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32 thoughts on “Samhanta7 live webcams for YOU!

  1. You don’t have to be with a guy that treats you like this & makes you feel like shit. Who cares if it’s 5 years, move on. He doesn’t respect you. Imagine if you had 2 kids and your partner said get rid of one of them cause they’re bad! Pets are the same thing. They aren’t toys, they’re decade long commitments. Also, make sure the little box is cleaned out daily. I used to have cats & one of them would shit outside the litter box if it was dirty. I also used to have separate litter boxes for each cat. Everyone likes their own space.

  2. You wife needs a swift kick on the ass as far as i’m concerned. She’s is behaving like a spoiled child and gaslighting the hell out of YOU because everything she’s mentioned is in her control to do she just hasn’t done it. I mean, she can ask her family and friends to come to her and the things that are out of her control is because it’s not affordable with your financial situation being what it is. That’s not being controlling, that’s just living within your means. In my opinion, since the way you quite literally serve her while keeping your household from collapsing is unsatisfactory to her and “abusive” maybe she should pack up and go on-line with her parents because she clearly doesn’t value that she’s being completely taken care of. That or she needs to get a job and balance work and school like the rest of the workings adults on the planet.

    I have ADHD as well and I can imagine how stressful this situation is for you. Maybe that’s why my opinion about your wife is so harsh. She’s completely ignored YOUR DISABILITY while berating your for things you can’t control. Medicating ADHD doesn’t mean that shit goes away no matter how well you’re able to function on it. Living with this is still difficult especially in situations like the one your in and she’s not showing you any kind of grace here.

  3. To be clear you're not graduating that day. It's just the end of your exams. Cut her some slack. She's compromised by doing something with you a few days later

  4. If you get a test and the answer is negative, it might destroy your family. Husband and the kid might leave due to thinking that you were cheating and then all you will do is wonder about your now missing child (if they got swapped)

  5. Might be fair, or the occasion might just not have come up. I have lots of people I care deeply about but are geographically quite spread out. I've been with my partner nine years and we haven't met all of each other's closest friends. For us, it's not sus at all.

  6. I am worried though that it’s too soon to break up even though I’ve noticed all of these things and felt this way for awhile now.

    There is no such thing as 'too soon' to break up.

  7. Totally been in your exact position. It sucks. It’s a horrible sinking feeling. I so regret not digging deeper before giving him the opportunity to delete everything. Definitely don’t tip him off beforehand.

  8. Hello /u/wwwatka,

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  9. he’s a child point blank. She’s assured him she just needs more time to feel comfortable dude needs to stop crying

  10. No, she's not right. She can be 100% wrong that the other girl was any threat to the relationship before OP destroyed the relationship.

  11. I would love to pick up more hours but I am a single mom and I also take care of my grandmother who is bed ridden so I can’t at the moment. And yes I’m a little salty because I sacrifice my time and money to help him so I guess I expected It in return but by looking at the comments I guess I’m being selfish I don’t know anymore

  12. They should sleep in the same room as you, not next to you on a mattress that can kill them, blankets that can kill them, pillows that can kill them and an adult next to them that can kill them

  13. If a crib is out of the question for her, we moved both our kids (tried a cot, neither of them slept in it well, they woke every 2 hours at least in a cot) to a floor mattress around 8 months. Best decision. I could feed them and then lay them on it gently enough that they didnt wake, we could pat them to sleep and then roll away.

    upside as well, moving to a big kid bed at 2 was a sinch because they were just moving to a mattress that was raised a bit.

  14. Well I’m glad godmother Vivian is happy with how everything turned out. That’s a load off my mind. I was really worried.

  15. I have a friend who was very insecure about his fiancée’s past. Not really about the number but because on of her ex was renowned for having a gigantic log in his pants. She got tired of it and sat him down “this is something that happened in the past, even if I tried, I could never change it, so you either accept it, or we go out different way. I will not spend my life apologizing for nothing I did wrong”

  16. I want to recommend The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene. Not recommend to like follow it or use it, but I recently saw someone talk about using it in earnest and they mentioned isolation as one of the techniques. Found a PDF very easily and I am pretty sure this is what the DENNIS system is based on. It's so impossibly convoluted, bizarre, and would be scary if it seemed like someone could actually pull off all of the steps. Good for entertainment

  17. Either it's true and he deals with his emotions terribly to the point of being abusive and needs therapy, or he lied and he tried a relationship with someone else but it didn't work. Either way it sounds like a terrible idea to be involved with him again on any level and will most likely happen again.

  18. As someone who has a customer facing job, I would never tell someone when my next shift was, let alone tell them to ask my coworkers when my next shift was. This leads me to believe she is interested. However she could just be naive and like making new friends, at 26 I would know better, but maybe she doesn't. You can keep going in making small talk, maybe drop a non creepy compliment, but I would let her make the first move or you might have to find a new mini mart.

  19. He what?

    That’s not normal at all. I get that there’s occasional spitting during oral and there are people who specifically want to be spat on as part of a (consensually arranged) kink thing but that’s not mainstream behaviour.

    I’d boot him out if I were you for both the action and the denial of consent.

  20. Some people have this weird ‘early risers are morally superior’ bs mentality. I am an early riser. My wife is a night owl and needs more sleep than I do. We have different schedules, but both get our stuff done. I ‘let’ her sleep in. Heck, I bring her coffee and breakfast in bed so she can enjoy a proper lie in. That time really helps her reset.

    That’s my advice. Your husband should ‘let’ you sleep in. When you wake up, he should great you with nude coffee, oj, and a nice breakfast.

  21. Move on. This isn’t going anywhere. Concentrate on you and the other million and one decent women out there. You got this.


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