Thea-sweet online webcams for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “Thea-sweet online webcams for YOU!

  1. proud. of. you. You know what you want, you've communicated it, it was unfair of him to try and force your hand, again.

  2. THIS is spot on. I agree that if you love your partner and want to stay in this relationship this is your best course of action that shows empathy to his current situation but sets firm boundaries.

  3. I struggle with holding boundaries, and self advocacy. Bad childhood and all that jazz. I dont wanna make him feel like im calling him an abuser or something

  4. This feeling- getting annoyed at everything, confusion around identity, mental dullness, make me concerned that this isn't just about a relationship with yourself. Have you been seen and tested for depression, OP?

    Snappiness, being easily annoyed, and mental dullness are all symptoms of depression. Depression isn't just laying in bed all day, these are all big symptoms. When I'm off my anti-depressants, those are my biggest symptoms.

  5. I’m trying to be supportive; which is weird because I’m a pessimist. I know a lot of people with controlling parents that make navigating friendships and romantic lives hell. These are two consenting adults not children. If both these people are smart enough to survive medical (which is very hard) I’m sure with a little support they will find a way through this. They’re also seeking advice from strangers on reddit not trained therapists.

  6. I would want to know if my partner is infertile, in the case I change my mind about wanting to have kids

  7. No one here is advising you to try to save the relationship. We want you to save yourself from the relationship.

  8. Then at that point, ex needs to go through the court. She can’t control her ex or the gf and it’s not healthy for her to try to.

  9. Lol it’s not an answer… I asked for input not judgement. Don’t raise children if you think that two are the same.

  10. to update everyone: we did cancel it & she got extremely pissed & called me a liar & they’re all saying i’m depriving my son of a party 🙂

  11. Yeah lmao. He is kind of a free spirit if that makes sense. He values personal freedom over most everything else and has a strong sense of self.

    He is very deliberate about achieving what he wants to on his own terms, not driven by social programming or unhealthy desires. Always trying to make the best decisions for himself. I would say that nobody ever quite holds him in the palm of their hand.

    That's not to say he hasn't put in significant contributions to the relationship as a whole, or that he didn't love me. I was very much a priority for him. I could go into everything he's done for me but that's a long list and every point is life-saving or life-altering type of significant.

    I want to pour my heart out to him, and I'm going to, but now isn't a good time. I still need to wait. I think I'll give it another month or so. I'll probably try and make a romantic hint or move of some kind before we have that conversation to gauge how he feels after more time.

    Because he's either all in or he can't have me, I can't survive doing this in-between “friends” stuff. It's destroying me. If he cares about me, then he should commit for the long haul. If he can't forgive me, he should want me out of his life. I'm not saying this maliciously or to hurt him. I don't want to have to make this choice AT ALL. But I have to, he put me in this position, and I just can't online like this.

    If I'm being honest I'm going to do that permanent bad thing if we don't get back together. I think about it alot and I've been working on a plan for a while. Don't try to convince me. I can't be happy without him. Nobody knows that I'm fighting for my life here. How can I just let go? Jesus…

  12. Different people have different opinions of what works and what doesn’t. A potential solution might be to actually suggest a collaboration and team effort to support one another on your weight loss journey. I have repeatedly offered my wife my full support in any way she needs to achieve her goals. I happily changed the way I prepare food per her needs. I changed my diet to eat foods that she eats. I offer to exercise with her whenever she asks.

    Tell your gf you feel better with the emotional and mental support and are happy to try some of the things that work for her if she is willing to try some of the things that work for you.

  13. Thank you! My husband and I are child free but far before marriage agreed that we would take in any niblings if something tragic were to happen. There is choosing to not bring children into this world, and then there is choosing not to help children who are already in your life when they need someone the most. I am flabbergasted.

  14. If the issue is the kids deserving their medical history, would you be in favor of men having to register, so that if an ONS or anything like that resulted in a baby, the mother and baby would be able to identify the father?

    It would also identify cases where cheating fathers resulted in a baby, rather than just identifying cases where it's the mother who cheated.

  15. I'm sorry you went through this too, I'm so torn because although I'm pro-choice, I know that it's not an easy decision to make and things happen for a reason. You're right in that I think I was thrown by my Mom's reaction.

    It's wild as he just told his Mom, who I've never met in real life, only on FaceTime as she lives far, and her reaction was completely different. She said she respects our choice but if we choose to keep the baby she's there to help.


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