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Sonya, 20 y.o.


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30 thoughts on “Sonya the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Bruh that means

    He like love love loves you

    He was trynna say he is scared your gonna leave him for another guy (maybe he had that happen in the past)

    So what you should is reassure him that u won’t do that

    If he jokes about it here is a “clap back”

    He says dumb insecure comment about you leaving

    “If u stopped dating me I’ll become lesbian because no guy would compare”

    If you need more lemme know

    But he is just overall insecure

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  3. A relationship is about more than feeling love for someone. It should also be about respect and treating each other well. If those things aren't there, love is not enough for a relationship to work.

  4. Take a few things into consideration:

    99.9% of highschool relationships end before marriage.

    If he loved you, he would want you to go to the school you'd be happiest at.

    You're so young, explore the world and expose yourself to the school of your dreams.

  5. I don't get how she doesn't notice the smell herself.. I was thinking maybe it's bacterial vaginosis, but that smell is so strong that she can't possibly miss it unless she's got a major cold or something ?

  6. Have you guys talked about this, aside from him wanting to?

    Communication is really important, especially when it involves something that either partner is uncomfortable with. Talk with him about your feelings and boundaries, then maybe see if there's a compromise he can be happy with (like a butt plug for him, or something like that, I mean there plenty of sex toys that he could use for his own pleasure). I wouldn't advise threesomes, because that ends badly for most people.

    My boyfriend was really into anal when we first got together, and not gonna lie, I enjoyed it for awhile. After a few months, I lost interest in it and now (ten years later), it's just a painful experience that I don't enjoy. He knows this and accepts it, never becoming disinterested in the sex just because it doesn't include butt stuffs. Now, occasionally, he will touch my booty with his finger just to see what reaction I'd have, but never does more than a quick touch.

  7. Plenty of people are criticizing your behavior at the party so I’m just going to gloss over it by saying you fucked up there. Your boyfriend is right to feel upset because of how you acted at his birthday party (whether or not you were the host.)

    I would like to point out some things in your post. You focus a lot on yourself and how you feel but don’t seem to much consider how he feels. Your roommates bad habits might not bother him as much as it bothers you (they are his friends so maybe he overlooks it) or maybe with your autism you’re just more sensitive about it.

    You also said that your boyfriend supported you financially while you were injured, but that you didn’t feel heard emotionally. Perhaps he was at his capacity? Not sure his financial situation but he might have been focused on survival, making sure rent was paid and food was on the table; that takes mental energy and he might have been tired enough from that.

    He also has his own emotional needs so while it’s not wrong for you to have your needs it’s not really his responsibility to take care of your emotional needs, and he definitely isn’t required to put it before his own. Emotions are internal, he can’t feel your emotions and he can’t control or manage your emotions which it sounds like this is the expectation you’re putting on him. This also comes across as you weaponizing your emotions to try and manipulate him.

    So sorry, but you are definitely coming across as selfish and shitty. Ideally getting your own place together where you can feel safe and not tiptoeing around roommates will probably help immensely but you need to get to a spot where you can sit down together and have that conversation.

  8. I have always had dogs. Losing them is nude. But what it’s not is an excuse for what he did. He showed me who he is. Believe him.

  9. She absolutely should if that’s what she wants to do. No one is saying that she can’t or shouldn’t do something.

  10. Right? I've informed my husband he isn't allowed to die until 95, or if I go first. I never want to have to navigate dating again!

  11. No. You are correct that this situation should be getting handled with honesty when it is clearly not. I have told him multiple times that the best thing he can do to fix it broken relationship, with or without me, is to have a god damn honest conversation with her about it. But he’s incapable. You’re right.

  12. I am a woman and not your bro. Some harassers do stop when told, because they don’t want to get fired / sued / arrested. If he doesn’t stop, she can always go scorched earth after the second incident. Though getting an attorney would be more effective than going after the guy on yelp.

  13. Since nobody else here has asked – has she suffered with any mental health issues in the past? Anything else that has been bubbling up aside from this travelling idea?

    It sounds like she suffers from “I haven't fucked enough people before marrying”-itis.

  14. I would assume that they are stearing mostly at you for being a creep who cant get women his own age, so he prays on teens and make them dependent on him, so by the time they realize exactly how creepy you are its harder for them to get out.

    If you dont want a partner that dresses “provocatively” , dont date people that dresses “provocatively”. If you want a partner that dont act like a teen, dont date a teen.

  15. That's because she has absolutely no respect for you or your marriage.

    If this isn't a troll them I await the inevitable “my wife cheated on me” post because they gonna fuck on holiday.

  16. I would also contact a program administrator and tell them in case Bob tries some funny academic things pointed in your direction.

  17. So you can move past it or so he would shut up about it? How do you make it up to him so he'll stop bringing it up? I think he has resentment and probably still bitter about it. You got treatment but he probably needs one too.

  18. He stole your games and then gaslit you to tell you that you were out of line. Holy crap. Get rid of this guy.

  19. I can divorce him because I’m independent now,not living with my family so i can do whatever I want. I don’t care about the culture now because i don’t have any pressure from my family.

  20. Oh wow I would have noped on out of there on the first date-a box of letters written when you guys weren’t even dated, all for future events… serious stalker vibes, a love bomber or a stage 5 clinger…

  21. Being around that much negativity seems exhausting.

    I understand life isn't all kittens and moonbeams. At times, it's nude to find the good in a situation. OP's boyfriend can't resist doing the exact opposite.


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