Salome-andrade on-line webcams for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “Salome-andrade on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. That man sounds like he's not mentally stable enough to own a gun. Get out before he finds one on his own and uses it on you.

  2. people are so much on this sub – there’s a difference between petty behaviour and abuse.

    only making yourself dinner because you’re mad at your partner is petty and a tiny bit toxic, for sure, but abusive? unless your partner is literally incapable of providing dinner for themself it’s not abuse. having a partner cook for you on any given night isn’t a requirement of a healthy relationship, so withholding that favour one time is hardly abuse. it’s not abusive to not get over being mad at your partner immediately, either. people keep saying communicate – ok yes, and? communicating effectively doesn’t automatically mean you’ll stop being mad once you’re done talking. it’s not emotionally abusive to not immediately get over being mad at someone, nor is it emotionally abusive to withhold a favour in response to being mad. there’s no indication that OP hasn’t communicated with their partner about why they’re mad.

    OP it was a bit of a petty move to only make yourself dinner to ‘punish’ your partner but you cooking for your partner at all is a privilege for them, not their right in the relationship – you didn’t deny them an essential part of a healthy relationship, or something they completely rely on you for (which would be abusive), you denied them a privilege. cooking your own meals for one night because you don’t feel like cooking for someone you’re pissed off at doesn’t constitute abuse.

    just be wary of the concept of ‘punishing’ your partner in general – it’s one thing to not do for your partner something they can very easily do for themself and aren’t entitled to expect from you because you’re pissed off at them, it’s another to deny them things they are entitled to expect in a healthy relationship as punishment (like communication)

  3. You need to be single for a while – I'm talking at least a year.

    You left your ex for a reason. You weren't happy with something – whether that was in the relationship or in yourself is unclear. In any case, that unhappiness will remain until you take some time to get to the bottom of things. And that's a journey that is best taken alone.

    Date yourself, love yourself, explore yourself, and then see what romantic options will suit you best.

  4. Yea, with that response alone, i wouldnt go after the ex if i were you.

    You dont want him back because hes so sweet and has always been there for you. If this was enough, you wouldnt of ended the relationship in the first place.

    You want him back because the last guy you were with wasnt what you had hoped. If he was, your ex would still be the poor sucker being supportive of his ex leaving him for another.

    Take time to yourself, leave your ex alone for some time. Get some distance from him to work on you.

    Dont try and get back with him because you don’t want to be alone.

  5. The single most important thing to consider when crushing on a coworker is what will happen once you break up. Work through the possibilities, from making your workplace very awkward to ending up having to find a new job. Always plan your dismount before you venture into something that's pretty universally believed to be a bad idea.

  6. You have made more than enough effort to reach him and he has ignored then actively blocked. Forget him. A true friend wouldn't treat you this way.

  7. I think you should break up with her. It’s only been three months, this is way too excessive if you’re uncomfortable. And the fact that she reacted poorly to you saying you just want more time to yourself is a big big big red flag. This behavior won’t change and it’ll only get more suffocating and controlling. You guys do not seem to be compatible and staying will only make things worse. The longer you stay the harder it is to leave.

  8. I would be most upset about the fact that she did not come clean aka give you the agency to make the decision yourself. Instead she swept it under the rug and made the decision for you to waste 10 years of your life with her. If you had found out about it then you probably would not have stayed.

  9. So this girl just ignores you and gives you dirty looks. That's it? Suck it up and deal with it.

    She doesn't yell at you. She doesn't tell you off. She doesn't call you names. She doesn't do anything. Just ignore her also and go have fun with your boyfriend.

  10. From your wording I’m guessing you don’t have a Catholic background? Anyway a lot of denominations don’t require “preachers” to be celibate.

  11. It sounds to me like you've made some bad experiences with women painting you as the bad guy. I'm really sorry! But I'm not trying to paint him as the bad guy and I've never told him, in any words, that he IS bad. Of course I have flaws too. And yes, I have told him that in real life. I came here to find solutions on how to gently approach the topic because no, I don't want a divorce and sometimes other people are more creative. And lastly, I appreciate that strangers take the time to answer and offer their ideas on the topic.

  12. I'm tearing up reading this. I'm so unbelievably sorry that you were betrayed like that by someone you trusted. You sta you have a close relationship with your mom. It sounds like she will be on your side and that maybe the thing you're most worried about is this getting blown up? There is no way around her being hurt, upset, enraged- I feel that for you and I don't even know you.

    She knows something is up. She will believe you, and she will support you. I would suggest laying out how you prefer she reacts before getting into what happened to you… like, let her know that you have something very serious to talk about with her that is upsetting. that you are worried about how she will react, but you want/need her support right now. Other than that I don't know, this is heartbreaking. I'm so mad and sad for you. I want you to report him, and your mom will want that too. Don't feel like you need to do anything you aren't comfortable with. Therapy is another resource you should look into if you are able to afford it. Good luck, I hope that you are able to process and work through this trauma with the support of your mom

  13. What kind of reassurance can I accept? He says he will not do it again. My issue now is he knew that I hate the fact he's liking sexy pictures. He knew it all along then I caught him now woth this kind of actions. Am I just being toxic or what?

  14. What did she block you on? Is it possible that she's going through something, or potentially got hacked, and deleted her account?

    I can think of a few possibilities:

    She got drunk and overemotional about some bad memories (the tiniest things can upset you if you're drunk enough). But that should have changed when she sobered up.

    She wasn't actually as “over ir” as you thought. Maybe something made her jealous/angry? Sometimes the tiniest gesture, like for example, adding her best friend on Facebook/following them on insta could lead her to misinterpret things if she's the jealous type.

    She was ruminating on something, it built up, then she hit a boiling point.

    She has a new bf who told her to block you.

    She realised she still has feelings for you, but believes it could never work. So she feels that the only way she can move on is to block you.

  15. Your friends told you your mental health is at risk because you’re not getting laid??that’s stupid. Since you say you love her, i would stick with her for a bit while she goes through this celibate phase. But if this lasts more than a couple months go ahead and dump her if you don’t want a sexless relationship don’t stay in one indefinitely. Why is your sex life hurting her mental health anyway ?

  16. You cannot control your parents or siblings relationship with your ex. You brought your ex to live! with your family. They developed a relationship with her. It’s unfair for you to expect them to cut her off because you have moved on. You can set boundaries for yourself but you cannot set boundaries for other people. Tell your family you won’t visit if the ex is present, you don’t want to hear updates on her life, and your child isn’t going to meet her.


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