VanesaSexxy live! webcams for YOU!

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18 thoughts on “VanesaSexxy live! webcams for YOU!

  1. u/wiwnsushajwob, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. It sounds like she might be remorseful, but unfortunately she will not respect you if you take her back, consciously or subconsciously.

    You gotta end it after cheating.

  3. He wants to make sure you either don’t go or have a shitty time since you’ve argued. Is this really the only time he tries to control you?

  4. She’s friends with one of them for 15 years and the other one she works with. But you’re excusing the toxic behavior of her boyfriend? Breaking into her FB account, forbidding her to be friends with men… “where is your brain?”

  5. My partner absolutely HATES photos, and i like taking them. In 14 years i can count on one hand the number of times we've had photos together becausei respect his feelings and don't push it. You need to talk properly about it together and decide if its something you really want to argue over.

  6. That definitely could be the case! I personally wouldn’t accept an invitation on a date from someone I met by providing care to them or their family member, no matter the context of the setting in which I was working, but I don’t think it would be inherently wrong for any nurse to accept. It’s a personal decision.

  7. It’s a ford fusion 2018 it’s brand new- 12,000 mikes on it. My grandparent kept it garage kept. Maybe a 20,000 car that my grandma sold to us for 12,000

  8. A person with nothing to hide and has plans for your future together will most definitely be not afraid to meet your daughter.

    Clearly that woman is not that person. Like others have said, perhaps you can pursue the relationship once she gets divorced. Now it seems you're better as acquaintances.

  9. My jaw was on the floor when he said he's not like other men because he helps with chores.

    YOU BOTH fucking work so YOU BOTH help with chores.

    Secondly, this is abuse. Look up financial abuse.

    I am so tired of abusive men saying things like “well most men….” to get you to believe the world is against the way you feel. REAL MEN can form options of their own.

    But there's nothing us reddit strangers can do since you're “so in love” with him.

  10. My husband waited to tell me stuff until after we got married and had a baby. Also dated for six years before marriage. I would give anything to make my choice without looking at missing 50% of my time with my baby. Let her make an informed choice. The only thing you can do to make this situation worse would be to wait until she’s trapped. Stuff always comes out. Better to do it now than later when she has to choose between herself and her kids.

  11. This sounds extremely complicated and stressful. In every relationship there is bound to be one person who makes less than the other and that person shouldn't have to be struggling for the sake of “50/50.” Couple's, especially those that are serious enough to be considering marriage, should be in it together imo.

    Me and my fiancé have a shared bank account where we both put 75% of our income, nomader how much it is, and that pretty much covers every bill, couple activity, food, household item ect.

    When we use the joint account we either make the purchase together or with the other's concent and have never once ever not even once argued over money.

    We still have 1/4th of our paycheck to use however we want and honestly i either buy myself a little something, or put it twords savings (or sometimes buy my fiancé a gift) because i literally dont have to worry about bills.

    This won't work for every couple or every situation and different percentages might work better for other couples, but this method works flawlessly for us.


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