Theea and Loki , ♡︎ the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Theea and Loki , ♡︎, 20 y.o.


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Theea and Loki , ♡︎ online sex chat

77 thoughts on “Theea and Loki , ♡︎ the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. You're actually more pathetic than I thought, impressive. Olympic levels of mental gymnastics, but this I already knew; that's why you're conservative, after all. You ignore reality, just like you ignore the very first link to pewresearch lmfao

    Talk big on-line, but still unable to do your own google search. Conservative in a nutshell.

  2. Agree. My mom didn't push for much child support or to enforce other requirements, including that he cover our health insurance, because every tiny thing was so awful with him.

    We struggled financially, and medically since there just wasn't money for basics, let alone some medical nonemergencies, wellness visits, etc.

    We, not him, had to pay for it.

    Be fair in child support, but don't wave it away. What is easier now may not be easiest longterm.

  3. I'm going to be fine financially, don't worry about me. Starting a new job that's 4x my previous salary in a month.

  4. He sounds immature. Leave him. You’ll find someone who respects you. Sending luck and love on your healing journey

  5. Why are they even sending gifs and pictures in the first place? All of it does not sound like a normal babysitter parent relationship. The secrecy, her coming over for an hour ish, deleted texts, kids told to lie… dodgy

  6. I will say the “ options “ you think she has are all bad. Vasectomy’s are reversible unlike the damage a lot of birth controls end up doing to you body and that includes more progressive methods like iuds or surgical inserts. Being a person with a vag on birth control is a lot harder than it looks and there is the possibility that it makes your day to day life more difficult ultimately. The vasectomy is a reversible surgery that doesn’t even have worse side effects than most birth control if that puts things into perspective. I also wanna say SHE MEEDS TO BACK OFF because as I’m sure many would agree it’s your body and your choice. Y’all should look into different contraceptives and their side affects so you can understand more where she’s coming from as well.

  7. I've thought of it but I was worried that she might turn it into an argument again. I'll try talking about jt to her. Thanks 🙂

  8. That’s very true. We’ve had this talk many times. She says she felt like he was the best he could’ve gotten because all of her exes were abusive losers who didn’t treat her right and he treated her okay so she thought well at least he doesn’t hit me. Tbh I’m more in your camp where I’m like okay we’ll why didn’t you leave if you were so miserable. But idk, I’m not a woman and apparently they go through a lot and can feel trapped. I’ve definitely had those doubts early on though.

  9. I will never understand this line of thinking.

    You feel like breaking up? Do it, now.

    If you wait, what are you gonna do? Put on an act in order to pass a nice, fake christmas? Act like you feel, making the holiday bad nonetheless? How are both these option better than doing it now?

  10. I get that he doesn't like the smoking and that they are loud but he is treating them badly in their own house, eating their own food and spending their money. Is it not pissing you off???

    My thoughts exactly.

  11. He has every right to on-line the way he wants to on-line in his own place but since he’s not in his own place he’s gonna have to deal with some unsavory situations. If he can’t respect your parents and he doesn’t have to live! there. And if he can’t get along with your parents then what longevity does the relationship have? When you develop a bad habit that he doesn’t like how is that going to go over is he the one that’s controlling the relationship and the household?

  12. “Willing to gain weight…” are you actively limiting your calories in order to stay thin ? For most thin people that state of existence is merely a by-product of genetics. It's not like your work to be that way and time will always end up slowing your metabolism anyway. OFC you can be upset with him for asking – like asking him to get more muscles (he would be upset). No you are not too picky. However, given this is your fiance, I suggest two things – he comes with you to the doctor next time you go and you ask him into the examination room when you ask your doctor to comment on his suggestion. After that embarrassment be nice but ask him to please not bring this up again.

  13. The problem is that I cannot respect his view. What I did there wakes me up at night and I only want to talk in the worst way about the people doing this kind of training.

  14. You're right that he's the one to decide how to handle this, but it's also right for the two of you to discuss it. It might help to do some research to see how kids their age and in your area are labelling relationships these days, because these things do shift. The older one is likely to have questions if he starts with “friend”, and that's most likely the way to go.

  15. Hello /u/Remote_Consequence33,

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  16. Are you genuinely pretending it's normal to have an adult man sleep over to protect you while your SO is abroad. He can't both make her feel safe and be a 'little baby' lmao.

    Being in potential danger is a pathetic excuse to have an adult man stay over during nighttime. Get a better security system.

  17. Our careers have us living in different locations. We had a very good marriage for years but then had infertility issues which led to depression and her cheating. I tried everything to save the marriage to no success. Every time I bring up divorce she shuts down and refuses ti move forward with it.

  18. I second thé idea to return the favour. And don’t forget to tell the wife about George and his apartment.

  19. I’ve also been raped. But if someone tried (and god forbid succeeded) to forcefully impregnate me against my will thus disrespecting completely my desires, ambitions, plans for the future and what I want my life to be for decades to come with an unwanted baby, putting my life in danger by pregnancy, or forcing me to undergo a very traumatic experience of abortion… I’d rather be raped again instead.

  20. girl, you cannot enforce this old timey ass “provider” role when you’re broke. i thought y’all were 18 when i first read this but y’all have a whole ass child, this shit is ridiculous. you’re so stubborn, idk why you posted bc you aren’t even willing to listen to others, you just dig your heals even deeper. you have no sense of self besides being a “man” & it’s sad bc you’re not even a good one at that.

  21. I’d honestly break up and get a restraining order so the police are aware this is a unstable individual.

  22. So I printed out the papers to petition to just see if she would try to stop me and see if she cares about it

    No you did it to see if she would stop you and see if she cares about it. Or that's the reason you said when you were writing it, and that's probably not the real reason. You've told yourself enough different reasons by now that you don't even remember the real reason.

    Anyway, doesn't matter. Whatever has gone wrong, it's irrepairable. Just move on now and make the most of your lives without each other.

  23. This

    I LOVE rough sex. My husband loves anal play, though he prefers the ownership concept of it than me in pain.

    We do not do anal sex if it's causing me pain. Hands down, I say “Nope” and we move on. Super easy. I also have conversations with him about sexual preferences, fantasies, etc.

    If you're not mature enough to discuss sex acts, then don't have them. If he can't safely do the prep, then he can't safely do that sexual act. Anal sex can take a ton of prep work and practice, which is why anal play is heavily regarded as the first step of any form of anal play.

    You don't just accidentally anal with most people. Very hot stop. Hell no.

  24. Your dad made you feel like a burden because you are one. He was absolutely correct about almost every point he made. Grow up act like an adult work out public transport to and from work or use a taxi service. Better yet move out and stop being a burden. If you work an hour away your dad had to give up a minimum of two hours of his time and money to chauffeur you home that is burdensome!!!!!!

  25. Why the hell were they so mad at you you didn't try to kill him he tried to kill himself the way they tried to handle the situation was not very conducive to anybody trying to get back with her son.

  26. I guess I meant to say he’s worrying about lasting too long. Which is NEVER an issue. When we have sex it’s amazing. He even relays afterward that it’s a stress reliever for him and that he needed it…

  27. Tell him. You didn’t do anything wrong, they were a weirdo. If he reacts really negatively he probably doesn’t understand or just isn’t the one for you.

  28. Thank you, I think you're definitely right in that we need to talk about it some more, and maybe creating a mental list of his efforts and qualities that I appreciate will help… I'm housesitting alone with my dog next week, and hope the time alone might help me gain some space and clarity in what to say I actually want out of the relationship – and hope that we end up wanting the same

  29. Your girlfriend sounds like a very unpleasant person. Do you let her dictate the rest of your life like she’s doing now?

  30. I don't really know why you'd worry about it being like cheating. It's common to say “you've helped me in many ways throughout the entire time I was there, I hope you know I appreciate it tremendously. Hopefully we can keep in touch from now on.” Or something along those lines. It's not inappropriate at all.

  31. Time travel is real, I tell you. I bet even Victorians would have told the mom to get with the times.

  32. Somehow, given your arrogance and stupidity, I highly doubt that. It’s official, you are definitely just trolling.

  33. This. and in this situation, it feels just as cruel to the future baby to kick it out into the adoption system where it’ll feel abandoned and alone most likely. then what happens if the child grows up and tries to find their birth parents and discovers that they’re a child of rape? that’s so horrific

    at this stage, it is literally a cluster of cells. there’s nothing “pro-life” about keeping it at this point. religion is a hell of a drug.

  34. That was my first thought and I looked into that and there is not a chatting feature in the game that I was able to find.

    Her reaction was very disturbing. Very out of character.

  35. I know how carnavals can go so I think there is a change he liked you but was scolded by his friends through the night + once sober, he knew he’d screwed up and he didn’t want to be in touch with you anymore not to put his relationship at risk.

    Guy clearly had a weakness that night even though he didn’t go through with it and he doesn’t have the guts to tell you. Alternatively, maybe he just wanted you to be homies.

  36. Sorry, I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that?

    And yeah, I know it's not the best we could be, which is why I'm so eager to want to find some sort of common ground for us to be able to be able to communicate better.

  37. ??? I feel guilty for having gotten into the fight with them last year which is when everything changed. I always feel insecure about not making them happy and they'd tell me that I shouldn't feel that way. I guess my constant questioning is pushing them away so much that they don't bother anymore…

  38. Dear lord he sounds like a complete man child. Singleton here. The worst I have to deal with in my life is the occasional dead mouse my cat brings back. I don’t have to deal with an overgrown toddler stropping round the house, swearing, throwing things and stressing me out. This relationship really doesn’t sound worth it.

  39. You answered with pizza on a subject that was about sex and I pointed out that are not the same thing. Even though they both have the same dopamine production and release it is not the same!!!

  40. Him deciding our future kids names is only the tip of the iceberg. He controls what I wear, what I do and where I’m at. He is extremely jealous, yesterday we where was fighting because I apparently looked at a guy. He get mad so fast, on little thing can make him flip out

  41. Divorce him and take half. Now you don't have to worry about him assaulting you. Martial assault is real

  42. Dealing with a ticking time bomb is exhausting. Eventually, this shit will affect your mental health. Do yourself a favor and find someone who will be respectful.

  43. First, I just want to say how proud of you I am for getting out of that situation. It's scary and so very hot, not to mention heartbreaking to lose someone you cared about regardless of how healthy it was. I went through a difficult breakup last year and found a wonderful breakup support group here on Reddit. There's a lot of healing and support and love given there and I'd love to add you if you are interested and comfortable. It was honestly a game changer for me and allowed me to heal quickly and process a lot better than if I had tried to do it on my own. Regardless if you would like to be added or not, I'm always happy to chat if you need an ear ❤️

  44. If you're certain about what's happening, you dont have to think about it. Dump her and move on. You'll never get that trust back.

    It sucks – especially if you still work together. I would recommend trying to date people closer to your own age. At the very least they are more mature and likely to know what they want.

  45. As i said it is based on age alone or better said just my opinion but , at his age 5 years up and down is fine but at 19? I mean i can understand he is more mature and resonable then ppl around your age but i find it … Off ? Best way i can describe it .

  46. He doesn’t want to end it though, i’m the one who brought it up. If I hadn’t brought it up we would’ve never had this conversation and went on as before. He says he still wants to see me and that he doesn’t want to break things off but he can’t give me what I want at the moment

  47. Oh, it will be the last time… just a matter of how long you delay the inevitable. The relationship was already suffering tremendously. Now more trauma has been added. This isn’t healthy. It’s codependency. Not a healthy and mutually respectful brand of love. It has such a weak foundation and will only degrade the further y’all remain together. Let her go and focus on healing and starting fresh.

  48. See the good there is in him – he’s obviously charming or whatever.

    But also see the bad – he’s a conman and a user and he is putting your freedom and even possibly your life in danger just because he loves MONEY.

    Weigh the good and the bad against each other. See the full picture. Include the good of course, but look at the full picture and include the bad.

  49. Im really sorry that my post could be harmful and offensive.

    Whoa buddy, hold on there! Your post is neither harmful or offensive to us. It does not effect any of our lives. You should be MORE worried about the harmful effect this weirdo has on YOUR life. You do realize he sexually assaulted you right? Back when he touched your privates then forced you to look at his penis. He threatened to rape one of your friends, AND he tried to hone in on your gf, and tried to sabotage your relations with others. I don’t care how wonderful you think he is now, or as you put “better”, you would have to be a fool to keep him in your life. But again, that’s on you. It does not effect me. If you want a dangerous person in your life because you think he’s improved that’s your problem and very hot lesson in life to learn. But we are all reassuring you that you did the right thing. Don’t argue about it. Just either feel better and stay away from him, or be a fool and hang with him so others can assume you and he are alike. That’s your life you play with, not ours.

  50. He's already had a second chance. It will hurt so much more the longer you stay. Get yourself tested and leave. It WILL be okay

  51. My bf had the same worries before I brought him home. Honestly, I think it’s just he’s a good guy and wants the gf’s parents to see in him what she sees because he really cares about her and wants to be with her nervousness.

  52. No I agree. He is definitely not a piece of shit, and while the rest of our relationship tends to be amazing, I just don't know if this is something I can get past at this point.

    Our values just don't match, and while I wish this was something that I could change my values for, I just cannot after all that has happened. I think it would be different had it not been for some hurtful comments and missed dates, but after so much of that it does become a deal breaker.

    Thank you again.

  53. Nothing wrong with porn in moderation, normal and healthy and life is pretty damn dull without it


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