Sweets-xbicth on-line sex cams for YOU!

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15 thoughts on “Sweets-xbicth on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. If you don’t need to online there for financial reasons, you can leave.

    This one is going to take so much work on his part to fix. It’s not you fault he acts like this. And it’s not yours to fix.

    Assuming you want to try to save the relationship, you can tell him, “you know, this thing where you literally ignore me when you’re upset isn’t normal, and I’d like us to figure it out so that it doesn’t happen again. what do you think?”

    Ideally, you’ll do this when he’s not actively ignoring you and when there is no pending drama. Be prepared for him to either become defensive or quiet. Doing this will give you one more piece of the red flag you already have about this relationship.

    I. Sorry you’re going through this. It’s not your fault.

  2. Maybe I'm getting it, lemme know if I'm wrong. So what bothers u more is the fact that it's a solo act and u guys are use to watching groups or partners, so it's really causing u to do a double take cuz u thought his and urs porn interest were strictly the same when he might actually enjoy solo acts instead of groups or partners all the time. Ur not dumb for how u feel and it may be hot to put it into words over the internet, understandable completely. I can see why it bothers u a lil cuz he has the only one person on the screen that is doing something that u have already asked him about n he just saves it n doesn't watch it around u, I would get weird vibes about it myself too. It's justified cuz it feels like it's sneaky behavior but as a reminder u guys both have agreed on the boundaries of pornography whether those boundaries are broken is really gonna be a problem. Was it agreement that it's a whatever goes, goes kind of thing? Or strictly we only watch this together and nothing else kind of thing?

  3. OK, mattering on your state, you are common law married (in KS it is if you are introduced as a husband or wife, even with out a certificate, and online together but this matters on state so please look into it.)

    Because of this you MAY need s divorce.

  4. Not worth trying to “fix.” It will not be “fixed” when one person (him) doesn't give a shit about the other. I can tell you this from 15+ years of experience. It never gets better.

  5. How did it go, OP? I know deep in my heart that I wouldn't be able to come back from that if my partner asked to try an open relationship.

  6. Maybe she has a high paying job? Maybe she loves him despite the fact he doesn't make a lot of money and just wants a nice ring? Maybe she is unrealistic and spoiled. My point is we do not have enough information here to conclude anything about her other than she likes more expensive rings than he is willing to pay for and has communicated her expectations.

  7. He kept the video. Do you really think he's over his ex, that you're his only one, when he's keeping a video of them making love from just a few months ago? Just remember: everything he's told you since getting back together, he said with a video of him and his ex in his pocket. The question you need to answer for yourself is if you're okay with being with someone who would do that to you.

    Considering he has a kid with his ex, you also have to ask if you're okay being with someone who is in regular contact with the woman he did that to you for.

  8. I’m gonna be real with you. I dated someone very similar to you and it killed every bit of attraction I had for him. I was serious about moving out of my parents’ place (I was 21, he was 24), he was fine living with his dad. He was severely financially irresponsible because he didn’t pay rent and didn’t pay bills. I ended up leaving him after 6 months and am now married to someone else who is super responsible with money. If you don’t put more effort into becoming an independent adult, she will eventually leave you. It’s harsh, but true.

  9. Blocking each other and going no-contact is usually the best way to go.

    You're well rid of him. Cope by realizing that and being glad you found out he's an asshole. Him being mad at your method of discovery is irrelevant.

  10. I don’t need to read them, I literally wrote them. I’m asking if you can point out where specifically I defended anyone. You can’t, because I didn’t.

  11. How close I am to this ex bothers my partner. We have a very genuine relationship where we confide and talk to each other. In retrospect, we probably should’ve never dated because we make such great friends.


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