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28 thoughts on “Selenacute live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Hey there, This sounds tough. It’s hard to think about relationships when you’re in the thick of it. All relationships have ups and downs, but what concerns me is the lack of communication that’s going on- the stonewalling. There’s a big difference between “I’m processing some things internally and i need some space, but i will talk with you about it soon” and “i haven’t talked to you for hours/days and i no longer want to sleep in the same bed as you but won’t tell me why.” That’s very concerning and not okay.

    I would ask yourself- is this sustainable for you? As in- the cycle you seem to keep repeating with your BF- would you be happy to keep repeating it over and over indefinitely? What is your gut feeling to that future? Happy? Sad? Anxious? Peaceful?

    I am not sure whether your bf is making sustainable changes or improvements, and I honestly can’t know- I’m a stranger. But your internal reaction to “how things are” being your future forever is a good indicator of whether or not this is a situation you should stay in.

  2. I saw a pic of them on her phone from three years ago and yes it is mainly one ex the other guys she hooked up with aren’t in there the ex now has a gf but she goes and likes their pictures, I personally feel like if she can’t delete it there still feelings there

  3. “who am I to judge?”

    You are you to judge

    “My reason for not wanting to date a pizza delivery guy is because I'm attracted to successful and ambitious men, I am a successful and ambitious person myself and I value these qualities in my partner”

    So, if you met your partner after he lost a good job and had to be a pizze delivery guy in order to survive you would not have dated him because you would have judged him.

    You keep telling him his value is only in his job.

  4. OP, stop being so controlling. She's survived completely fine for 20 years without you. Just enjoy your walk, stop stressing about her and focus on you.

  5. Nah I think ur just presuming something. When I say shut it down I brought it to her just as if I took a female to a game she wouldn’t appreciate it but okay assume wat u wish

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  7. Tell him that he you did your research, and whoever has the stronger genetics is what the kids will follow… If his genetics are strong, enough and superior, he will gladly get his children the way he wants them, but if your genetics are stronger, then he will have short children with brown eyes. Then in the conversation end with, I think I have stronger genetics than you in all reality, let’s just be real here…

    I don’t know if any of this information is true, but that would be my come back for making a stupid comment like that

  8. Jeff Bezos’ wife got a quarter of his money in the divorce making her one of the ten richest women in the world. She largely gave up her career to raise their family and so that Jeff could build Amazon. Food for thought.

  9. They also need to have a serious conversation about what joint spending would look like while she's not working. Will she have full access to his money to pay for what she needs or does he only intend to cover the costs of the kids and give her an “allowance?”

    Will he refuse to do any chores or hire a housekeeper/maid service (they can afford it) because she's a SAHM mom, afterall, and that's her “job” despite it being non-stop 24×7 effort with no vacations?

    She needs to make sure she's not being financially abused or controlled within the marriage itself or frankly they'd be better off hiring a nanny and housekeeper.

    I understand that he wants to protect his wealth but his secrecy and the ruthless pre-nup don't inspire hope that he'll be generous with OP once she's dependent on him.

  10. I’m sorry everyone is being so harsh. You may want to look into attachment styles. It helps to be aware if your attachment style can be harmful if not acknowledged.

    I spent a lot of my relationships being too involved with the partner instead of nurturing my own self. Learning to love myself first has helped tremendously.

  11. I had to look up Arcane to see what it was. For reference, this is an amine series.

    OP, not everyone likes anime. I was dating someone who is big into the genre, but I am not. They never go upset when I said I did not want to watch, even not knowing anything about it.

    Your girlfriend does not have to like the same things you like, and you don't have to like the same things you do…or in this case, watch the same things. It's healthy for you both to have separate things, even shows.

    You are hurting your own feeling and ruining the show for yourself all on your own. Annnnnd…even though the game she was playing didn't have sound, hearing the sounds from your show, would be distracting.

    Get out of your feelings and have a calm, rational conversation with your girlfriend. Good luck.

  12. She’s misdirecting her trauma from a break in at you. You defended her and your home, just like everyone loves to say they would.

  13. You’re traumatized from being cheated on but now you’re cheating on your partner. Break it off with your bf now. You’re already cheating emotionally and physically. Don’t be a damn hypocrite. He’s also airing dirty laundry with others but not talking about it with you. That’s a red flag.

    About things in common: things in common are great but they’re not a foundation to build a relationship on. I’ve been married 25 years. We don’t like the same music. We don’t have the same hobbies/interests. We don’t like the same tv/movies. Our sex drives are different. Our styles are different. Our careers couldn’t be more different. Our senses of humor are different. Our relationships with our families are very different. She likes to go out. I don’t. We don’t even like the same food.

    …none of that matters though because we love, trust, and respect each other deeply and have similar values. We’re faithful. We want the best for each other. That’s an unshakeable foundation. It’s priceless. We can build anything we want on top of it. If it falls down or doesn’t suit us anymore we can rebuild because the slab doesn’t crack. We’re a committed team of two independent people living their own lives and being true to ourselves.

    Here’s the thing though, the new guy is no good either. He pursued and kissed a woman who was in a committed relationship. That’s a giant red flag. That’s an asshole move. He doesn’t respect your relationship with current bf and he won’t respect a relationship with you if you go that route. He’s played his hand and it’s a losing hand.

    First off you need to become someone deserving of respect and trust, then you need to find someone else deserving of respect and trust.

  14. I would never want this for my kids…

    I just don't know how to stop caring how to pick myself up and move on… I'm scared to be alone and its times like this that intrusive thoughts start happening. I have no support system. 0 family and my ex husband made sure I had no friends..

  15. how would you feel (community responders) if you were my partner?

    I'd probably feel pretty shitty and neglected. Are you actually the partner writing this? lol

  16. Because you don't gave her enough attentionbor because you didn't give her enough space, or both at the same time? Maybe she doesn't like your haircut, or the last meal you cooked for the weekend?

    Maybe the constellation of the stars were the reason and she couldn't do anything against it.

    Maybe she doesn't respect you. And given you forget her and want to continue the relationship, this is the most propable answer.

    You are only 20. Just drop her and find someone else. It is not worth it to “try it” with a 20 years. If you are married, in your 40s with children, there can be some things to talk about, but not with this age.

  17. I truly don’t see the connection. The rest of the community also hurt OP and didn’t suffer the same effects. A change in how they treated OP wouldn’t have resulted in a change in her situation currently.

    I didn’t write “I have every sympathy” because I expect OP to have it. Or to mean it. It’s a de-escalation tactic ahead of the harsher sentence that comes next, in order to avoid drama.

  18. Aww, Honey.

    There's nothing about your sexuality that needs to be fixed

    Please, please, though, break up with the man who doesn't accept you as you are and work towards not needing to use alcohol as a numbing agent.

    You don't owe your mother grandchildren, you don't owe anyone sexual contact and I am deeply sad that you have been badgered into feeling like you should force yourself to be “normal”.

    Go ahead and build a life YOU want. Fill it with pets, friends, hobbies, art, music and books.

    I don't want to loose my bf, I think my mum can forgive me.

    He doesn't respect you and there's nothing for your mother to “forgive”.

  19. Hmmm. That kinda scared me bc hes joked about me taking care of him and having to wash him and stuff. I always laughed it off and said i wouldnt stay but i still feel bad for saying that. Idk it seems heartless to me. Bc if i loved him i would stay, he says hed do the same for me. I dont want to end up his caretaker. I dont know if i would love him the same honestly…

  20. Too young?? Haha, I’ve been using viagra since I was 23! That’s bullshit. In recent years viagra has gone generic, it’s not hot for any guy to get. There’s plenty of options like the hims brand, you can get an on-line consultation and unless he’s got heart problems or something they’ll give him a viagra script. I can’t recommend it enough you and your husband won’t regret it.

  21. If you stay with her it’s just a matter of time before it falls apart. Caring and loving never works like that.

  22. Weight distribution during pregnancy is very different from weight distribution in obesity. In a lot of cases you won't be able to tell if a woman is pregnant if you are looking at her from the back.

    That being said, you probably should postpone having kids until you've balanced out your weight, since you'll be at a higher risk for gestational diabetes, as well as other possible medical complications.


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