Saracouters live sex chats for YOU!

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19 thoughts on “Saracouters live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Most men of all ages do not like that. Stop being delusional and they aren’t insecure. If you think boundaries are insecure you’re more childish than I thought

  2. definitely a major red flag. I've been with girls that look younger, And that felt weird even tho I knew they were 20+.

    Once I hit 17, 16yo were off the cards. By the time I was 22, 16-year-olds seemed like babies. i know how much I developed mentally between those ages. I wouldn't be comfortable having him around my kids.

  3. Oh yeah I remember a cop pulling me to the side after an armed robbery where I had a gun pressed up to my face, and had to fight an attacker to get away, and the cop says next time just get a gun and shoot them. Like bro what?

  4. That is rough. But it doesn't mean you get stuck taking care of him. She has to handle her own dog. This was not a joint decision.

  5. If you really do care for her, you talk to her as soon as possible. Not at your convenience or when you finished your degree, but really soon.

    Sit down, make a tea, tell it like it is. Say that you care but also – you've skipped over that – why you don't want to marry her specifically. Tell her you love her and you care for her but at this time or at no time ever or whatever it is will you become her husband.

    You're right, she likely won't take it well, but this is also your chance to preserve a relationship to someone you have shared a good part of your life with.

    Also: You don't have to always share everything in a relationship to make a good couple, what you got sounds solid enough, but if you feel it's just not “IT”, then this is something you need to evaluate further. Is it just cold feet or are your feelings not as big as you'd like them to be?

    Either way, chat soon, because being strung along is awful and you don't want that for someone you love.

    Dividing things up quite honestly isn't all that much of a tragedy, in my experience it's a mix of “this came with me” and “that item and this item have roughly the same value, what do you need more?”, nobody wants to make that a huge fight once a decision to break up has been made. It's not ideal but your current state is neither.

    Good luck!

  6. More mess.

    OK then you need to have a conversation about it. Would you qualify for the loan without her as a guarantor?

  7. This does not make sense. You simply let her know intimacy is important. You don’t blame her nor do you wish to pressure he so it’s best you break up.

  8. Tell her you didnt get into any relationships due to a big trauma, which is a story you might share many dates down the line but certainly not now

    Just be honest that you have no experience, so you're learning as you go

    Then it's up to her where she goes and you've not had to hit her with big stuff or share it until you're ready

  9. Tell your sister to knock off the rude shit with your girlfriend or you will stop hanging out with her( sister). That is if you value your girlfriend over your sister's ego and childishness.

  10. Oh such a creative answer. Having a tantrum because you don't like what I said? Maybe you need to look up what boundaries actually are. Because they aren't something you get to impose on someone else and trying to is just a covet way of trying to control people. Which is textbook manipulative behaviour. I think you need to take a loooong very hot look at yourself and the kind of partner you want to be.

  11. Him making her try to wear the bogus gold band

    I'd break up with you before you tried to force me to wear some fake shit before you even propose.

  12. I get what you’re saying and agree with you (and others)… could you elaborate on why it shouldn’t merit concern to him? He is saying that it should because it scares him that I would do such a thing. I see where he’s somewhat coming from on his end, but still disagree. Always looking for how to explain my thoughts and feelings better, if possible.

  13. His mom is in jail for abusing him so I think he picked up some of that behavior. The most disturbing part for me is the manipulation of pretending he didn’t do any of it or that it’s accidental.


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