Sofii-03 online webcams for YOU!

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9 thoughts on “Sofii-03 online webcams for YOU!

  1. lmao what? She got a lap dance from a stripper. That's pretty fucking wrong when you are in a relationship.

  2. I don't think you're sorry. What even is the point of this? It's all clearly abuse. What are you even asking for here?

  3. You clearly don’t trust her and if you have problem with it talk to her not the internet. Should she respect your boundaries, absolutely but I don’t blame her for staying where she was as long as they didn’t do anything together

  4. You and your wife our going through a rough time and you want to secretly meet up with an ex ?

    Not only is omitting it not OK but if this in anyway comes back to her, you'll like a cheater no matter how innocent you want it all to be.

  5. Alcohol is a drug that inhibits our ability to assess risk. You were drinking, and assessed a low risk associated with going up to his room to continue “talking” and that it was more risky to continue talking at the bar. To sober people, that seems wildly foolish. To a drunk person whose ability to measure and assess risk has been negated, it seems fine. That was precisely his game, and he probably waited until you looked a little loopy before swooping in.

    He tired to prey on you while you were drunk. He got you to say yes- to going to his room, but you snapped out of it once you stood up and walked to the desk. He almost got you. And by “got” I mean raped. It would have been sexual assault for him to sleep with you like that, and that was almost precisely his game.

    You're grieving- and that comes with a storm of emotions- sadness (feeling guilty), anger (calling your actions stupidity), fear (shame), bargaining (that confession will help), acceptance (you seem resigned that this will be disastrous). You might have a little PTSD, as there is a lot of overlap between moral injury, grief, and PTSD.

    You didn't almost cheat. You were almost raped. It isn't your fault he tried to convince you while drunk to go back to his room. It sounds like you should talk to your husband about this in a facilitated setting, like a couple's therapy, so someone can skillfully receive how both of you react to this conversation. Good luck.

  6. First, you should advice your friend to leave her husband. He is using her and abusing.

    Secondly, your husband, if he knows what’s happening with your friend, has little to none empathy. And it’s not because you are friends with your friend that you are going to start cheating. Your husband can have his values but he cannot impose them on you. You are not going to be a cheater if Sami “cheats”. You are her friend and she needs you.

    My psychologic abusing ex also said I was going to be a drug addict just because my friend used to smoke weed.

  7. He said he doesn't watch porn and made me feel bad for wanting to because it's two strangers fucking and said whenever he masturbates he just thinks of me and doesn't understand why I can't do that too I said I do but I need visuals and audio to get off

  8. Try the opposite.

    Step back and stop trying completely. Not mad, not sad. Just do what makes you happy.

    What he does next will be telling.

  9. Okay fair enough, glad she's not living in the car with him but all the emotional abuse and sexual coercion aside, because that is what you're experiencing, I think a man whose unwilling to make a decent home for their child to visit when he has visitations would be a deal breaker for me andi think you should add it to your list in the future.

    I understand where this could be elitist but he works the same job and hours as you so if you can afford it he doesn't really have an excuse.


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