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8 thoughts on “Sexylexyy1 on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. What he does to her, he will probably do to you. He could break up and be done with her romantically, but he’s stringing her along instead, while professing having a crush on you.

    Her not wanting to break up means nothing if he wants to actually end things; she can’t be in a relationship with him if there is no relationship. As for having to see an ex at work, that’s the risk he took by dating a coworker.

    Does he believe that his colleagues think more of him when he tells them that he has a crush on you, when they know that he’s dating her? I’d think that they would respect his ending a bad relationship cleanly, rather than watching his current behavior and wondering if he’s going to cheat on her instead.

    I’d suggest stopping flirting until he’s single. I’d also suggest not dating him while you both work there. But if you’re going to date him, definitely have a talk about his thought process and how he handled things. You don’t want to end up being strung along, while he’s already looking for the next one.

  2. You let an idiot ruin your day and are still letting him ruin your marriage by holding on to this.

    Do you have a past?

    Think of it this way, who your wife slept with before you is none of your business. She chose to marry you when you asked. All the others were not good enough for her to settle down with. The same goes for your wife. Whoever you slept with before her is none of her business. You chose her to spend your life with.

    Anyway, “banging” someone in high school has nothing to do with today. Everyone grows up and becomes different people once they get away from the hell that is high school.

    She chose you! So, let this tacky ass joke go.

  3. I’d nope right the fuck out of there in a heartbeat. He sounds like he’s got some high grade mental illness or at the very least has some stalking tendencies .. inventing a whole life with someone .. whew boy I’d ghost a motherfucker and drop off the face of the earth

  4. Coke this days can be cut with opiates, and your average coke user no opiate tolerance/fentanyl is profoundly easy to overdose on.

    OP, I suggest you get her Narcan/Naloxone. I don't know where you're 5 in Canada you can get it for free, no questions asked. I don't use drugs at all but even I know three poor souls who accidentally died young thanks to fentanyl poisoning.

  5. “Grass is greener on the other side.”

    Living together is pretty much what you describe. You see more of their flaws, bad habits and other things. That's what usually get the couples who marry before living together too in their first year or so. Marriage just usually forces them to commit more.

    You have the option to give up and try again.

    But I don't recommend it. Try fixing what you have first. Unless you get extremely lucky in that the next person is really your dream guy and stay that way after the honeymoon phase, your default response will be to give up and run away in your next relationships.

    Your current one doesn't seem to be toxic and still repairable so give it a try. If it's still a no go, then sure, try again with another person.


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