Tatis live webcams for YOU!

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24 thoughts on “Tatis live webcams for YOU!

  1. None of these things you’ve said are out of bounds things worth breaking up with someone for in my opinion. Don’t be so hard on yourself!

  2. You're 22 years old, your parents don't get to allow or forbid you anything. You are an adult and make your own decisions. You can't convince them, as they make their own decisions too.

  3. Just to be clear – you were housebound for EIGHT MONTHS? And presumably he knows this – and the impact that would have on you physically, never mind mentally? I get the not finding a partner physically attractive if they've changed/got fat etc. But it's not as if you just sat inside and decided to change your previously personality type and get lazy and fat. He's awful. If you want to stay with him, I'd recommend therapy for the both of you.

  4. I misread that you are trying and thought you said you are pregnant. First and foremost you need to stop trying.

    Do not bring a child into the relationship if you are not already solid because it will cause more problems. Children do not fix marriages they cause more problems because of increased stress.

    Stop trying, go to couples counseling and work on your marriage. Then try for a child again or don’t if you aren’t compatible. This amount of trust issues is not normal and will destroy a marriage.

  5. Honestly, she gave sound and levelheaded advice and it sounds like she cares about him and his future, you were right to have her leave but only because she deserves better. She needs to RUN, SKIP and HOP away from this relationship.

  6. Perhaps she is reacting to the fact that this info was purposely withheld long after marriage and kids so effectively she is locked into a situation with someone that isn’t the person who she thought he was. It’s definitely not a good choice of words calling him a monster but saying all people lie like this wouldn’t be a massive deal breaker in the relationship I’d bet she would never have married or procreated knowing what she would be getting into.

    If he discovered he was narcissistic after being married and kids would be a completely different scenario

  7. What happens when you're married and they come to you sobbing about them being so glad you have a husband who can help support the family? Don't look for permission to leave when you can do that unilaterally and you've demonstrated that you have the ability to survive on your own.

    The control you feel marriage will give you in this is an illusion: your parents will still manipulate you the same way. You need to start creating these boundaries and enforcing them. What's the worst thing they can do? You already want away from this life, and you have the means to make your own way.

    The only control they have over you is the power you grant them.

  8. I completely understand your situation, and hope I didn't come across as mean. But considering the stress you're under with studies and depression plus all this drama, therapy WOULD be very helpful, and often universities will have mental health benefits that they offer to students, so I'd definitely recommend looking into it!

    This dude IS gaslighting you, abusing you, manipulating you 100%, and you were right to end things.

  9. Wait until OP reads Timothy and realizes that a woman's opinion has no place in Christianity. Why would anyone convert to such a sexist, prudish, and genocidal relig89n?

  10. I mean, if you're confident you'll be able reach that cake, firmly, securely, and without question, then by all means, go for it. But if you have doubts about whether or not you'll be able to reach it, perhaps it's best to enjoy the crumbs.

    I've never been a risk taker, lol Perhaps if I were a bit more confident, but I'm just not.

  11. OP is going to leave him and he'll be one of those dudes that comes on Reddit to be like, my relationship was perfect, how could my wife leave me?

  12. she goes into full cold hearted demon mode while fighting with me

    This is the real her. You need to get out while you still can.

  13. Tbh last time I was so close to walking out but I never did it and it felt rude.

    The second option I think is good Im just afraid of making it seem like I want to change him. Thats what I want to avoid. There are also lots of people who are not bothered by his behaviour (e.g. his friends)

  14. Lol no but I have lots of male friends and I recognize the boundaries that come when they get married. Of course a friendship will change when one person gets married

    Do you have a partner? Do you date? How do they feel about your relationship with him?

  15. Your original rule was the correct one. Hopefully you’ve learned your lesson. Dump her and move on.

  16. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Hi. I went on a first date with a guy who definitely was looking for probably a hook up since he wanted me to meet him at his apartment for a first meeting. He kept telling me to FaceTime him so he knows I’m not a catfish, or egging me on saying if we go out am I going to be “fun”.

    We meet at a bar. We spend like 5 hours together and he invites me over to his apartment. He then suddenly changed moods and was being very quiet and weird. He clearly was battling whether or not to tell me, and he was like um well you’re a cute girl I had fun but I think we are on different pages. You changed. You changed the minute you came into my apartment (???!!) I was like what pages? We haven’t even talked about that?

    I was like did I say something? Is it looks? Sexually? He wouldn’t tell me. It was crazy making behavior. He almost said it with disgust. He said I suddenly gave him an icky vibe. I left his apartment crying. I don’t understand, he gave me no feedback even though I said please tell me so I know as feedback. He almost made me feel like it was about my looks. Like he said with hesitance that I was a pretty cute girl… mind you he was all over me with his hands earlier in the date and was sexual over text.

    He kept going back and forth with me. I said well is it really that bad to say? He said no. Then I said okay just communicate that and he then started saying I was blowing things out of proportion and that he didn’t actually know why I made him feel “icky”. I felt like I was going crazy because he was like going back and forth so I didn’t know what was real.

    I blocked him on text and removed him on Instagram. Then he follows me next morning on social media and messaged me apologizing for being weird and he wants to take me out again to make it up to me since he thought I was fun and cute. And when I didn’t respond he just reiterated it again.

    I am seriously so hurt over this. I felt disgusting, gross, rejected and embarrassed. It hurt a core wound in me feeling like something is deeply wrong with me, or I’m ugly, etc.

    Please help

    Edit: what makes this all worse is he lives like two blocks away and we go to the same gym. ?‍?


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