SweetJi on-line sex chats for YOU!

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20 thoughts on “SweetJi on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. u/Mother_Tip8794, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. But the problem here is that he is acting the same way when she does it accidentally, like in her sleep. This isn't something you can control. He's disgusted because he doesn't think women should have bodily functions.

  3. She doesn't get to forbid you. It's controlling and abusive.

    I would tell her simply that she can either trust you, or she can leave you, but you're not letting her insane insecurity dictate every aspect of your life. You will go out with your friends, and if she gives you so much as another word of argument about it, she's not your girlfriend anymore and she won't have to worry about where you are. Truthfully, I think this will end the relationship, and good riddance if it does.

  4. I don't know if it's necessarily to “solve” anything. I think it's partly to put a fire in my ass I didn't know I needed because I was so comfortable with where we were. And partly for us to see how life is without the other. Saying that last sentence sounds very stupid but maybe sometimes it is needed

  5. but this girl likes me a lot for who i am. should this be my deal breaker or should i communicate to her about how i feel here

  6. I don’t think you’re weird OP. Time has value. This guy spent the better part of an hour doing this is a little weird. It’s not like break up weird. Or get into a big fight weird. But it is not something I’d or my buddies/family would do.

  7. Oh the tangled webs we weave when first we practice to deceive…

    Just tell her you saw it and ask her about it. Apologize for looking at the message.

  8. You can ask her to limit herself though. You married her with the understanding that you would be in a monogamous relationship presumably permanently. If she wants to change that, you have the right to say you don't want to. She might back down, leave over it, or even worse, agree and then cheat on you anyway. Sorry man you are in a rough position but you have a right to your feelings here.

  9. Tattoos are such a personal thing. I think it's a mistake to make your decision based on other peoples' experiences and opinions. If you are both totally on board with the idea of complementary tattoos, and you are OK with the risk that you might break up and still have to look at that constant reminder of a lost love for the rest of your life, I'd say go with your gut. But if either of you is feeling even a little bit of doubt, you should take a pause and talk about it some more. If it feels right now, it will probably still feel right in six more months. This is NOT something that one partner should do to please the other one.

  10. I don't think sending nudes or calling someone daddy is “romantic” I would say that's in the realm of sexual. but you not liking that means you should be upfront and honest and if it makes you feel dirty then that may be a separate issue. being closer to God or faith doesn't mean you cannot enjoy or love sex, they aren't the same. you can be very faithful to God and still get freaky in the sheets with the person you love.

    you may be uncomfortable with sexually explicit things, and that's okay, but find out what you do like and find out what you are comfortable with and talk to your boyfriend.

    remember godliness isnt any more or less if you do more than missionary position. it's about how you feel to God, two separate things entirely.

  11. I have talked about getting engaged for a while.

    OK, so the two of you knew that engagement was going to happen.

    I expected the day to be something to really remember and share memories of to our family and friends.

    OK, and did you share with him that you wanted your engagement to be this big thing with a photographer secretly filming you and maybe a crowd of strangers paid $20 each to break into song when he got down on a knee?

    Yeah, didn't think so.


    If what you need to “feel special” is a spectacle, by all means, pretend it didn't happen and have him re-do it. And when that's not special enough, have him re-do it again. And then when he dumps you out of frustration that nothing is ever good enough for you, he'll have my sympathies for putting up with you for a decade.


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