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Sandra, 57 y.o.


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28 thoughts on “Sandra the hard online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Shouldn't disrespectful behaviour or abusive behaviour be the absolutely last thing you would want to compromise on?

    Why not adjust your expectations in a different direction and just date someone respectful?

    The mindset you're describing doesn't explain why the bar is very high for looks but underground for disrespect or abuse.

  2. Looking after a kid, working & studying is hard. He was probably frustrated. He doesn't sound like he actually broke up with you, he was just annoyed. The amount of times my parents have argued and said they're done & leaving when I was a kid is funny. They'd always make up in a few days and now they're happily married for 40 years. My mother often cites it was all silly.

  3. I mean, y'all are both over 18 and the age gap is only 2 years so I wouldn't call it grooming personally. Grooming implies that you deliberately pursued someone underage, which it doesn't sound like you did. I think it's just an incompatibility of lifestyle/maturity. It's only been 3 months, may be time to consider if this is a dealbreaker or not for you.

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  5. Could it be that she feels a boyfriend from South Korea – so I guess a foreigner – is an issue? I'm not specifically asking if she's anti-Korean, but that she culturally doesn't see you and him working?

    Some parents have really specific ideas on ethnicity, religion, educational requirements that they want for their children's partner. My sister dated a guy who's father took photo's of her to compare her skin tone on a sort of skin tone chart. Yes, we do have some SE Asian blood, but his family wanted their sons to marry a blonde, blue-eyed girl and we don't meet that demographic at all. Yes, she broke up with him.

  6. Appreciate you seeing the person behind the text my friend. Thank you for the kind comment and advice, people are going to see what they want to see ya know?

  7. Im sorry to hear that.Maybe it's a sign that the spark is gone…or maybe it will pass. But you can't force yourself not to think about it.

  8. lol OP's wife has helped raise his kids for the past 8 years – that might sway some people from “never” to “wait i think i actually do like kids”

    cause lord knows anyone who was truly childfree wouldn't have married this dude who thinks plan b is birth control.

  9. Jealousy is a bitch and it will ruin everything. You'll look at your bf differently. You won't be able to trust either of them with each other after it happens. There's no pros only cons. Trust me. It's happened to me twice.

  10. Didn’t bother reading it. Yet again, another ludicrous age range.

    No one here can convince you, but do something for yourself, search this forum and look at all the age gap horror stories. It’s a pattern that you are too young to see. But trust me, they are all fucked up. It’s jot a question of if it’s a bad abusive relationship, but more a question of when will you return to this sub looking to justify it or hopefully looking for support in ending it.

    Skip the middleman. Save your childhood and spend it wisely, do not waste it with shit like this.

  11. Man, your girlfriend is so shallow. $140k is well above even the household average income.

    Everyone aspires for more money in the long run; the fact she vocalized that she’d be ‘settling’ because you don’t make her near The 1% level of income would just make me think twice about her quality of person.

  12. I mean there was something I can’t deny that or lie about it, but I was a bit reckless and every time I’d try to open up room for more he’d shut it down. He never allowed room for anything to happen at that point

  13. I crave connection with someone I’m sleeping with. I’m definitely in no position to jump right into another relationship now so I couldn’t do this. I did this plenty when I was younger but it’s just not for me. Appreciate your reply to say the least though

  14. I firmly believe that one's mental health/neurodivergence are not their fault, but they are sure their responsibility.

    Of course, except for cases where it makes people unable to take responsibility for it, which is not her case.

    She claims she has undiagnosed ADHD, but has she ever gone to the doctor, or started treatment?

    You don't have to stay with her. You don't have to put up with this. You can choose to make your life better.

    The longer you stay tied to her, the longer it'll be before you find a better match.

  15. How do you know he will want control? He might not even want a child to begin with and this would be a convenient way for him to get out of it. He doesn't exactly sound like father material.

  16. Yep, you leave it at the beach.

    The fact that she gave this guy her number and he called the next morning trying to meet up tells me all I need to know.

  17. Why would you want to date someone who is about to have her current relationship torpedoed by her family? Even if you got everything you wanted, how would that not just happen to you?

    That's all besides the fact that it's a dick move to just try to jump on your buddies' ex, and even worse that you are planning it while they are still in a relationship. No wonder Re is insecure about her talking to you, I doubt your feelings for her are much of a secret to either of them.

  18. OP isn't getting it! At all. She says she isn't pushing bt keeps pushing.. literally tried to get the man to do it before she posted this yet says she respects his NO.

    How?! I swear if a man was posting this shit everyone would be up in arms! Telling him his sex drive isn't her problem and he shld be ashamed of himself for trying to force her into something she isn't comfortable with.

    Well jesus I'm a woman and i think it's the same for men!


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