SallyXShine online webcams for YOU!

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30 thoughts on “SallyXShine online webcams for YOU!

  1. OP, no relationship will ever be perfect. These “communication/problem-solving issues” will almost always need to be worked on as you go through different phases of life. You both will constantly be changing, new situations and experiences will come up and may throw y’all for a loop. What will he do then? Also, why is it mostly on you? What is he doing to help these issues? My partner is far from perfect, we all are. But even with the few disagreements we’ve had or communication hiccups, he knows he wants to be with me, and he’s never doubted that he wants to marry me for a minute since it popped into his head. He is not the one, girl. Get you someone who doesn’t doubt that he wants to be with you, and doesn’t need several years to figure it out. He’s out there, I promise.

  2. I am bipolar as well, I don't drink when manic because I become a paranoid, angry, self destructive person. But I can also do this when sober if not on meds. Sounds like this is a first for op and could be drug related or alcohol related unless it continues. Partner did great to stay with you and knows this isn't your normal behaviour. Talk through your feelings and thoughts together and set a plan just in case it does happen again

  3. Don’t work on this relationship. You deserve better.

    So leave, and you’ll know that once the heartbreak fades a little.

  4. Hello /u/throwaway_2O21,

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  5. Bad idea. There are millions of people out there and dating someone you are related to is just a recipe for disaster in any case.

  6. Whether you told him you couldn’t have kids or not doesn’t matter, mostly for the fact you were adamant you didn’t want kids, and when he asked for them and you still didn’t want kids, he tried to mess with the contraception! And then he got mad that it wouldn’t have worked anyway.

    I would just throw the whole man away. Someone who tries to do that to you isn’t worth keeping. You didn’t consent to it.

  7. Try to be strategic…

    If you’re all at the pool, when you need a break, go to the bathroom but take the long way and stop at a bar for a drink. Even if you don’t ‘drink,’ have them make you a virgin something. It’ll kill some time and you can have your me-time, even if it’s in small doses.

    If you’re having dinner or a meal, you can always excuse yourself a bit early to say you wanted to check out a shop or talk to the activities director about something. You can wander around ‘trying’ to find them.

    In the morning if you want to ‘skip’ breakfast with your fam, get up just a bit early and go for a walk on the resort. Perhaps ‘get lost’ and so you miss the meal.

    And after typing this my brain just assumes tropical resorts because that’s my favorite type of vacation. Lol but wherever you’re going, you can likely get creative to ensure you get your me-time as well as hopefully smaller doses of your sister.

  8. If he’s so upset about it then he can get a vasectomy. Birth control is so naked on women’s bodies. Condom sex is better than no sex, it’s ridiculous that he’s acting like this. He’s 31, not 18.

  9. Wet wipes are a nice middle ground for people who don’t have the extraordinary planning skills of this gentleman

  10. Don't be scared.. Every woman I know who has divorced and went on their own has been happier single.

    And I would talk to a councilor on how best to navigate this situation with your daughters. One one hand, I know you don't want to tarnish their relationship with him.. you didn't do that, that's on him. Second.. if your daughters were in your positions.. what would you advise them to do? How would you feel if they came to you? What example will you choose to be? I don't think there is a “right answer” I've seen women fight for their marriage after infidelity and rebuild a stronger marriage after, and I've seen women strike out on their own and thrive in ways they never dreamed possible. If he is willing to work on counseling, I personally would give it a shot, because even if it doesn't work out, counseling will give you two some tools and skills to navigate separation and coparenting. I just don't see a down side to counseling.. it either becomes the key to saving and building a stronger marriage, or the tool to help you both move on.

  11. How much time have you had with bebe up until now?

    When I'm not working or having a little me time, I am with the baby.

    If your daughter is quite familiar with you and you've built a solid bond and had experience comforting her and caring for all of her needs, hopefully it should be a fairly short pathway to normalcy once your new routine is established.

    I try and stay up during the night so I can be available to feed the baby or soothe her. I also do this during the day, but I focus on the night so mom can sleep. I agree that once she experiences the routine, she will adapt to it.

    In the absence of any legitimate red flags, I would ask you to take a more charitable interpretation of your daughter's mother's motivation. Growing a baby in your body and bringing them into this world forms an intensely personal bond, and the deep primal connection to your helpless infant afterwards is naked to adequately describe from the outside.

    Yeah, she said that the way their relationship right now is that she has a special bond due to feeding her. I am sympathetic to this but not at my own expense. She's not saying I can't take care of her. She's saying I have to do it at her house and hers only for a year (assuming she doesn't move the goal post). Because she has a roommate, it makes things more complicated. If I want to have a friend over, I have to make considerations of this roommate. If I need my stuff, I have to bring everything over to her house and then bring it back. It's these little things that would be solved by just having my daughter at my house.

    I went back to work part time when my first child was 16 months old and the tears were very real for both of us. The sheer emotion at saying goodbye for a few hours, trying to be calm while getting a red light on the short drive back… it sounds a bit over the top describing those feelings but being parted for so long this early on when they can't speak, potentially can't walk, can't care for themselves or go to the toilet etc, is really unnatural. It's not controlling as in 'haha I have the ace up my sleeve' so much as it is 'I have invested every ounce of my being into this little person who depends on me and now she's disappeared and I can't hold her'. You can logic that as no worries, she's only five minutes down the road, but the entirety of human evolutionary instincts screaming at you to hold your baby is quite a powerful counterpoint.

    I can imagine this feeling, and I've experienced this feeling on some level. I've had two months to get over this feeling every time I go home or to work myself. I'm not sure what this feeling has to do with dictating where I take of the baby when she's not there. My problem is that she's making me do the child rearing only at her place. Saying that it's healthy for the baby if she stays in one place. I think this feeling is not considerate of my feelings. Again, if this is some known issue that child experts agree would harm the baby's development, then I am all for it. It's my understanding that isn't the case though. So it comes off as controlling or, at the very least, putting as many roadblocks in my way to dissuade me from taking care of my daughter. That I'll be like “oh her roommate is there today, so I'll let her take care of the baby.

  12. Man please. Your responses are hurting me to my core. Just stop. Send her a text apologizing for any boundaries you crossed and leave it at that.

  13. I’m married. In my last job this guy hit on me several times a day every day regardless of the fact I am married or me telling him it was incredibly inappropriate.

    Your girlfriend rejected this guy in the way she felt safest.

  14. Tell your nosey-ass sister to butt out. It is exactly none of her business. Yes, tell your gf and your family – it's not a good thing to keep such an attack a secret.

    You might ask her where this is coming from. Is she transphobic as far as you know? Has she dated someone that she didn't know is trans? Is she generally judgemental and controlling? Or is this out of character?

    I hope she goes back to Europe soon and leaves you in peace.

  15. You came home from a long day of work with a headache to unexpected company. I really can’t blame you for the casual greeting.

    Would’ve been nice if you had been given a heads up from the wife so you could let her know you weren’t feeling well. Maybe mention that to her and try to have a constructive conversation.

    It’s not like you were just being blatantly rude for no reason; when we feel like shit, socializing is the last thing we want to do, especially when we aren’t given a choice in the matter. Sure, you could’ve made eye contact, but we don’t always have “good manners” when we don’t feel well.

  16. Let her have her time alone. Make a pledge that you will not see other people during it. Possibly one or the other will break down and cheat, but remember she's never had another relationship and may wonder what she's missing.

    In any case, I think this is something she has to do.

    You aren't being very available yourself, with your athletic training and workout habit, and you admit you're perfectionistic. You could take 3 months to figure out what to do to be a better partner, or to be happy without demanding availability from her. The fact that you are upset and panicky says you are not emotionally on your own two feet, either.

  17. “we are 100% at my place” is literally in the post. her shit might be at her dads but she practically lives with this man


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