ValleryWow online webcams for YOU!

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48 thoughts on “ValleryWow online webcams for YOU!

  1. For sure. I have Bpd and really abandonment trauma and issues and I guess it just triggers it and causes resentment every time. This is maybe why I’ve found it easier to leave it be this time.

  2. Love – no. But the funny thing about love is how it's meaning evolves as you age. It's one of those things I knew in the familial and friendship senses. Then, I met my partner. I thought i was in love with him after a month. We were 19. I remember feeling so safe and peaceful yet electric with him. I look back and don't hate that I said it then, but now it means something different – much deeper than the connection I felt then.

    I would die for my husband if I had to. I would put his happiness above my own. I fight even when there aren't moments of electricity, spark, or happiness to see us through each challenge. I put aside all our silly differences and even when we have big disagreements, I do not look at him differently. I listen. I empathize. And even when I feel like I have nothing left to give to the day, I will always dig deep into the reserves if he needs it from me. Love is a commitment you make every day.

  3. Not talking about how he finds other people attractive isn't walking on egg shells. It's not a topic that is normally discussed on a regular basis.

  4. maybe try to figure out why your arguing so much and find a way to get past those issues first, then when their isnt an emotional block you address his work and lack of sleep effecting your sex life. You can talk to him before fixing your issues but it wont solve anything, fix the issues and this should improve

  5. Time to put on your big boy boots, king. If you don't kick her to the curb for breaking your trust, this will only get worse and it will seriously damage your mental health.

    It has already damaged you, but if you accept it, it's like leaving a bullet in to fester. You need to cut out the bullet by doing the thing that will be painful and removing her from your life, otherwise it teaches her she can cheat and lie to you(and she will).

    There is no way this girl isn't trying to trick you, and at this point she would need to change her entire personality to come back from lying and cheating and frankly even if she did this with your acceptance the likelihood would be that she would still figure there's always a way she could get away with doing it again.

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  7. i don't want to pressure him to have sex and i never have. i care about how he feels, and everytime he tells me that he feels guilty my heart breaks because i don't want to hurt him

  8. Please speak to qualified mental health professionals as to what to do Reddit’s demographics are on the young and fairly immature side. Many good points here have been significantly downvoted and others upvoted not because of wisdom but because of immaturity and youth. This is not an easy situation. Good luck.

  9. The only healthy option is a break up. Don't fool yourself that you won't drive yourself crazy. Don't fool yourself that she'll likely meet someone. A “break” is a breakup lol

  10. I can’t speak to whether it’s toxic or not but me and my SO have the same rule basically and it works fine for us. But he was honest about cheating in his previous marriage, leading to their divorce. So our rule kind of has a specific reason behind it.

  11. When unhealthy coping mechanisms are the only ones you've got it can be really hard letting go of them. I know this well, lot of trauma in my past, lot of addiction, lot of toxic relationships.

    Regardless of that, nothing good will come of this, and NOTHING good will come of booby trapping your friend's relationship with her ex(ish).

    Getting your life together is rough man, good luck, often times there'll be nobody but yourself to dig you out of your hole.

  12. Yes its valid to leave over this. My ex did something somewhat similar. Get a lawyer asap!!

    ETA: backup and save any written communication about it, emails texts etc.

  13. Sounds like a you issue but not in a dick way. I noticed you keep describing your boyfriend as “high value.” Do you feel like YOU are high value as well?

  14. You were already a matured individual when dating her who was barely out of teenage years. As she got older she outgrew you. She didn't left but she wasnt faithful ot thought she had to put in any work in the relationship. This relationship is a lost cause.

  15. A beta? Lol I thought women didn't like using those terms.

    Or is it only when it's convenient for women?

  16. I've come to the conclusion that people aren't truly intentional about who they date. They get attracted to someone, start dating, immediately decide it should be “ride or die” and then just give loyalty even when the person openly shows that they don't deserve it.

  17. My husband and I were in a very similar situation; we double barrelled ours rather than conjoined them like yours and his parents lost their shit, despite the fact his name was the last one (so is the one people shorten ours to when they want to). They also freely admitted it was a sexist thing because if he had been a daughter, they would have had no issues with him changing his name. It was solely because he was a man they believed that not only should his name persist, it should be the only one allowed.

    We didn't change it but we did spend 4 years soothing them and assuaging their temper tantrums and I have so many regrets about that. This wasn't a single bonkers request from them when they were lovely people the rest of the time, it was the first unreasonable request in an avalanche of them, and it went from trying to control our names to trying to name our children to trying to furnish our house. That last one was the final straw and we cut them off 6 years ago.

    It has been blissfully peaceful since. Honestly, we should have done it at that first warning sign. I really regret all the years we spent making ourselves smaller and smaller to appease them.

    Your in laws may not be like mine but from the black and white ultimatum they have given you, they sure sound like it.

    Don't change the name. Tell your fil that your child has two parents and his name will honor both of them. That if he can't stand that your and your husband's new family has a name that respects and is contributed by those that built it, that is his issue to work through, and you won't be changing anything, nor will you be discussing this again but your door is always open to him.

    If he cuts of contact, consider it the trash taking itself out.

  18. I think you should pursue rebound, but I am biased cause for me your gf wanting open relationship with you is a big turn off.

    I mention it cause there is no one correct answer here it's really up to your preference.

  19. You can very easily search public records for free. I did it for myself because I needed my marriage date to file my divorce. DM me if you want help.

  20. Man that's the type of reply I was looking for, not to confirm my feelings, just from someone who dealt with it and came out the other end. He does indeed struggle with anxiety and the occasional panic attacks. I never truly put it together that it translate into such erratic behaviour. He's trying to get off his meds too with his doctor but I feel that guy is downplaying quite some symptoms.

    Therapy spots are extremely hard to come by here, we actually already talked about it last time he had a panic attack. I will just slightly nudge a bit more to at least start looking together. There is some urgency since we have our first kid on the way and I want him to go into it with a bit more focused mindset. Thanks a lot for comment.

  21. She lived at home at the time so it would have been parents/sibling and immediate family she was only 18 or so at the time. She also ended up having another child, secretly, for the family that adopted her first. She had some major issues going on when I met her but she treated it like it was a perfectly normal thing to hide pregnancies/births. This was before she had her other three with her husband. People are complex and trauma makes you so weird shit.

  22. It’s worth noting that she has just been given dramatic evidence that her person solves problems with his hands. No matter what happens, you have a lot of growing up to do, and fast. Prisons are chock full of people just like you.

  23. Omg I am embarrassed for this man and for you OP. That is gross. Also, the fact that he legit told you that your top 3! Not even the best. So even worse that he’s telling you you’re one of the best but not the best. How are you ok with that? No wonder this man can’t date chicks his own age?

  24. Does she usually act like this? Mean, aloof, excessive drinking? If this is out of nowhere, that’s a little alarming. Is it possible something happened to her, or she’s going through something? Not that that makes it acceptable, but this is pretty extreme behavior.

    Regardless, this isn’t the behavior of someone who’s happy with the relationship. I would have a serious talk with her, laying out what happened, and asking for some answers. It’s never okay to treat anyone like that, much less a partner.

  25. Tbh we don’t know if she wasn’t drunk also though. I’d imagine (or fucking HOPE) she had also been drinking heavily though or else if she hadn’t been she assaulted him.

  26. She said some were very inappropriate, which I thought she meant pornographic, though she's not saying that explicitly.

  27. So we matched the same day that I already had a date set with someone else and he was asking me what I was up to that night, which I replied telling him about being stood up. These were the texts – Him: No way! I wish I was at X! I’d come for a drink with you for sure! I just finished at a bbq and I’m bored Me: Maybe we could go for a drink next weekend if you’re keen? ☺️How was the bbq? Was that with friends?

    No reply since haha.

  28. It's an extremely reasonable jump.

    Girl obviously didn't forget the conversation from just ac ouple days ago. She's trying to not upset OP, that much is obvious. Just like her husband being inappropriate is the only obvious implication here

  29. If he was not into you personally, the Viagra would not do him much good. The desire still must be there

  30. My god, this would horrify me.

    It's not even the food waste (though it is that) it's the pure decadence of it in search of… fame? Likes? Followers?

    I get liking to cook, but a huge part of what makes cooking feel good (to most non-sociopaths) is the act of enjoying eating it, sharing it, or at least seeing someone else enjoy it. Even the most megalomaniac chefs in high-end restaurants want their art to be enjoyed.

    There's even been a movement in high-end food photography to promote less waste so it can be eaten after a photo shoot rather than get tossed.

    If his Instagram thing was making over-the-top food and having people over to enjoy it, I'd be okay with the charcuterie or the lobster or the Thanksgiving spread, but this is like a psychopathic level of removal from reality.

  31. LMAO we both know thats not true. Prenups protect the person with the money. that's literally the point

  32. You have young children with an abusive ex and married the next guy within a year. Shockingly, he’s also a pick-up-and-shake-child-while-screaming type. Girl this is the pattern repeating itself.

  33. You didn't lie- you're not in love with your fiancé. If you were, you wouldn't have given, “Dave,” the time of day. Confess to your fiancé and break off the wedding.

  34. It sounds like you need to have “the talk” with Mr. Exclusive. DTR: Define the relationship. To me, exclusive means you're dating/in a monogamous relationship. He can't keep you on hold if you're not truly committed. Have a conversation. Get your answer from him.

    I wouldn't bring up this other guy. The conversation should be about you and Mr. Exclusive. If you mention someone else being interested, Mr. E might give you an answer that is less than genuine based on jealousy. Get the details in where you stand with Mr. E and take it from there.

  35. Man, this generation is so mentally weak if they think comments like this is rude. Im sure such people would be overrun and destroyed if they were in the military and faced the smallest of invading forces.

    You would try to lecture the enemy that they were invading your safe space.

  36. She’s smart, masters in education, just doesn’t want all that responsibility so she settles. She could do it if she wanted to but she’s making the choice to stay b

  37. When my mom died my dad started dating pretty quickly after as well. He also gave me the men can’t be alone and men should be married line. He’s around the same age as your dad and although he’s not super religious (believes in and talks about God) I would classify him more as conservative and old school. Truthfully he just needs someone to talk to. My sister and I rant to each other about the wild things he says to us. Our Mom was 100% his filter. He’s a fish out of water probably feeling lonely and insecure at his age. And if he’ll ever find someone to be with again. No one can replace Mom but I don’t want my dad to be alone. Things will get better with time. And now that your mom isn’t around to put him in his place it’s your job. He’s still going to need someone who is close to him who loves him to tell him when he’s being inappropriate or ridiculous. Just do it with honesty and care.

  38. As someone with PTSD, my advice for you would be to draw firm boundaries on what you will and won't do.

    I would be kind, but firm. “I can't keep missing work because of your mental health and you need to go and get professional help, I'm not a professional and cannot help you on the level you need help and I can't be around 24/7 to make sure that you shower, sleep and get to work.”

    Stick to your boundaries if this is a relationship you want to continue. If she tries to make you feel guilty for sticking to those boundaries, there are far deeper problems here. But, if you don't want to continue, that is entirely understandable. I would highly recommend you seek professional help right now too to get the support you need.

  39. Texas is not cheap if you live in a big city. The cost of living is actually quite high. Maybe not compared to New York or Los Angeles but people are moving to Texas in droves.


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