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30 thoughts on “Sophia-Liss live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Look, homeboy, my boyfriend can go out with a friend on lunch and I’m not going to complain about it, you know why? Cause I understand that men and women can be friends, and it would be incredibly toxic of me if I told him he couldn’t hang out with those people.

    You know what kind of people do the shit you do? Controlling ones.

  2. She sounds exhausting and you sound exhausted. You say you have depression and it sounds like your situation is feeding it. You need to put yourself first for a change.

    You leaving won't ruin her life but it will force her to readjust to a “new normal” (god I hate that phrase but it applies so fk it)

    You also say that this is your first relationship. My advice will be to step back and prioritise your mental health over your love life and that will mean cutting ties with her.

    I'd also advise that you avoid getting into a relationship for a while, and when you do decide to dip your toe back into the dating waters, don't move in with someone after only two months. Get to know them first, make it clear that you value your independence and that you need time to yourself to recharge your social battery.

  3. Some people are big texters, others hate it and prefer other types of communication. I do think that in today's day and age, it might be uncommon (but, again, not sure, depending on what Snapchat is), as people seem to think that being in contact all the time is normal and they actually want it. But then again, even with most people seemingly being that way, there will always be the outliers.

    And since you two have found other ways to communicate and also met in person, I don't think there's anything wrong with not texting. It definitely isn't the cause of this fizzling out, that's for sure – and even if it is: If she is retreating because you never texted her, then honestly, good riddance. Relationships of all kinds need honest communication and if she's not mature enough to say “Hey, you never texting me after I gave you my number is really off-putting for me and makes me feel like you're not interested. Do you dislike texting?”, then she's not relationship material anyway.

    That said, since she is only 19, it's pretty likely she is still immature on top of everything. At your age range, five years can be a huge difference – you had a lot more access to the “adult world” now than she did, after all, and she might genuinely not have learned mature communication yet.

    Whatever the case, the end result is pretty clear. Please don't let your friend talk you into bothering someone who is clearly trying to distance herself.

  4. Thanks for the wake up call, its been just been in my mind for a while and just your two comments really helped.

    Ill let her know all the details and have her decide from there Ill start doing the right thing right now

  5. same. i wouldn't do any of it.

    i am also quite a slob myself. i am capable of making an incredible mess. But i don't make other people clean up after me, because i'm not an asshole. it's a matter of having respect for other people.

  6. What more explanation does he think you need?! What more do you think you need? It's pretty clear as an onlooker that now that he has lost weight, he wants to and is playing around. You don't need that. Separate your stuff and move on. You don't need him causing you further pain.

  7. When I mention that it always happens, she says no it doesn’t and that I am basically an ass for trying to tell her how to feel.

    That… actually is gaslighting. Like by definition.

    X happens, the partner says x actually didn't happen and invalidates your emotions about it by saying things like you're overreacting, imagining it, or you're an asshole for thinking that.

  8. I only mentioned her meds because I was upping my own dosage. I never yell, I am always very calm and respectful. Even when she starts yelling at me and getting mean

  9. My main advice is to set clear, well-defined boundaries & consequences upfront. No 2nd chances, no 3 strikes. Simply “If you do X, then the consequence is Z” or “If I ask you to avoid doing A & you ignore my request, the consequence is B.” Best case scenario, you make a new platonic friend. Worst case, you'll need to get a restraining order and/or have to move.

    Hopefully, he is just lonely instead of creepy. Always be careful, but as long as he stays respectful, it won't hurt either of you to become casual acquaintances.

  10. Why do you care how many people she slept with before you? Tbh I don’t know what my count is and I am pretty sure I am forgetting some people when I told my husband about my past experiences due to drunken one night stands etc. It is not important whether you are the fifth or the tenth. Please don’t throw away an 8 year relationship due to this.

  11. Your man likely knows he'd feel insecure but you told him anyway. It's a silly thing to be insecure about but I think it's actually quite a positive trait that he recognises how these numbers make him feel and choses not to know. Realistically, I think you've been a bit dramatic about “your past”. I thought clicking on this that you might have had a past as a sex worker or sometime history of abuse, something of that ilk.

    Realistically, if the relationship is going to work, the burden is now placed on him now. His reasons for being uncomfortable about the numbers is something he can chose to address, wither that's a personal insecurity or conservative views on sex. If you haven't, you should ask him why he feels this way about bodycounts and if he's prepared to work through it. That's about all you can do.

  12. Your choices in a relationship always come down to stay or leave.

    You've said how you feel about this and she's making the decision that she feels is the right one, as is her right.

    You need to respect that and make your own decision about whether you are going to stick around on those terms.

  13. You may find you need to move out and go low contact if you ever want to have a decent relationship. The kind of partners who would tolerate this behaviour are not necessarily the type of person you are looking for

  14. If your needs aren’t being met in a relationship you put on your big kid panties and communicate like an adult. Then you move on to a better situation for yourself, after you’ve communicated your intention to do so. If you feel the need to deceive and betray people’s trust, boundaries and physical health because you have needs that aren’t being met that is a huge indicator that you are a giant coward who cannot handle the real responsibilities of a relationship, and therefore do not deserve the benefits of one. It is so simple to dump someone before you Fuck someone else.

  15. If her virginity is more important than having a relationship with her then go ahead and look for someone who doesn't have a past. However, since most people lose their virginity by 17, you're going to be disappointed. If you stay with your girlfriend you have to understand that since you can't change her past you have to change your antiquated perspective. Go find a therapist to work out your issues.

  16. Insecure, attention seeking, verbally and emotionally abusive – How nature says stay away! I think you already know that this will not end will for you at least. Probably should work on an exit strategy.

  17. I'm not understanding, Op, and I beg your pardon.

    Is he saying he wants to masturbate while 12 year old girls watch him?

    If, so

    *it’s not CP if they’re not doing anything sexual*

    That is patently incorrect. The 12 year old girls are not doing anything sexual, he is is. HE is masturbating, deliberately and intentionally in front of 12 year old girls without them knowing what the he!! is going on. (12 year olds cannot give consent.) He is, in fact, sexually abusing them.

    THAT is child porn. And he gets off on it. Literally.

  18. Fuuuuuuuck no. The second that threat left his lips your relationship should be over. There's no going back from this. What happens next time when he goes through with his threat but then apologises?? When happens if one of your kids does something to “deserve his threats?”

  19. Would you be moving in with him and his roommates? I'm assuming yes otherwise there wouldn't actually be a financial benefit to this?

  20. You misspelled “Ex boyfriend”. That's a total dealbreaker. Completely inexcusable. You are underreacting.

    It's a terrible betrayal of your trust, a shocking invasion of your privacy and and absolutely evidence that he doesn't respect you.

    It's also a crime in many jurisdictions.

    The red flags were when he lied about when he broke up with his ex & when he lied about using dating sites. This is what the red flags were warning you about – the dude is a sleazeball

    Delete the hidden files (check his cloud storage, too, if you can) and then delete him.

  21. Yes absolutely tell her husband, poor guy deserves to know.

    Send him everything.

    And then throw your loser husband out.

  22. I can see why you would be offended by what your BF did, but it also seems like there were a lot of details to remember. Not defending him at all, but often men are not quite as good at remembering details as us. The big thing- is that he seems genuinely sorry, and did apologize to you. See if his actions speak that way too to you, and give him a second chance to do something about else that you want to do with him. Maybe, this was a one time misunderstanding, but if it keeps happening then it might be time to move on.

  23. We were dating for 5 – 6 months. Now we've only been in the relationship for 2 – 3 months.

    That is what scares me even more. I've had a past relationship (7 years) and never had a scenario like this, especially not this early.


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