility for paying for part of your birth control and treatment? Will he buy and wear condoms until he gets a full std panel? Did he apologize profusely? Does he actually follow through on all his actions?)

    You get to decide, even with a fairly nice dude, if you’re ok with his level of immaturity.


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