TamaraMilano online sex chats for YOU!

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48 thoughts on “TamaraMilano online sex chats for YOU!

  1. I'm a very horny person. But I have some issues with sex so if I feel like used for sex and there's not enough foreplay or romance (and I don't need like flowers or whatever every day) but if the dude is like never around, always on the video games and then bam hops off at 10pm like let's fuck babe. Then no foreplay. No thanks. Idk it's all mental for women.

  2. I think your gf's male friend has a crush on your gf but with an odd twist. He gets off on other men fucking her. That's why he sent her the stockings, ostensibly to “help her with her insecurities”. It is not normal to send lingerie to close female friends for them to wear when having sex with other men. He has probably masturbated hot to the thought of your gf enjoying sex with you while wearing the stockings.

    What your gf gets from this is obviously the attention and the devotion. Her male friend has no doubt provided her with real value over the years but he has gone too far because what he's doing is interfering with the relationship between you and your gf. In particular, the offer for you to move in to online with him as a trio was very strange. I think he wants to witness your sexual relationship up close. It is not enough for him to donate your gf sexy lingerie to wear while having sex with another man. He wants to hear the action through the walls. That the move almost happened is bizarre.

    It seems to me this guy has your gf hooked. She is addicted to the attention and the validation he's supplying her.

  3. He doesn’t get to decide for you what’s best for you. That’s your decision to make. In a relationship if one person wants to break up, that’s all it takes. You don’t have to have a consensus.

    If you online with him then make a plan. Call a friend or family member and let them know you’re coming to stay with them. Tell them the situation and ask for support. The. While your boyfriend is out or asleep, pack a bag of stuff that you need for at least a week, maybe two.

    From here I would likely leave and go to where I’m staying because he’s being so insistent and telling you ‘no’ when you try to break up with him, I’d leave without talking to him face to face. Then when he calls and asks where you are you don’t tell him. You just tell him that you’re breaking up with him. That it’s your decision to make and that you don’t need to be saved. Tell him you’re going no contact with him for the next week or two and then you’ll be by with some friends/family to pick up some more of your stuff.

  4. Honestly, feel great.

    I don’t even feel an ounce of sadness, more like relief and I’m not totally sure why.

    Because he was a creep that was too old to be dating a teenager. A creep that started proposing a few weeks into the relationship and never stopped. His plan was a trap. It didn't work. He assumed he would pressure you into it and you'd give up your plans and do as he wanted.

    Did I do the right thing by saying no?

    1000000000% yes you did

  5. According to a large chunk of fans over at the /harrypotter subreddit the slow dance of Harry and Hermione when she was in a relationship with Rin was not at all inappropriate and was in fact one of their favorite scenes.

    What were your thoughts on that scene before you were affected personally by something similar?

  6. I actually broke things off last week. I am facing pressure to reconcile from the community to work through it. Also consider, that this is the worst side of our relationship everything else is really good. If we can get past this.

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  8. Personally, it sounds like you guys should just break it off, at least while she's gone. Whatever her reasoning for going to her ex that fast is not something you want to put yourself into while you're long distance. These things can be manageable, but it might not be here.

    Maybe when she's back you guys can look into it, but I wouldn't hold out hope for someone who took a day to fuck an ex and then almost immediately turn around and justify it by saying it's “technically not cheating”. Those slopes can get slippery fast, and you guys just started being long-distance.

    Take some time for you, she can take time for her, if you both go different directions it was probably for the best anyway.

  9. I have an exceptionally good memory,

    in this case was a relevant piece of information that i thought i would've known about it before(it wasn't something i forgot, i had never heard it before in my life)

    You keep contradicting yourself. You thought you would have known about it, and you have an exceptionally good memory, but you know you’ve never heard it before, but you know enough to know she wasn’t right, except she was right. So either your memory isn’t that good and you’re just condescending and that’s what your issue is, or you just refuse to be wrong which is obnoxious.

  10. I did tell her it was not ok.

    Bottom line is, I cant control what someone else does. Thats on them, not on me

  11. There are two ways of dealing with it:

    Sit him down, explain that his nickname and excuse for using it are upsetting and offensive and the kind of thing you’d expect from a 14 year old trying to hide his feelings for his crush. Let him know that you will not, under any circumstances, respond or react if he refers to you by it again.


    Every time he uses it, respond with “ok two pump” (as in two-pump-chump) or “whatever HB” (as in the most common pencil). Both nicknames aimed at most men’s insecurities which seems only fair, as calling you a butthead and saying it’s the only thing that fits is a deliberate insult at your intelligence or character.

  12. Nope. He still needs to tell his wife. Even if he wants to now be in the daughters life He needs to tell his wife that. Some how she is the bad person because the dad cheated and got his AP pregnant and they all made a deal to pay the AP a large sum of money to take care of the child with the agreement he wouldn’t be known as the father or be involved and now years later the daughter found out who her dad was and now the dad is sneaking and lying and using their money to fund her life – and you think that’s okay to do behind the wife’s back ??? Ummm no. he can have a relationship with her but he has to tell his wife and see if she wants to still be married to him. And if he funded the girls life by a big payout he did financially support her. And if college funds are something they agreed that any kids they have need to do themselves ( which they did for their child) she deserves to know he is spending their money on the other child. The wife is not always the bad guy. They made an agreement when the AP was pregnant. He didn’t walk away doing nothing. he paid the AP a large sum for support, like child support. he just wasn’t physically involved and from this story we don’t know if it was his idea but everyone here is blaming his wife. I think the wife is the most innocent – she didn’t fuck around with a married man with out protection but now she is being lied to and disrespected again.

  13. Well she felt fine when i messaged her and i told her i wanted to come visit her and she called me a couple hours later saying she’s going into surgery for a ruptured appendix. It’s just i see her quite a lot, 3-4 times a week and so i don’t see why she wouldn’t tell me but idk maybe I’m just being needy

  14. You need to be forward and direct. Tell him that you two don't align in your future and you need to find someone who can provide you with what you want and what you need. It doesn't have to be super drawn out. You both know you're not compatible. Just be honest and open about it.

  15. To be honest, as an adult woman I would not share my bed with my adult brother. There is a thing called incest and it is real and people do it all the time.

    I can understand your husband being angry about you allowing your adult brother to sleep in a bed with you. No one knows for sure what really happened in that bed. Anybody can think anything. And like I said, incest is a real thing so I'm pretty sure it popped into your husband's mind that something more was going on than just sleeping.

    My brother was too big to fit on my couch. I'd give him my bed and then I'd sleep on the couch. I would not sleep with my brother.

    You cannot understand what's going on. Why your husband's mad? Apparently your family understands why your husband's mad because they told you to apologize to him.

    I think there might be more to the story than what you're telling us because it seems fishy that your husband got mad about his wife. Sleeping in a bed with her adult brother and your parents are siding with your husband.

    So what really happened? What's really going on? Cuz it seems to me. If it was okay then your parents would be on your side.

  16. What abuse?

    “Not everyone can make saturday or sunday, we need to have a family dinner friday night so that everyone can make it”

    “That's abusive, I want to be on my phone during the day and work at friday night so everyone have to re-schedule around me, or I will cut contact”.

  17. So three separate people have given you the same general opinion on the guy and the only one with a differing opinion is him. The three people who told you about him have absolutely nothing to gain by lying to you, but this guy has everything to lose so of course he is going to lie. Trust your friends.

  18. It isn't though. A boundary is a red line that if you cross, he leaves (say cheating, for example). This is an edict or attempt to dictate your behaviour. This is unhealthy and not something you should just accept.

  19. It isn't though. A boundary is a red line that if you cross, he leaves (say cheating, for example). This is an edict or attempt to dictate your behaviour. This is unhealthy and not something you should just accept.

  20. He is most likely poly or doing consensual non-monogamy. But the fact he never properly disclosed this to Op, is basically a big NO NO in the community of non-monogamy since what he did was unethical.

    Op got played big time by this guy!

  21. yes a couple times i’ve been told by mutual friends that are closer to me than him about bad stuff he’s been talking about me behind my back, each time i’ve confronted him he’s promised he’ll never do it again, and he’s clearly not done that lol

  22. So no one is allowed to go out at night because stuff is open during the day? What kind of bullshit logic is that?

    I’m not trying to fool anyone, I’m not a teenager so I’m way past that. But as a teen I worked until 9 pm or later sometimes and went out with my friends after. So to make a blanket statement that there is nothing going on after ten is silly and just not true.

  23. Okay listen.

    The BMI was originally developed by a Belgian astronomer and statistician – who had NOTHING to do with body fitness, health professionalism or anything like that.

    It is based on height and weight only, excluding data like age, sex, body frame, fat distribution, body composition etc. I look good with 70 kg on me, someone else with a similar height might look skinny/fat.

    It was made with the body information of mostly white middle – upper class Europeans.

    The differences between the BMI classifications are NOT BASED ON ANY SCIENTIFIC DATA.

    The BMI assumes we know about somebody's behaviours and health status. BUT WE DO NOT.

    Please. Google and actual doctors are your friends.

  24. To the piece of shit that responded to me calling me names and accusing me of not reading the initial post, you can fuck straight off. I read the original post and shared my thoughts, which is what this forum is for. Reddit won’t let me see your reply so I cannot post a direct response. Just because you don’t agree with my opinion on the matter doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with me or I didn’t read the original post. Seriously, go fuck yourself.

  25. Different people have different libidos and there's just not a whole lot anyone can do about that. But in this case if he's taking psychotropic medications that can have a huge effect too. Maybe he should talk to his mental health providers about trying a different med that has fewer side effects.

  26. Him telling you he's not good enough for you – that was the set up because it gets you to sympathise with him, to over look his manipulations in order to soothe his wounded self esteem.

    Once he's got you in that position, the position of overlooking his faults regardless of how shitty he's treating you, then he can swoop in with phase 2.

    Phase 2 is designed to chip away at your self worth so that eventually you'll accept any rubbish behaviour he exhibits because no one else will have you.

    Essentially he will cheat and when he does (based on his plan) you'll just accept it because he'll have convinced you you don't deserve any better.

    Stop gaslighting yourself into believing that just because you love him that should be enough, because that's bullshit! You are settling for far less than you deserve, and not only does he know it, he's willing to exploit it.

  27. You may be up against some geopolitics that definitely aren't your fault. But to be fair, most people aren't thinking all that seriously about the longterm future when they're in their early 20's. The average age for marriage in Greece is 31 and in Turkey it's about 28. So you may be asking too much of your partner to have it all planned out this early in life.

  28. Oh sorry, basically the situation is that he had a company for the last ten years and shut it down, and with that got hit with some lawsuits. He works for a new company but didn’t get paid for about 6 months, drained his savings in that time, and now he’s making about half of what he used to. He gets commission on top of a salary but has to go out and get that and it’s a lot of work and when he’s in that mode he just kinda gets tunnel vision :/

  29. He's most likely always felt like this towards women and now feels courageous enough to show it. I went through something similar to him confidence wise but I didn't turn into an asshole to people.

  30. A. Do they know how much bricks cost?

    B. No company would just randomly deliver a pallet of bricks to a street corner.

    C. Why would they be paying for bricks during a riot in the first place?

  31. See, this is info that you might have wanted to include. So your down payment is ~25% the cost of the property. But you only intend to stay at this property for a year or two and then move again and rent this out. Are you going to view that rental income as only yours or will you be splitting that between the two of you?

    Personally I think you should split the equity 50/50 and include the repayment of the downpayment in your prenup. Because as long as you’re married you will probably treat a lot of things as “ ours” rather than mine or yours.

    However you could also agree that your intended marital home you split 50/50 and only have her responsible for a percentage of the mortgage equal to her share of the property. It’s obviously not fair for her to split the mortgage equally with you but also not own an equal share of the house. Because you are asking your fiancée to pay you back money that will only ever be yours ( inheritance).

    Or you could ask her to contribute the down payment towards the family home in the future after you leave this place. As others have said you should probably do couples/premarital counseling, and sit down with a financial advisor and go over your plans for the future and what you expect your financial future to look like. Your views are to colored by your family’s history surrounding this issue and your fiancées isn’t understanding your side very well, or possibly you aren’t hearing/understanding her financial concerns.

  32. If guilt is the only thing keeping you there that's really a dead relationship. Also you would be preventing her from finding someone who would actually be there for her for more than that and want to be with her. You're also preventing yourself from finding someone to be in love with you that you can be in love with. Loving someone and being in love are two different things. You love her sure you want the best for her but you're not in love from what I'm reading.


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