Shayna-666 online webcams for YOU!

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36 thoughts on “Shayna-666 online webcams for YOU!

  1. First of all I’m so sorry about all of this. I think you need to begin the conversation with a divorce lawyer. They’ll be able to tell you more about the process and what you can expect in your situation.

    And I just want to say, no one can ever say you didn’t try. She asked for this despite you holding everything together for years. You’re a good man, and hold your head high knowing you’ve done everything you could. Your kids are going to thank you one day.

  2. He has always supported me and heckled me at my lowest. I know I was wrong for not doing the chores, but is it really worth throwing our marriage for?It seems to me he has played your caretaker for 3 years not your husband, that is emotionally draining for him too and it just seems he has had enough and I think you need to respect that. I love my wife, but I can't say for certainty that after years of something like that I wouldn't snap myself, working fulltime, doing all the housework and then also being a caretaker, that sounds exhausting.

  3. Hey so your post and your clarification edit indicates you're intentionally leaving stuff out. The only other option is you're neurally divergent and unable to register how completely lacking necessary information your post is, so if that's the case then get thee to a psychologist/psychiatrist ASAP.

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  5. You deserve to be in a relationship with someone who loves all of you the way that you are! You should have an open conversation with your boyfriend about how you feel (hot, I know), but maybe he has never considered that he was being cold towards you when you needed affection. If he explains that your being trans is the reason, then it might be time to find someone who would truly love you the way that you are. Good luck!

  6. Time to move on without him. His views and the way he handled the argument are misogynistic and he will likely get worse not better. I hope you can heal from this, and find a guy who respects you. That's what love is: respect. Hugs.

  7. Lame, but I guess your right. I cant wait my whole life. And this “selfless” approach just leaves me miserable and on edge. It sucks its taken me this long to realize, I just dont matter enough to make any changes.

  8. Sure but those people shouldn’t be partnered with people who do enjoy and actively want sex because everyone is unhappy.

  9. Both scratches were about the same damage, just about an inch. I get that it's a new car, it's worth more money & you want to keep scratches or any damages to a minimum.

    However, I feel it shouldn't matter how many scratches I have on my car. Of course her car is worth more, but it is still my car and my property. I just want her to respect it as much as her car

  10. No, she is manipulating you. If she were going to be that sincerely distraught over the end of your relationship, she wouldn't be sleeping around.

    If you're still concerned, draft a message and address it to everyone in her support system (family/friends/etc). State in it “My relationship has ended with [person] due to irreconcilable differences regarding my requirement for monogamy. I am worried for their safety if left alone. Please be there for them.” Send that right before you break up with her. Like, hit send as the conversation starts.

    If you don't think that's enough, call the police as soon as the convo ends. “I've just broken up with my partner, I'm genuinely concerned they are a danger to themselves.”

  11. I feel for you!!! 🙁 I’m a disorganised person, so I’d definitely need to get my ring insured. If I were you, I’m not sure what I would do. Part of me thinks I would go down the route of buying a replacement… I know it wouldn’t be the same piece of metal, but the sentiment would still online!!

  12. Completely get what you are saying. I just don’t believe people are capable of that kind of change, honestly. If he loves gaming that much and that gets taken away, chances are he’s gonna be irritated/angry and take it out on you and/or your child. I’m relieved your husband is a good father though. If you are seriously considering leaving, I guess leave before you start detesting him so your 2.5 year can grow up with parents who are still on good terms.

  13. I understand his point in that Tom is a complete asshat and Sami is being incredibly foolish and taken advantage of. But if anything what Sami needs is help escaping her sham marriage, and none of you should be exposing yourselves to his Tom’s obvious toxicity. So the obvious answer is to convince Sami to leave him and remain friends with Sami while cutting out Tom.

  14. So what? It’s just social media. Plenty of people delete social media for reasons that are t relationships. He could be using this as a chance to change things.

    It’s probdbly difficult because you’re used to this person in your life, but now they’re not. It doesn’t matter what they do now. Breakups are hot, it’s best to move on. He seems to be trying to, you’re still clinging to the past.

  15. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I’m at a loss right now. Yesterday we’re driving and on our way to dinner. We got stuck behind someone double parked and so we start backing out to go a different way. Some guy is in the crosswalk and naturally he gets pissed. My wife (31F) is the one driving, and yeah she has a city temper, but it happens right. The typical little exchange takes place, no harm is done, and the guy starts walking away.

    But that wasn’t good enough for her, she completely lost herself and was trying to jump out of the car. My (31M) focus at this point was to keep her in the car and to keep that guy walking away.

    I was able to get her to sit back down, but she kept running her mouth, which kept the guy there cursing back. I was far from silent, but I was trying to yell at him to just keep walking. It’s at this point that he then threw what I assume to be almonds or something at us. A couple of them made it in the window.

    Now I’m pissed. Of course I’m pissed. My wife is pissed. But everyone’s alright. Somewhere I manage to get her to just drive away.

    Now, since that happened, she has made it clear to me that she cannot rely on me. That I am incapable of protecting her. That I am not masculine and that she expected more from me. Believe me, I expected more from me too, but the kicker here…

    I just had back surgery 2 days ago.

    What am I supposed to do in this situation?? Hobble out of the car and go pick a fight?

    So now my wife of 3 years (been together for 5) wants a divorce because I’m not man enough for her.

    How am I supposed to handle this?

  16. Why not just say nothing. Because saying anything will make you look rather petty & as though you just like the attention. Let Mike have a girl who actually really likes him. Not… whatever you’re doing

  17. Yeah, it would’ve been one thing if she were disabled enough to not be able to take care of herself, but we know that she can cook and do laundry so chances are boyfriend is a failure to launch.

  18. Feel him out and just ask for half right now so you can pay some bills…if he digs in his feet and throws a fit then you know how there/not there his intentions are to pay you back. This will also gauge how ballistic you need to go when you go thermonuclear on his ass for borrowing with no intention to pay. If he replies and says I can give you 1/3 or whatever…then you at least know he’s willing to try. ❤️

  19. You are not overreacting. At least postpone this wedding. His change in behavior after he thinks he has you locked in is alarming. That entire “you will immediately come when called” is just the start. He has shown you how he thinks your married relationship will be: you expected to act like hired help and him unquestionably correct in everything.

    Pack a bag, take the dog, and find a place to stay for a few days. If you can get in to talk to a counselor online, do so. Get a professional opinion on this. I'm pretty sure they will tell you what you are hearing on this sub.

    Don't fall for the sunk cost fallacy.

  20. You should be fired from your job, if this is a true story. 100%. Fired and never hired anywhere else ever again. It doesn’t matter if there are “no laws” against doing what you did, it’s still absolutely abhorrent. I hope this is a troll post.

  21. Exactly, i’m here getting people telling me that it’s my fault and i should step up before she cheats lol.

  22. She tried telling me that while she doesn’t understand me wanting alone time, she will give me alone time. What she was saying was that she was upset that I won’t let her come today when I spend time with my family. That’s what upset her. I told her that if every time I see my parents I’m with my girlfriend it might upset them that she’s always with me and she didn’t see eye to eye with me on this. I tried explaining to her that she can come with me to see my parents some but the last time I was here every time I saw them with the limited time I had with them, my girlfriend was there too.

  23. Firstly, the marriage question, like you say, won't be applicable for a bit of time yet. But still, kids – whether to have them or not – is one of the biggest pieces of the marriage equation.

    About the actual situation in your relationship, he sounds guilty of something a lot of men do when in relationship – especially their first one(s) – where they will (over)invest in the relationship and often times neglect other parts of their life. Subconsciously I guess it stems from putting more effort in and expecting the relationship to be better that way. The old cliche of “sometimes less is more” I think applies to relationships as well. You both should have a level of independency from each other and have your own friends, social lives and hobbies. Relying on your partner about everything is not realistic or healthy

    I completely get what you mean by the walking on eggshells part – but this is not something that you can necessarily fix for him, some issues have to be resolved by the other person in the relationship.

  24. This trip isn't an issue. It's the communication skills you both seem to be lacking. You're hyper focused on the trip and what it means to you but you two aren't communicating with each other properly and it's creating tension. TALK ABOUT IT.

  25. OPs only ever get upvoted if their message is along the lines of “yes you're quite right I'll dump him straight away”


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