Superiors Alpha online sex chats for YOU!

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#halloween should mean nothing than “Please suck my wallet Goddess” for you beta #findom #goddess #feet #domination

21 thoughts on “Superiors Alpha online sex chats for YOU!

  1. So here's what you do. You block her on everything, move out & move on. She's clearly going to cheat if she hasn't already. You arguing with her is a waste of time, she's already showed her colours, move on.

  2. Wow. Hope you aren’t getting dragged down too very hot. Is he seeing someone? Sounds like he would benefit from therapy

  3. He'll keep cheating and lying about it. Get a copy of the photos and get a smart divorce attorney. If you dont leave you will wonder at every work trip if he is cheating. The stress of that alone is no way to live.

  4. He is literally breadcrumbing you and keeping you as a second option while he looks for a “catholic partner”. Just stop wasting your time.

  5. Intent is everything, but I suspect you know that your justifications for what you did are either a sign of extremely poor judgement, OR, you pushed up against a boundary enough to be a problem, but didn’t cross it.

    If we assume the former, then you’re a few cards short of a full deck, and your boyfriend should reconsider staying in a relationship with anyone this immature.

    If we assume the latter, that you you were acting on attraction to this other person, but chose not to cross that line, and that you are backtracking to try to whitewash your behavior; then I would advise him to reconsider staying in a relationship who has so little disregard that these need very hot and finite boundaries of behavior, instead of simply honouring the spirit of any agreement.

    So, l did you cheat? No.

    Does that mean this relationship isn’t in trouble? Also no.

    Ceasing to stop sleep in other men’s beds is start, but to truly make this relationship work, you need to start prioritizing your partner’s emotional well being. Sowing distrust is toxic. Do better.

  6. What are those issues? Not telling us is misrepresenting yourself and the relationship.

    Stop lying by omission- why else is she done?

  7. How do you know for a fact she’s not cheating? I’m not saying she is, but unless you have beef with this guy, why would he message you out of the blue and lie to you about this?

    You should talk to him and get more details. If he is really sure it’s her, ask him to let you know the next time they’re there and go to the restaurant to see what’s up.

    I wouldn’t bring this up with her yet. He may be talking about someone who just looks like her. Best way to go about it is to go to the restaurant next time this person is there and see for yourself.

  8. 9 years ago? She was having sex with someone else when you two were not exclusive? My advice is to put it out of your mind.

  9. That was my point that unless she was actively trying to get pregnant, she wouldn’t have known. I found out like 2 weeks after but was TTC. And if he doesn’t remember then how does he know he actually had sex with her?

  10. The only person who should have complete control over your child's academic decisions is your child, so there's that.

    This is weirdly controlling and honestly I'm intrigued to know what the frick is up with this guy, because his behaviour afterwards is also super strange. INFO: why didn't he propose to you? Are you sure this is what he wants or is he just going along with it?

  11. She has obviously given it to you to spend as you wish. If you feel that blowing it on stuff isn’t for you then perhaps treat yourself to a new tennis racket so you have something to show her and then save the rest like someone else suggested to put away for a honeymoon or house deposit.

  12. To be honest this happens to me a lot but LOL at the day I have the guts to cheat and use this bullshit as an excuse to make some dude feel bad for me ffs

  13. Al these comments are getting hung up on the fact that Kate is the gf’s best friend, and conveniently forgetting that OP was friends with both Lucy and Kate before starting to date Lucy. It’s not like his only tie to Kate is through his gf. Nor did OP get close to the best friend after starting to date Lucy

  14. I like sports like most men do but there’s liking a sport and catching a game and being obsessed with them, almost like a proxy for having a real personality

    It’s the male version of girls who for shitty reality TV nonsense

  15. I’ve definitely thought about being petty and going down to the store where they work and just shopping around and making him squirm seeing me in there. I also know a few older ladies that work there that he’s introduced me to before so I could easily go ask them but I don’t want to bring drama

  16. Yeah I think this was my last straw, I’m currently just trying to work out how and when I’m gonna end it.

  17. Dude. This chick is very immature. Yes, you’re allowed to say no sometimes. And she doesn’t get to invalidate your feelings. And she doesn’t get to tell you she’s not feeling loved without having an adult conversation with specific examples. And your comment about her mood swings was very telling. I mean, you can keep trying to reason with her, but I don’t think she has the mental capacity to comprehend it


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