Sophiegomes live! sex cams for YOU!

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17 thoughts on “Sophiegomes live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. slavery was legal years ago, i don't care about the law i care about whats right, idek why you're bring the law in to question when this is entirely an interpersonal problem, im pointing out the hilarity of everyones logic where you're just allwing women to infinite cheat on their partners so long as they just get drunk before they do it, complete lunacy lmfao but the women are wonderful effect is really out in full force. Your entire post was also not a counterargument to what i said.

  2. I have a cousin that before he had kids would being a new girl over to every family event/ bbq. We all said hello and cracked jokes with the random new woman, knowing damn well she wouldn't be coming to the next one. Some people will just jump the shark .

  3. You are the issue here. We on-line in 2023 and somebody of your age should be a little more enlightened. Frankly, I think you ought to be looking for love and grateful for sex you got. It is kind of creepy.

  4. Yeah, that's just being abusive and she knows it. Make sure she follows through and watch her take the medication don't just trust that she will. Have her take it in front of you and make sure she isn't hiding the pills in her mouth and pretending to swallow.

  5. If you don't leave and cut him out completely and I mean full NC, this will absolutely be your life. They will not stop sleeping around on you or the child's mother, and he will bring you nothing but tears and heart ache. Keeping this relationship in any way will only show him that this is not a boundarie for you and that you will only be angry for a bit then get over it. Please choose yourself.

  6. So I think he sounds like an ass. I think he is trying to break you down, but you have to decide if this is a deal breaker for you or not.

    In the meantime, if you do stick around, I would suggest that every time he corrects you and you look it up and he is wrong, you should immediately show him the video and correct him and tell him you expect an apology.

    For example, you say twat and it rhymes with bat, he says you are wrong. You verify that it is pronounced that way in England. Take the video, show him that HE was WRONG to correct you, and then let him know that you are expecting an apology for his incorrect correction. Do it every single time. Call HIM out.

  7. I can tell you I went through something similar with an ex. Stayed by as he abused and treated me like crap, all while he was an addict. I tried to help him and see the best in him, until I had our son and all he did was comment about how I looked a few weeks PP and how ugly I was because of it. That’s when I had my wake up call.

    If someone can be selfish (yes selfish— you can consider addiction to be a disease but the addicts actions are all self serving while also self sabotaging and hurt everyone around them) and then come back at the people who stuck by them and judge them… I’d consider his troubles to not be over. He may be clean for now, but he isn’t “sober”. Sounds like he needs therapy or a relapse is inevitable. He’s showing selfishness and further narcissism instead of being healed.

    You don’t deserve this. He sees you staying at his worst as you will never leave no matter how poorly he treats you vs you being the only one who tried to look past all his flaws. You wouldn’t want your friends or daughter in this kind of relationship, so don’t put yourself in it.

  8. Most British thing I've read in a while. I'm so bloody old now at mid 30s that we go out in thr afternoon so in bed at a decent time on a night out. I just still want to have a fun weekend and not feel like shit the next day.

    I'm not into this and it appears you aren't either. We both used to do this every single Friday. After work, up town dinner and get wrecked and go dancing. Nope not for me, once a year if your lucky and I always regret that last bottle of prosecco, coffee patron (RIP) or one for the road.

    Its not even about being old, it's more about jsut deciding what you want from life

    And tes your girlfis an alcoholic as she has issues with alcohol ×heter dependent or not.

  9. I am surprised it took you that long to say that. It needed to be said, maybe not while yelling but sometimes that happens. And it was in response to her outburst. People on Reddit condemn people who yell at their SO. If it’s a one off thing every now and then it’s ok. She does it all the time. You don’t. I feel that you have done all you could. If she can’t accept that you had sex before her then your relationship is over.

  10. This is why you should always on-line with your partner before marriage. Then you’ll know what it’ll be like. He’s being a total jerk, but I see it as a good thing that you’re finding this out now instead of after you got married.

  11. I stopped having sex with him all together, not sure when I will feel alright enough to resume but it will definitely be protected when we do. I'm not going to try to get pregnant right now if there is a possibility that he's going to become a father in a few months.

  12. They probably were less turned on by him.

    Plus since he's constantly playing with himself (is he also watching porn?), sounds like a him problem he's trying to blame you for instead.

  13. Been in the situation, this is terrible advice, friends or relatives will try and guilt you into staying together, you need to show that you will not tolerate his manipulation.

  14. It's really easy to act nice. Plus for some people that guilty conscience that comes with considering faking and lying doesn't come to them they don't feel it, and it's often hard to tell what kind of person someone is. Remember that strangers are strangers and it takes a while to really know someone. Take care of yourself please.


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