Tammy Tammy live sex cams for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “Tammy Tammy live sex cams for YOU!

  1. i really, honestly, wonders when did people come to think that it is a good idea to record their sexuality in a time when there is no E-privacy anymore.

    I mean, girls showing their tits in some obscure paper in the 70's are still harassed today. What is the chance it won't happen with digital photo and video on a apparel conceived to send data all over the world?

  2. I’ve seen this before. Typically it means they don’t want you there, due to someone there she wants to hang out with, without you being there.

  3. Am I the only one who finds it odd that this didn't become an issue until y'all moved in together? I kinda wonder if his issue isn't so much the fact that you don't work as it is the fact that you don't do much of anything and he didn't really realize it until he moved in. If he's having to go to work all day and then comes home to a messy apartment or has to come home and cook dinner, etc, then yeah – he's going to be resentful. If, however, you take care of all of those needs and he can come he and relax and do nothing then he needs to STFU because he's living the dream.

  4. Ok, then yes I agree. I would also talk to your partner about the situation and let them know you are uncomfortable with the whole situation but I would distance myself from the “friend” who wants y’all to be cool. More than likely that girl will end up hooking up with your friends SO in the future.

  5. Idk man, playing with someone’s feelings like this is unbelievably shitty. I’m a chick, I couldn’t imagine doing that to anyone. I’m sorry that happened

  6. You’re right, she’s not lazy. I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me that I think that.

    And I think you are right, I needed that wake up call. It’s not invasive thoughts from adhd (like throw the glass, yell a dumb phrase, etc) it’s thoughts stemming to the fact that I don’t feel worthy of love. How can I respect someone who loves such a piece of shit so unconditionally? Like if she broke up with me I would respect her and want to get back together. What an idiotic thought pattern.

    I need to be honest again with my fiancé and tell her where I’m at but that I want to get help. She needs to decide if she is willing to ‘waste’ another bunch of years to see if I can get better, or to just end this now. I can’t make that decision for her. Part of me knows that she will stick with me because she always has, and that makes me feel awful. How did such a kind, amazing person end up with such a shit person like me? I hate myself for all of this.

  7. Not even sure but if I asked her she might even consider herself single

    Conveniently left out this gem I guess

    She shared her location with him, unless he has some spy app that we don't know about. If he got home from work and she wasn't there/not responding to him it's not “stalker behavior” to check to see where they are. If you don't recognize where they are it's not being a “legit stalker” to call to make sure they're alright. She lied to him about where she was. Why? Who knows. But jumping straight to him being a stalker is nonsense.

  8. You drop contact for a while and get over her by not having her as a constant thing in your life until you get to a point where you can only see her as a friend, probably once you start dating someone else, she will then maybe try to get back with you if she's single and you will either entertain the idea, lose the girl your dating at the time and a couple weeks later she breaks up with you again, or you stay away and don't fall for it a third time.

  9. 4 months is very fresh. That’s a new relationship. 6 months is maybe when you start to talk more about serious things. But seriously you don’t get a say in her job. If you don’t like her job you shouldn’t have started dating her. Stop being insecure and let her do her thing. Find someone you’re compatible with.

  10. Agreed! I am engaged to a Latino man and his family is wonderful and great at making me feel welcome and like I a, part of their family.

  11. Has it also crossed your mind that you’re shit-talking your wife to your female friend? And that you know that if your wife saw those texts, your marriage would be over?

  12. And that is your fiancé. You are not even married yet. It will get worse than this, and as very hot as it is, run now, while you don’t have kids together. That is abuse and he is not treating you with respect. You should feel at peace at home, it should be your safe space and shelter and happy place, not a place where you are dreading going to. I am telling you this, experienced the same things myself. It does get better. You are not alone. Just have a little faith and courage, follow your heart and don’t let people walk over you like that. Good luck!

  13. I think it’s absurd for you to be offended. It’s been 5 months and he’s hasn’t been in a relationship for 7 years. That tells me he takes that love word extremely seriously. The fact that he still acted normal afterwards is a good sign you didn’t scare him off. Everyone reaches that point at different times and it’s really rude that you would be upset he didn’t say it.

    Idk man going off your other comments and post you need to speak to a therapist before you push this man away. It’s been 5 months. Relax


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