Shantallxx online sex chats for YOU!

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15 thoughts on “Shantallxx online sex chats for YOU!

  1. honestly it sounds like he didn't want children to begin with. it seems that the two of you had different ideas about having children from the get-go. and it's very easy for you to say that you didn't do this by yourself but you're the one who allowed yourself to get pregnant. I think his distant behavior when he comes home from work is a reflection of him not wanting to have children. what's done is done but I suspect that the two you did not discuss whether or not to have children before you got pregnant.

  2. I only like doing my hair and makeup for work, and that’s because I have to. It’s just a part of looking professional IMO.

  3. Just to clarify things because now I realize the title is a little misleading.

    Yes she's willing to put my head on a spike for suggesting I'll be sharing a room with my teammate, but she objects to me going with my teammate altogether.

  4. Does he have a bunny you can boil, Op?

    THAT might get his attention. At the very least, get the police involved.

  5. Fuck dude. You are broken up. Ask for a paternity test when the baby is born. It probably isn't yours. Leave her alone. She's with her ex. She's not with you because she doesn't want to be with you.

  6. You are just assuming something that she never said here. And no condoms protect you from everything. Uid and the pill fail all the time do you know why??? The uid is already in the uterus, the sperm has 100 million sperm cells* every time they are having sex you see the math. And the pill you have to take it every day the same time which the majority of women forget to do. Research has shown that it doesn't matter if you use the pill or uid you have to use also condoms, doctors inform you about it all the time. And yes when someone doesn't use a condom with the person that are in a relationship with it is a habit and they were not using condoms with the previous relationships. Women who have STDs statistically inform their partners about it because they had symptoms but men cannot do the same because they cannot know on time. So yes even if you hate condoms you have to use them.

  7. Naw. That's not how it works. She invested it and took a chance. That was her choice and her risk. You both know that the stock market is tricky and you have the same chance of winning big as losing it all. You don't owe her a dime.

    You both put in and lost money. End of story. it's part of the acceptable risk you take when you play with the stock market and is why it's advised you don't put in more then you can afford to lose.

    Don't let her manipulate you into paying her a dime. You don't owe her that money and should remind her that you lost the same amount too, and it's the chance you both took.

    She doesn't get to charge you for her loss bro.

  8. You’ve received a lot of great advice. The other thing is that a lot of people don’t get approved for social security disability funds unless they actually have an attorney helping them because the system sucks. The good news is that it’s also possible to get back pay, even if the back pay only dates back to the date of application. I know this doesn’t help when you need a break a TODAY.

    Doctors themselves will not say “by the way you should apply for SSDI” most of the time. Some will be more proactive about discussing ability to work. I would start reaching out to attorneys in your area who advertise themselves as social security disability attorneys. You could try the application on your own, but it sounds like you need the help.

    Have you been to your local county government office? ie the office for food stamps, TANF, help finding jobs, etc? Your state or county may or may not have extra programs for people suffering from disabilities so just going and talking to someone in your area can lead to help, even if it is “oh, you should talk to this other nonprofit.”

    Speaking of that, you should lookup any disability related nonprofits in your area. You mention a long list of things you’re struggling to get through – there may be social workers who can help with those things, especially things like navigating having lost trash service. You also may be able to find organizations in your community to help with some of the physical labor, like neighbors who are happy to help with your roof.

    There are some areas with more resources and support than others, and I know that when you’re already screaming in pain because you just can’t handle the to do list on your own, adding things to that list is likely overwhelming. But you need the help and some of these items may be faster than others. You need and deserve the help.

  9. I wouldn't be surprised that in the hours he thought “shit, now i have to seach for an appartement, buy new furniture, pay for everything alone and who cooks and clean for me? What have i done?! I lose my bangmaid! I need to make her stay at least till i find another woman. Or i can just have an affair. How stupid of me to risk my comfortable life.”

    You don't say all this if you don't mean it. But why should you take him back? What does he bring to the relationship? He made so much drame for doing a little chores while you work your ass off. A partner would try to take as much stuff of your hands when he sees you are struggling and you work and go to school, so why did you do all the chores to beginn with?

    The divorce will be a blessing for you. Concentrate on yourself and in the next relationship don't give yourself up for your partner. Love isn't just to give.

    I wish you the best ❤️

  10. Your feelings are valid. This is personally a boundary for me because of the way it makes me feel along w other reasons. I expect my partner to never cross this and we’ve discussed it in detail and he agrees w me and expects the same from me.

    I think if this is all stuff ur uncomfortable w then that’s you like people can say you’re insecure but I just don’t want my partner looking at other women sexually, it’s not what I’m okay with. We all have personal preferences esp in a relationship.

    I just think you need to ask yourself what are your boundaries & how much are you willing to stand up for yourself and protect these boundaries. They’re not really boundaries if you’re not protective over them.

  11. My story is pretty similar to yours. Mom died when I was a teenager. Dad remarried. I had challenges with them as I grew up. Left home and went Low / No contact until I got married. At that point things slowly started to change for the better. To the point where we see each other fairly often.

    I was angry at them for a long time. I was angry at my dad for not having my back and not setting better boundaries with my Step mom. I was angry with her for pushing the relationship she wanted with a complete disregard for how I felt. In a way I am still angry at both of them because I got the label as the bad kid when all I was trying to do was be the adult in the relationship and communicate how fucked up the situation was and how they as the adults needed to do something different to have a better relationship. Instead I was ignored and told that as the adult they made the decisions. This was all wrapped up in grief and the pain of loss. Making my teenager years an ongoing toxic conflict.

    It's up to you about if you want a relationship with your dad and his wife. Where our situations are different is my parents respected my boundaries. Mine never pushed for a relationship. Mine certainly never showed up at my door without an invitations. THAT'S A RED FLAG.

    You don't need to have a relationship with them. But I would strongly encourage you to continue therapy to work through your feelings on the matter. You carry that weight with you and it will have an impact on the relationship you have with your kids. Working through your own pain and so that pain doesn't impact the life you have built is by far the most important task you have in front of you. Lastly, Even if you don't agree with your therapist you should understand why they think you should have relationship with them.

    If you consider having a relationship with them, I would start by treating them as individuals. Relationship require work from both parties. Part of what infuriated me with my step mom was that she wanted to title of Mom but didn't want to put in the work. She wanted that respect but didn't give it. What I realized is the titles are meaningless. She can call herself your mom, but she isn't if you don't have a relationship. She can call herself Grandma all she wants but if she never meets your kids, they will never run up to an hug her like a Grandma if she doesn't have a relationship. They can call themselves whatever they want, that doesn't entitle them to have that relationship. They have to earn it.

    If they want a relationship, What do you want from them? Acknowledgement. To be heard. Respect. If you met with your Dad, what do you want him to hear from you? If you met with his Wife, what would you want to tell her? I'd tell them for you to have a relationship with them: 1) It needs to start as a blank slate. Not as parent to child but simply as 1 adult to another. 2) You want to find a therapist (different than your individual therapist) to go to therapy sessions with them (one on one and the three of you). 3) Failing to follow the boundaries set will result in no contact and a restraining order.

    I hear your anger and your pain. With the red flag, your parents may still be as toxic in an adult relationship has they were when you were a child. Whatever the outcome of this, your goal is to take care of yourself, your family and the life you have built. Separate,


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