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Soph demon on-line sex chat

26 thoughts on “Soph demon the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. Such a terrible post, almost impossible to read.

    BUT, nothing is wrong with the girl. The problem here is yours

  2. I don’t really have the jealous gene, and like I said above everyone has a history. She’s exactly the person she was before you found this out. She’s with you now for a reason. She digs you.

    Now the dishonesty and deception is another thing. I would set clear expectations that honesty needs to be the policy.

  3. If you told us the nickname it was easier to give advice.

    If she calls you “honey” I fear you need to get over your issues.

  4. Outside the groomer window?! Please. Generally anyone over 25 sayings someone under 25 is a duck with bad intentions. ‘What if she’s 23 and he just turned 25?! What then?’ Don’t be obtuse. No one 30 should be dating someone under 25. It’s a power dynamic problem.

  5. Actually HE has. Yes she was part of it but she wasn’t the on in a relationship nor did she seek him out. I’ve been cheated on, I get the anger in that way. But he’s the POS here.

  6. It’s not different at all, in both cases a potential partner showed you who they were and you’ve twisted yourself into a knot trying to convince yourself that they can be who you think they can be. “When someone tells you who they are, believe them”, the common denominator is you not listening. Next time end the relationship the first time you run into these issues and maybe you won’t waste as much time rationalizing a shitty relationship.

  7. He can be sad and still support your decision.

    Hell you might have feelings of sadness.

    It's okay to feel two things at once, and if he just needed to say it out loud to help get through it I don't think that means you should rethink your decision.

    Maybe you two have more to talk about to get through some tough emotions.

    But feeling sad or even a part of either of you “wanting” the “baby” is okay, just don't let your emotions get in the way of why you're actually making this choice.

  8. Sounds like nerves from being a virgin kept you from ejaculating, and now you're learning how long you actually last when stress is out of the equation. In any case, from what I remember from the girl's side of beginner sex, you lasting long has no bearing on her actual pleasure. In fact she's probably happy you're cumming faster, because long stretches of PIV without proper preparation is just painful.

    Now let go of your ego and learn how to give her pleasure through clitoral stimulation.

  9. I like and respect your friend I'm glad he had the courage to tell you this face to face. He's a good dude and you should keep him around… Goodluck OP

  10. Bond touch are good. Key in long distance is communication. However yall prefer to talk. Phone, discord, text. Throw in facetime when you can. But you have to keep the communication flowing, address issues, have a lot of patience with each other. It's going to be nude on both of you but if yall are both willing and put in effort you can make it work

  11. ⬆️ “he knows that I have no where to go”

    OP you are 100% dependent on a man who knows he can treat you like the dirt under his shoe. You gave him ALL of the power in your relationship.

    Your family victimized you so you think it’s normal. STOP being a willing victim, get a job or 2 or 3, whatever it takes for you to be self-supporting. Gather any shred of self- respect you have left and move out.

    Do not even THINK about dating again until you are completely self-reliant. Then find a relationship where the power is balanced.

  12. There’s a great wide world out there. Take some time to explore life without him. You’ve been in a long relationship during your young adulthood, and while it may have been what you wanted, you’ve made sacrifices to do so. It’s time to reset your perspective, explore avenues you had previously closed off, and learn to grow as an individual. Maybe you both will learn some things as individuals and decide you really do want to be together, but if you keep running back to each other without giving either of yourselves room to grow and learn, I suspect you’ll keep repeating old patterns.

  13. My mother also stumbled into our vacuum when I was a child (those huge heavy metal ones from the 1980s), she broke multiple bones in her foot. She did know until later she broke it because my father kept telling her she was being a baby.

    I've broken many bones in my life, and sometimes the stubbed toe or accident slammed hand hurts more. At least with a broken bone you get adrenaline pumping or go into shock where you don't feel it.

  14. He cannot change his nature. He is pathetic and a lier. Block him and move on. He can continue the shit show with his “friend”.

  15. You need to leave him immediately. If he cheats in a situation like this, he's obviously a total scumbag… if you continue to date him, you're just signing up for him to cheat on you indefinitely. He has no respect for you.

  16. Partners can keep in touch his exes, but if thats your boundary, leave him.

    A boundary is an agreement, if its crossed you leave. You cant force someone to stop talking to people, thats what abusers do.

    Leave him and get to therapy cause of jealousy.

  17. The problem is indeed how he responded after though.

    I'm a woman and while I'd love to have the lazy in bed date with my partner, I would absolutely not be cool with the silent treatment for turning down sex. That part is disrespectful as hell.

  18. It's not your job to protect him emotionally from the behaviours of other people. It's your job to make sure that you never lie to him. A lie of ommission is still a lie.


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